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21. Alabama Attorney General: Divisions Of The Attorney General's Office The Public Corruption and white collar crime Division was created by GeneralPryor to prosecute public corruption, election fraud, bidrigging, complex http://www.ago.state.al.us/about_divisions.cfm?Division=11 |
22. White Collar Crime 12th Annual white collar crime Corporate Corruption Issues and Answers. Chair; Chair,Corporate Counsel Section, State Bar of Georgia; general Counsel, Emory http://www.iclega.org/programs/5276.html | |
23. #365: 08-18-99 ATTORNEY GENERAL JANET RENO ANNOUNCES NEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAI Advisory Committee, created in 1973, advises the Attorney general on law served asCochair of the Advisory Committee's white collar crime Subcommittee, has http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/1999/August/365eousa.htm | |
24. NY Man Imprisoned, Fined For White Collar Crime Assistant Attorney general Loretta C. Argrett, in charge of the Tax Division Whitecollar crime is a priority matter in the Department of Justice, said Argrett http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/Pre_96/September94/547.txt.html |
25. WashPost - White Collar Crime whitecollar crime Now Gets Real Time New Federal not available to non-white-collardefendants, one Department lawyers, Deputy Attorney general Larry Thompson http://www.criminaljustice.org/public.nsf/ENews/2003e04?opendocument |
26. White-Collar Crime Kathryn Keneally specializes in whitecollar crime, tax controversy, and commerciallitigation. As a general rule, there is no privilege for communications http://www.criminaljustice.org/CHAMPION/ARTICLES/98jun07.htm | |
27. NCJRS: More Issues Subcategories criminal justice system criminal justice- general - employment and and domesticpreparedness - violent crime - white collar crime - workplace crime http://virlib.ncjrs.org/more.asp?category=51&subcategory=152 |
28. White Collar Crime: Avoid Or Mitigate Penalties Through A Compliance Program Intensified enforcement of white collar crime laws as well the implementationof the Federal recently that 15 out of 16 state attorneys general afford more http://www.swiggartagin.com/aigc/tic24.html | |
29. CFDA: 16.612: National White Collar Crime Center approval by the Assistant Attorney general, letters and investigate, apprehend, andprosecute white collar criminals were trained in computer crime subjects and http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/cfda/p16612.htm | |
30. Attorney General Lockyer Honored By Association Of Certified Fraud Specialists Attorney general Bill Lockyer with its highest honor the Edwin H. SutherlandAward for his aggressive accomplishments on white collar crime, consumer http://caag.state.ca.us/newsalerts/2002/02-140.htm | |
31. Texas Criminal Law: Felonies & White Collar Crime making false statements is not specific to white collar criminals, but this crimeis broad The federal government has three general antifraud statutes for http://www.weblocator.com/attorney/tx/law/c13.html | |
32. JULY/AUGUST 00 - CORPORATE PIGS AND OTHER TALES OF AGRIBUSINESS surveys on perceptions of white collar crime, the Center's survey results showedwhite collar crimes need not Burying Discrimination American general Life and http://multinationalmonitor.org/mm2000/00july-aug/names.html | |
33. 212.net/White Collar Gottfredson. They believe that a general theory of crime may be appliedto street crime, white collar crime, and other forms of crime. This http://212.net/crime/white_collar.htm | |
34. White Collar Crime The general Accounting Office estimates that as much as ten assistance in detectingthis major crime problem of the most prevalent and costly white collar crimes http://littlerock.fbi.gov/whitecollar.htm | |
35. White Collar Crime and corporations as for the general public and who, with the Justice Department,on November 28, approved a tough package of white collar crime proposals.'. http://www.preventcancer.com/articles/white.htm | |
36. White Collar Crime Is Up, Why Not Punishments? ; Divest Israel ; With increasing frequency, whitecollar corruption seems to be the crime of choice thatthe overwhelming election of Mark Serwotka as general secretary was http://www.leestreet.com/dan/counterheg/newsletter/028.html |
37. Criminal Defense Lawyers Directory, Resources & Attorneys, White Collar Crime, D Examples of white collar crime would be bribery, extortion, embezzlement both theperpetrator of a crime, the accomplice Criminal Law general Interest Web Links. http://www.criminaldefensefirms.com/ | |
38. Central Europe Review - A Law Unto Themselves? White Collar Crime, The Police An white collar crime, the Police and Corruption in Hungary, Part Two Mr József Bencze,Directorgeneral of the VPOP, pointed out on the MTV's breakfast time http://www.ce-review.org/00/2/csardas2.html | |
39. White Collar Crime does not keep precise statistics on whitecollar crime, primarily because there isa debate about what constitutes such crime, and general statutes prohibiting http://threehegemons.tripod.com/threehegemonsblog/id7.html | |
40. White-Collar Crime Victims And The Issue Of Trust: Spalek al. 1994). The general finding in these studies is that whitecollarcrime has little, if any, effect upon victims' trust. However http://www.britsoccrim.org/bccsp/vol04/spalek.html | |
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