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81. Catalogue Of The Catholic Central Library Catalogue of the Catholic Central Library. Subject welsh literature.Page 1 of 1 Literature vol. 12) welsh literature, CHRISTIAN LITERATURE. http://www.catholic-library.org.uk/catalogue/subject_title.asp?subject=WELSH LIT |
82. Media Relations - Experts Guide 01908 858734. A guide to expertise at the Open University. Field Welsh andAnglowelsh literature. Name. Katie Gramich. Position. Staff Tutor. Department. http://www3.open.ac.uk/media/experts-guide/fields/t_3858.shtm | |
83. Directory :: Look.com A welsh literature Introduction to welsh literature. Wales Reading List Print resourcesin many areas of Welsh interest (including literature and poetry). http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=130823 |
84. Academi Find out about this national society, which promotes welsh authors and literature. http://www.academi.org/ |
85. Honno Welsh Women's Press Honno Gwasg Menywod Cymru Publisher for literature by women in Wales. Includes a catalogue of published works and ordering information. English/Cymraeg. http://freespace.virgin.net/gol.honno/ | |
86. Uk For Visitors Discover Wales everything from arts and crafts to language and literature, history and mythology to sports and politics. http://welshculture.about.com | |
87. Faculty Of Celtic Studies, University College Dublin Faculty offering courses in Archaeology, Early (including Medieval) Irish Language and literature, Early (including Medieval) Irish History, Irish Folklore, Modern Irish, and welsh. http://www.ucd.ie/~celtic/ |
88. I Ching; Visual; Illustration; Illustrated;exhibition; Fine Art; Eric Morris; Se This welsh artist showcases illustrations based on the Confucian Classic of Chinese literature, I Ching. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-54567/iching/ | |
89. Welcome - The National Eisteddfod Of Wales Information about the 2001 Eisteddfod, a festival of welsh culture, literature and history. Includes location, webcast, webcam, history, and sponsors. http://www.eisteddfod.org.uk/english/index.html | |
90. Waterways Of Brent The site includes the river Brent, Grand Union Canal, welsh Harp, Wembley, Kingsbury, Willesden, ponds, wild life, organisations and literature. http://www.brent-waterways.com | |
91. North American Journal Of Welsh Studies An academic online journal devoted to welsh history, literature and culture. http://spruce.flint.umich.edu/~ellisjs/journal.html | |
92. Faculty Of Celtic Studies UCC Offers programs in ancient, medieval, and modern Irish language and literature, as well as in Celtic civilization, medieval welsh and archaeology. http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/faculties/arts/celtic/ | |
93. Wales Reading List Print resources in many areas of welsh interest (including literature and poetry). http://www.uni-mannheim.de/users/bibsplit/anglistik/wal_bks.html | |
94. Welsh Authors - Standard Texts Classic and Medieval Texts. Help with the welsh Language.Category Arts literature World literature welsh......Author/Title Click = . http://jade.ccccd.edu/grooms/ydcm.htm | |
95. A Welsh Course A welsh Course. Other Network Resources for welsh Learners. Cultural Resources. Thesoc.culture.welsh newsgroup contains articles pertaining to Wales or welsh. http://www.cs.brown.edu/fun/welsh/home.html |
96. UT Library Online - CIRD - Celtic Literature http://www.lib.utexas.edu/admin/cird/policies/subjects/celticliterature.html | |
97. Encyclopædia Britannica Breton and Cornish. For writings in English by Irish, Scottish, andWelsh authors, see English literature. Frenchlanguage works http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=108770 |
98. LLENYDDIAETH CYMRU DRAMOR Gwybodaeth gyffredinol Awduron o Gymru Awduron mewn cyfieithiad Cynhadledd MosaicDolenni, General Information Writers from Wales Writers in translation Mosaic http://www.aber.ac.uk/~merwww/mosaic/ | |
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