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81. Our Agreements Main Body The yukon Heritage Resources Board will determine whether a Heritage Resourceis directly related to the history and culture of yukon Indian People. http://www.cyfn.ca/ourAgreements/ufa/greenBook/html/13.html | |
82. JuneauEmpire.com : Celebration 2002 : Celebration: A Chance To Learn Culture Celebration A chance to learn culture yukon youths among the visitorswho have come to absorb and display Native traditions photo local. http://www.juneauempire.com/celebration/2002/060702/dancers.shtml | |
83. CNC - Images De La Culture : Fiche Film Translate this page Participation CNC, ministère de la culture (DAI), Procirep. A Ruby, sur la rivesud du lac yukon en Alaska, l'Etat le plus grand et le moins peuplé des USA http://www.cnc.fr/intranet_images/data/Cnc/Recherche/fiche2.asp?idf=2291 |
84. Yukon News Nineteenyear-old Sylvie Martin arrived in the yukon from Trois Rivieres, Quebec,six weeks ago. I think that Quebec is a unique culture, said Martin. http://www.yukonweb.com/community/yukon-news/1995/nov1.htmld/ | |
85. Yukon Wild Canadian Wilderness Travel Ltd. as customized tours for small groups and individuals throughout yukon, BC, NWT Newin 2003 North American Aboriginal culture Tours featuring native rituals of http://www.yukonwild.com/operators/opDetails.php?r=12 |
86. Civilisations.ca - Histoire Des Autochtones Du Canada - La Culture De L'Intérie Translate this page variété des formes des pointes de projectile qui peuvent survenir dans les sitesde cette culture. La plupart des spécimens proviennent de sites du yukon. http://www.civilization.ca/archeo/hnpc/npvol20f.html | |
87. Great Northern Arts Festival:celebrate Arctic Art & Culture yukon. yukon TERRITORY. Carmacks, yukon, Twyla Wheeler, caribou tufting, Whitehorse,yukon, Shiela Alexandrovich, fibre arts, beadwork, basketry, http://www.greatart.nt.ca/2001/ArtistsbyRegion2001.html | |
88. Learning Resources: For Social Studies Courses: Yukon Territory: Course Descript yukon Territory. Major topics include Applications of Social Studies, Societyand culture, Politics and Law, Economics and Technology and Environment. http://www.statcan.ca/english/kits/yukon/ykt2.htm | |
89. Yukon Agreements Backgrounders Package - Umbrella Final Agreement - Indian And N Heritage. Provisions promoting and preserving the culture and heritageof yukon Indians. Provisions include ownership of yukon Indian http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/agr/ykn/umb_e.html | |
90. Tourism & Culture - Yukon Archives Repository of sources related to history, cultures and development in yukon, Canada. http://www.btc.gov.yk.ca./archives/ | |
91. Tour Yukon, Canada's True North Check out suggested road trips, the history of gold discovery in the area, weather updates and activities for kids. Send a postcard. Scenic Drives. RVing and Camping. yukon Towns http://www.touryukon.com/ | |
92. Portail Des Autochtones Au Canada : Yukon - Langues, Patrimoine Et Culture le yukon Histoire moderne. Haut de page Autres sources d'information. http://www.aboriginalcanada.gc.ca/abdt/interface/interface2.nsf/frndoc/13.14.11. | |
93. High Country Inn - Yukon Festivals And Events Seite, Click arrow to view. yukon Wilderness Whitehorse History andCulture Leisure yukon Festivals and Events yukon Attractions, The http://www.highcountryinn.ca/activities/festivalsandevents.html | |
94. Yukon E-update - Renewal ca. Government of yukon Wordmark. Renewal Will Change The CultureOf Government. printerfriendly version printer-friendly version. http://www.e-update.gov.yk.ca/eupdate1/renewal.html | |
95. SECRÉTARIAT NATIONAL A LALPHABÉTISATION - Financement Pour La Journée Inter yukon College entend établir un programme dalphabétisation http://www.nald.ca/nlsf/nlsfundf/2001-02f/ytf.htm | |
96. Experiences - Hiking Hiking yukon. Heart of the yukon, The Wind River Valley is a wilderness hometo dependent animals such as wolves, grizzlies and wolverines. yukon Trek, http://www.travelcanada.ca/travelcanada/app/en/ca/experiences.do?catId=27&locati |
97. Listings Of The World Regional North America Canada Yukon Related. Regional/North_America/Canada/Society_and_Culture (1,708) Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/Canadian/yukon(3) Society/Issues/Environment http://listingsworld.com/Regional/North_America/Canada/Yukon/Society_and_Culture |
98. CanLearn Interactive - Living To learn more about culture, languages, education, communications and economy inYukon, take a look at the territorial profile on the Canadian Heritage web site http://www.canlearn.ca/vie/canada_bref/clyu.cfm | |
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