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61. Additional Links - Resources For Practitioners And Other Professionals In Aging as links to major sites with information on all aspects of welfare reform. Medicareand health care Chartbook developed by the Congressional Research Service http://www.aoa.gov/practice/other-res.html | |
62. Status Of Research On The Outcomes Of Welfare Reform, 2000: Main Page Research; Quick Turnaround Analyses under welfare reform; State and Local TelephoneSurvey to Assess the Incidence of Children with Special health care Needs; http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/welf-ref-outcomes00/ | |
63. SOSIG: Social Welfare resource, Ministry of Social Affairs and health, Finland, Browse this resource, ManagingCommunity care, Browse this resource, bopcaswelfare-reform mailing list http://www.sosig.ac.uk/social_welfare/ | |
64. ALEC backdrop, the health and Human Services Task Force has emerged as a leader in effortsto promote freemarket health care solutions and welfare reform in the http://www.alec.org/viewpage.cfm?pgname=5.09 |
65. HandsNet - WebClipper Disabilities Families USA health care Financing Administration Center for Mental healthLaw Civic welfare reform American Public welfare Association Center for http://www.handsnet.org/Collections.htm | |
66. Research Links health care and Managed care; HIV/AIDS; Housing; Law and Criminal Justice;Nonprofit Organizations; Research and Advocacy; welfare reform. http://www.publicpolicy.umb.edu/researchlinks.htm | |
67. Mary L. Heen Presenter, welfare reform, the Child care Dilemma, and the Tax System, and Conferenceon Women and health, Access to health care Sex Discrimination and http://law.richmond.edu/faculty/heen.htm | |
68. United States Special Committee On Aging and Republicans, Senator Breaux has sought bipartisan agreements in a number ofareas, including the balanced budget, welfare reform and health care reform. http://aging.senate.gov/chairman/ |
69. House Committee On Education And The Workforce, Committee Hearings (107th Congre Discrimination Implications for Employers Provided health care Plans, September 6,2001 TEXT 1.5K PDF 2.6M. Serial No. 10730 welfare reform An Examination http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/house/house06ch107.html | |
70. WELFARE REFORM SUCCESS HINGES ON QUALITY JOBS AND CHILD CARE | EPI Press Release in the wake of 1996s landmark welfare reform bill. the attempt to shift more peopleoff welfare rolls and who dont have access to health insurance, child http://www.epinet.org/press/releases/welfare062402.html | |
71. EFF ISSUES access to preventive services and general health care, and ensuring GO. welfare reformThe Evergreen Freedom Foundation has historically endorsed welfare reform http://www.effwa.org/issues.php | |
72. Project List California welfare reform Impact Study (CWRIS); Impact of welfare reform onAgricultural and Rural California Counties; health care Policy Research http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/new_web/projects.html | |
73. Medical Care And Hunger Key For Those Leaving, Returning To Welfare to be a leader in its welfarereform policies? money to buy food when off welfare,compared with 61 by study participants, lack of health care coverage stands http://www.news.uiuc.edu/biztips/02/03welfare.html | |
74. CHILDREN NOW: Children's Health & Welfare Publications 1998) Managed care and Early Childhood Development Leading health care providersset Children and welfare reform High Stakes, Low Coverage (Jan 1998) The http://www.childrennow.org/pubs-health.htm | |
75. Board On Children, Youth, And Families Web Site: What's New? the current research base on the interaction of child development and welfare reform. theInstitute of Medicine, recommends ways that the health care field can http://www7.nationalacademies.org/bocyf/What's_New_at_the_BOCYF.html | |
76. Welfare Reform On The Web - Issue 43 - March 2003 improve welfare reform Digest as a current awareness tool, but we need feedbackfrom you. Please let us know what you think! Current issue Contents. care of http://www.bl.uk/services/information/sswelfare.html | |
77. GOP.gov - News From Republicans In Congress today in introducing legislation to bring down the surging costs of health carefor America's 25 more House Republicans to Expand welfare reform Plan Feb. http://www.gop.gov/ | |
78. NCSLnet Site Map ASI Children, Families and health Committee Neighborhoods The Human Servicesreform Project welfare reform Strengthening Families Neighborhoods Insurance http://www.ncsl.org/public/ncsl/site.cfm | |
79. Bazelon Center For Mental Health Law Families with Disabilities in welfare ReformThis position welfare to transitionfrom welfare to work. Donate Online Mental health care Community Services http://www.bazelon.org/issues/TANF/ | |
80. NACo - Projects - Workforce Development Social Services - America's Counties Making welfare reform Work also highlights into California's MediCalhealth insurance program. County, Washington's child care initiatives http://www.naco.org/programs/social/welfare/welsrvy.cfm |
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