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101. Doklady Biochemistry And Biophysics http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/danbp.htm |
102. Biophysics At Stony Brook The State University of New York interdepartmental program including structural biology and molecular Category Science Biology biophysics Research Centers......DNA model. biophysics at. Updated June 22, 2000 Email MBONNETTE@epo.som.sunysb.edu.Web Form. Further information about the biophysics Program. http://physiology.pnb.sunysb.edu/biophysics/pbpage.htm |
103. Molecular Cellular Biophysics Training Program Department of Molecular and Cellular biophysics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.Category Science Biology biophysics Research Centers...... http://hekto.med.unc.edu:8080/ |
104. Biophysics http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/biophys.htm |
105. DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY BIOPHYSICS OSU Headlines (All the news that fits). We would like to welcome Drs. Chrissa Kioussiand Michael Gross as the two new Assistant Professors inthe Department. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/biochem/ |
106. Yeshiva University Physiology And Biophysics A Ph.D. degree program is described. Links to faculty research interests and program information are included. http://www.aecom.yu.edu/home/biophysics/ |
107. Quantum Biophysics For Health Sells holistic products for colon cleansing, immune strength and defense, weight loss, and pregnancy. http://www.qbforhealth.com/ |
108. Molecular Biophysics Karolinska Institutet group is involved in the study of biological molecules using highresolution NMR spectroscopy. http://broccoli.mfn.ki.se/index.html |
109. Scientific Computing And Imaging Institute The SCI Institute conducts research into methods for scientific computing and develops integrated problem solving environments to allow scientists to solve computational problems in fields such as numerical mathematics, biophysics, electrocardiography, bioelectric fields in the brain, and medical imaging. http://www.sci.utah.edu/ |
110. Biophysics On The Internet J. Asylum Research HOME, HELP, FEEDBACK, SUBSCRIPTIONS, ARCHIVE, SEARCH, biophysicson the Internet. EPR Centers and Related Sites. European biophysics Journal. FASEB. http://www.biophysj.org/misc/bioweb.shtml |
111. University Of Pennsylvania Physiology Department All Physiology graduate students are administered through the office of Biomedical Graduate Studies, and most students belong to one of the following three graduate groups Biochemistry and Molecular biophysics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Neuroscience. http://www.med.upenn.edu/physiol/ |
112. Biophysics And Cancer Therapy At GSI Department at the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung. Research includes cellular, chromosomal and DNA damage induction by heavy ions. http://www-aix.gsi.de/~bio/home.html |
113. Molecular Biophysics Karolinska Institutet group is involved in the study of biological molecules using highresolution Category Science Biology biophysics Research Centers......Molecular biophysics is one of the divisions constituting the department of MedicalBiochemistry and biophysics at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm http://broccoli.mfn.ki.se/ |
114. University Of Southern California School Of Medicine Department of Physiology and biophysics offers a program leading to a Ph.D. degree. http://www.usc.edu/schools/medicine/fr_index.html?/schools/medicine/academic_dep |
115. Www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/2/6/8/ Similar pages biophysics Electrostatic DNA Biology Physics Electrophysiology Advertisement. biophysics Guide picks. Biology at About.com Obviously,biophysics is closely related to biology, the study of life. http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/2/6/8/ |
116. Gennady Miloshevsky Postdoctoral Researcher at Brandeis University. Research interests are computational fluid dynamics, particlesolid and plasma interaction physics, plasma physics, biophysics of membrane proteins. http://www.freewebz.com/miloshevsky/index.htm |
117. Institute Of Biophysics/University Of Hannover Part of the University of Hannover in Germany. Their research is focused on structural biology, environme Category Science Biology biophysics Research Centers......Institute of biophysics University of Hannover. biophysics, Physiology andMolecular Biology of Membrane Proteins. Environmental biophysics. http://www.biophysik.uni-hannover.de/ |
118. Welcome To The UCSF Biophysics Home Page For more information about the Graduate Group in biophysics, please sendemail to admissions@biophysics.ucsf.edu. Last revisionSeptember 2002. http://biophysics.ucsf.edu/ |
119. Columbia University Physiology Department The objective of The Graduate Program in Physiology and Cellular biophysics is to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which graduate students acquire fundamental training in cellular and molecular biology and biophysics. http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/physio/physio2/ |
120. Ovanesov, Mikhail V. Ph.D. in biochemistry (biophysics). Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, references. http://ovanesov.newmail.ru/ |
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