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41. International Society For Gravitational Physiology Contains brief description of events, prizes and links to a journal of a gravitational physiology research association. http://www.isgp.org/ | |
42. Muscle Physiology - Introduction To Muscle The Introduction to Muscle physiology and Design Index This is an indexto a few aspects of Muscular physiology. Currently, we have http://muscle.ucsd.edu/musintro/jump.shtml | |
43. Available Issues Publishes articles for insect biochemists and physiologists in the areas of endocrinology, development, neurobiology, behavior, pharmacology, nutrition, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, molecular biology and toxicology. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=35786 |
44. Plant And Cell Physiology An international journal devoted to the publication of original papers in the biological sciences Category Science Biology Plant physiology Publications Journals...... Plant and Cell physiology is published for The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologistsby Oxford University Press assisted by Stanford University Libraries http://pcp.oupjournals.org/ | |
45. Annual Review Of Plant Biology Annual Review of Plant physiology is an annually released journal. This site allows users to search Category Science Biology Plant physiology Publications Journals......Formerly The Annual Review of Plant physiology Plant Molecular Biology.AR Online Site Licenses Available Now! View Planned Future http://plant.annualreviews.org/ | |
46. Karger Publishers Is a multidisciplinary scientific forum dedicated to advancing the frontiers of basic cellular research. http://www.karger.ch/journals/cpb/cpb_jh.htm | |
47. Springer LINK: Journal Of Comparative Physiology B Tables of contents, abstracts, and journal information, as well as the option to receive updates via Category Science Biology physiology Publications Journals......The Springer Journal Journal of Comparative physiology B Biochemical, Systemic,and Environmental physiology publishes papers in all areas of physiology. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00360/ | |
48. Journal Of Cellular Physiology Articles in all areas of eukaryotic cell biology and physiology regulation of growth and differentiation by growth factors and cytokines, signal transduction by growth factors, cytokines and their cognate receptors.l http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0021-9541/ | |
49. Springer LINK: Journal Of Comparative Physiology A - Contents Springer LINK, Forum Springer Journal of Comparative physiology A.Forum What's New Search Orders Helpdesk Up. Online First 2003 189 http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00359/tocs.htm | |
50. Dept. Of Medical Physiology- Texas A&M Overview and facilities, graduate and undergraduate program links, faculty, and contact information. http://mphywww.tamu.edu/ | |
51. Journal Of Exercise Physiology Archives American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP), is a professional peer reviewedInternetbased journal devoted to original research in exercise physiology. http://www.css.edu/users/tboone2/asep/fldr/fldr.htm | |
52. XC Skiing Training And Physiology Resource for specific training, performance, and physiology articles on cross country skiing. http://home.hia.no/~stephens/skiing.htm | |
53. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Functional Plant Biology Plant Biology is an international journal of plant function publishing high qualityresearch papers in all areas of plant physiology, applied agricultural http://www.publish.csiro.au/journals/ajpp/ | |
54. The Journal Of Neurophysiology Online Tables of contents and abstracts available to non-subscribers; subscribers can view articles in PDF Category Science Biology physiology Publications Journals...... For faster access to JN Online from these countries use this URL http//intljn.physiology.orgAustralia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland http://jn.physiology.org/ | |
55. Physiology Health Web Links to information on the physiology of health related issues are provided. HealthWeb is designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional medical services. http://www.galter.nwu.edu/hw/physiology/ |
56. BioMed Central | BMC Physiology Quick Search. BMC physiology. BioMed Central. PubMed Central. PubMed. Jumpto article. vol. article no. BMC physiology. Welcome to BMC physiology. http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcphysiol/ | |
57. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology In Golm The mission of the MPIMP institute is to study biological phenomena in plants at a molecular level using systems (whole plant) biology to create a holistic picture of metabolism in the context of growth and development. http://www.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/ |
58. How The Ear Works This site covers the process by which sound is converted to activity in the audiotory nerve and is aimed at a broad audience. The focus is more on hair cell physiology than on cochlear mechanics. http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/oto/research/cochlea/Volta/index.html | |
59. Respiratory Physiology Menu Tutorials Labs Quizzes Encyclopedia Dictionary About this program. http://oac.med.jhmi.edu/res_phys/ | |
60. Der NEURO-GUIDE Neuroscience Medline, instruction for authors, links to companies, histoforum and relevant information concerning physiology and neuroanatomy. http://home.t-online.de/home/Bohlen.Hintz | |
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