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Washington Charter School Information: more detail |
81. School Choice Info - About BAEO range of educational options, including charter schools; tax aired in Florida, andthe washington, DC area ads feature parents who use school choice programs http://www.schoolchoiceinfo.org/baeo/ | |
82. Chancellor Beacon Academies school. November 25, 2002, washington DCs first charter school accreditedby middle states commission on elementary schools. October http://www.chancelloracademies.com/aboutUs/pressReleases.asp | |
83. Options Public Charter School Public charter school Middle school, Grades 58 Hours of Operation 830 am - 300pm school Day Hours 830 am - 330 pm 800 Third Street, NE washington, DC http://www.chancelloracademies.com/publicCharter/campus.asp?campus=OptionsPublic |
84. Washington DC City Pages: Education : Organizations of Universities of the washington Metropolitan Area federally funded,``nationwideinformation network designed defends the public ``charter school movement in http://dcpages.ari.net/Education/Organizations/ | |
85. Oahu Schools - Private And Public Schools Waialae school Honolulu - Hawaii's first New Century Public charter school. of Hawaiiat Manoa Laboratory school - Honolulu; washington Middle school http://www.hawaii-realty.com/oahu-schools.htm | |
86. FINAL FY99 Charter School Tuition Rates Final FY99 charter school Tuition Rates. 195, MOUNT washington, http://finance1.doe.mass.edu/charter/charter99_rates.html | |
87. JS Online: Teachers Plan To Protest Virtual Charter School open a virtual charter school in the fall threatens the essence of public education,district teachers are mobilizing to protest the effort. information Sesson. http://www.jsonline.com/news/ozwash/feb03/120977.asp | |
88. Welcome To Arizona Department Of Education District/school information. Upcoming National/Local Conference and Workshop information washington,DC October 1619, 2003 Request for proposals(RFPs) should http://www.ade.state.az.us/asd/homeless.asp | |
Academic SupportHomeless EducationMission To ensure that homeless children and youth have access to a free, appropriate public education, comparable to that provided to the children of any Arizona resident and consistent with Arizona's mandatory school attendance laws. Program Description Title X-C of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires equal access to education for homeless children and provides funds for state and local activities to provide such access. The Academic Support Division (ASD) develops and implements a state plan for educating homeless children and youth, and provides technical assistance to local education agencies, (LEAS) and public and private social service agencies on appropriate services for homeless children. The ASD also provides and administers grants to local education agencies to provide direct educational and support services to homeless children and youth. District/School Information Upcoming National/Local Conference and Workshop Information st Annual ConferencePlay Therapy within the School Setting May 3, 2003 | |
89. The Heartland Institute emerged as a supporter of charter schools. to promote and network natural learnersin washington. Seattle school district policy ruled illegal Source Pacific http://www.schoolreformers.com/resources/bystate/wa/ | |
90. Maine Association For Charter Schools Rural school and Community Trust 1825 K St., NW Suite 703 washington, DC 2006202955-7177. National Association of charter school Authorizers. http://www.mainecharterschools.org/Links.cfm | |
91. Employer-Linked Charter School Initiative - OverView 1346 Florida Avenue NW (2nd Floor) washington DC, 20009 Indian River charter Highschool 6055 College Lane Intermediate school District (ISD) of Clair County http://www.cew.wisc.edu/charterSchools/participants.asp | |
92. Special Education - New American Schools Building on pathbreaking work in washington, DC, the Linda Moore, Chairman DC SchoolCooperative. up to date assessment of the challenges charter schools face http://www.naschools.org/contentViewer.asp?highlightID=203&catID=326 |
93. Denver Public Schools - Elementary, Middle And High School Information Grant 1751 S. washington St., Denver, CO 80210, Phone (303 Colorado High Charter1175 Osage St., Denver, CO 80204, Denver school of Arts High school 150 S. Pearl http://www.denver.k12.co.us/schools/e/Middle/417.shtml | |
94. Search For Public Schools Specific school Type. All, charter school, Magnet school, http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/schoolsearch/ | |
95. DCPCSRC Home Page like to receive further information contact Resource Center staff DC Public CharterSchool Resource Center 1156 15th Street, NW Suite 610 washington, DC 20005 http://www.dcchartercenter.org/pages/ctr/_ctrPub-2.cfm | |
96. Welcome To Project E charter schools. On Wednesday, May 2, 2001, Indiana adopted the 38thcharter school law in the country. Indianas new law has already http://www.projecte.org/charter_schools.asp |
97. RFK MEMORIAL National Youth Project Fellows Washington D.C The RFK Fellows program in washington, DC began its at Maya Angelou Public CharterSchool RFK Fellows For more information, please contact Marcus Adolphus, DC http://www.rfkmemorial.org/nat_youth_prj/dcfellow.htm | |
98. Lexington Institute school Reform News January 2001 By Robert Holland. Prop. Cautionary Flags forCharter schools The washington Post Magazine, Letter to the Editor http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/education/ | |
99. The SEED Foundation The SEED Foundation is the proud recipient of the Oprah Angel NetworkUse Your Life Award. Please click here for more information. http://www.seedfoundation.com/ | |
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