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121. 3rd West Africa Water Environment Conference International conference on water supply, sanitation, pollution control and environmental protection. 710 November 2000, Accra. http://www.ace-events.com/WA2000SConf.htm |
122. WSH Laboratories Ltd. Services include testing of domestic wells and surface water supplies, as well as pollution monitoring and other specialized projects. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://www.wshlabs.com |
123. Concerned Citizens For Clean Water, Inc. Citizens in Texas and New Mexico working together to preserve and protect the Ogallala Aquifer from pollution and depletion. http://www.saveourwatersupply.com/ |
124. Environmental Health Technology University of Washington program on the health and environmental issues associated with air pollution, drinking water, wastewaters, food protection, and solid and hazardous wastes. http://depts.washington.edu/envhlth/acad_programs/env_tech.html |
125. Siria Technologies Engineering, Simulation And 3D Visualization Software Solutio SIRIA TECHNOLOGIES, engineering company, develops simulation and 3D visualization software solutions. Tha page contains spectacular demos of pollution simulation, water runoffs and other high technology data visualization. http://www.siriatech.com |
126. Gujarat Pollution Control Board Helps in protecting the environment by controlling the pollution of water and air in the state. http://gpcb.gov.in/ |
127. Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Information about environmental legislations, industrial statistics, and authorisation procedure. Provides information about water quality in the various reservoirs, and air quality in Mumbai. http://mpcb.mah.nic.in/ |
128. AWPCA.ORG Website Welcome to the Arizona water pollution Control Association's (AWPCA) new onlinehome, designed to give members easy access to information, resources, and http://www.awpca.org/ |
129. Environmental Pollution International journal that addresses issues relevant to the nature, distribution and ecological effects of all types and forms of chemical pollutants in air, soil and water. http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/4/0/5/8/5/6/ |
130. Karnataka State Pollution Control Board Regulates the discharge of effluents and air emissions from industries, safeguards water supplies and air quality. http://kspcb.kar.nic.in/ |
131. The Hidden Dangers Of Water Article on the contamination of drinking water in the US. More than one third of all waterways are reported to be unsuitable for fishing or swimming because of pollution. Most contaminants are sewage and bacteria, fertilizer, toxic metals, oil and grease. http://www.all-natural.com/water.html |
132. Sierra Club The Sierra Club has chapters throughout the United States and Canada that offer opportunities for local involvement, activism and outings. Links to chapter sites. Current priority campaigns Sprawl Solutions, Protecting Wildlands, Forests and Logging, water and Factory Farm pollution, Global Warming, Human Rights, Population Stabilization and Responsible Trade. Provide information and resources on many issues. http://www.sierraclub.org |
133. Clean Water And Oceans - NRDC Provides information on water issues including oceans, pollution, drinking water, everglades, conservation and restoration. http://www.nrdc.org/water/ |
134. WDNR - Runoff Management and resources needed to effectively manage polluted runoff from agricultural practices,storm water drainage and nonpoint sources (pollution not identified as http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/wm/nps/ |
135. Altech Environment Environmental engineering specialist in water/wastewater treatment, air pollution control, solid waste management, contaminated soil/groundwater remediation. http://www.altech-env.com/ |
136. Healthy Communities Environmental Mapping Location, type, and performance of HUDfunded activies and select EPA information on brownfields, hazardous wastes, air pollution and waste water discharges. http://www.hud.gov/emaps/ |
137. Himachal Environmental Eng. Co., Ltd. Offers water waste treatment and air pollution control systems. http://www.pollutioncontrolbusiness.com |
138. Zephyr Regional newsletter covering local and national news about air pollution, water, wastewater, solid wastes, and environmental management. http://trfn.clpgh.org/wpawma/zephyr.htm |
139. US Virgin Islands Division Of Environmental Protection Official site. Offers insight and upto-date information on environmental protection laws affecting the islands, including ground water, pesticides, super fund clean-up, pollution and several other programs. http://www.dpnr.gov.vi/dep |
140. Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council Organization concerned with water quality, sprawl, and pollution in this river of northern Rhode Island. Information about issues and organization activities, a watershed map, and related information and links on water quality and watershed protection. http://envstudies.brown.edu/thesis/2001/rawlins/WRWCpage/index.htm |
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