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61. Domestic Violence: A Training Curriculum For Law Enforcement enforcement Personnel Provides upto-date techniques, research, and training informationon law enforcement's most effective response to domestic violence. http://www.nal.usda.gov/pavnet/fm/fmdomtra.htm | |
62. Rural Law Enforcement Training: Domestic Violence- Intervention And Investigatio http://www.sheriffs.org/dv/frameset.html | |
63. Rural Law Enforcement Training: Domestic Violence, Intervention And Investigatio Trainings by State. http://www.sheriffs.org/dv/frames.html | |
64. Transforming Communities:Domestic Violence Protocol For California Law Enforceme New domestic violence Protocol for California Law enforcement. Updatedfor 2001, the Marin County Law enforcement Protocol offers http://www.transformcommunities.org/tctatsite/tools/marin_protocol.html | |
65. Transforming Communities: Description Domestic Violence: The Law Enforcement Res domestic violence The Law enforcement Response. For ordering informationgo to www.duluthmodel.org Click on National Training http://www.transformcommunities.org/tctatsite/tools/dv_tler.html | |
66. OBERSTAR ANNOUNCES FUNDING FOR FIREFIGHTERS, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ENFORCEMENT PROJE 6211. September 12, 2002. OBERSTAR ANNOUNCES FUNDING FOR FIREFIGHTERS,domestic violence enforcement PROJECT. WASHINGTONCongressman http://wwwa.house.gov/oberstar/firefund.htm | |
67. Domestic Violence Awareness Handbook you know how much needs to be done to take meaningful steps to end domestic violenceand sexual assault. We need tough law enforcement, aggressive prosecutions http://www.usda.gov/da/shmd/aware.htm | |
68. Free Legal Advice In 100+ Law Topics General legal information, organized topically for over 100 legal topics.Category Society Law Legal Information...... LAW Adoption Law, Child Custody, Child Support, Divorce Law, domestic violence,Pre Marital Gift Tax Law, Income Tax Law, Property Tax Law, Tax enforcement. http://freeadvice.com/ | |
69. Our Hands Are Tied: Examining Law Enforcement In Domestic Violence Deterrence Our Hands are Tied Examining Law enforcement In domestic violence Deterrence.Shalise Bates and Dr. Beth Gill. The role of the institutional http://www.rmc.edu/directory/academics/research/SURF2000/bates.asp | |
70. Conference On Safety And Sactions - Domestic Violence And The Enforcement Of Law OF STATE AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND LAW REFORM, AT THE CONFERENCEON SAFETY AND SANCTIONS domestic violence AND THE enforcement OF LAW IN http://www.justice.ie/80256996005F3617/vWeb/wpJWOD4TFJN8 | |
71. Re Custody, Visitation Enforcement, Domestic Violence, Fraud, Re Custody, Visitation enforcement, domestic violence, fraud, Unethicialattorney Posted by Dale Tincher. In Reply to Custody, Visitation http://www.consultwebs.com/clientbb.htmmesg/181.html | |
72. Custody, Visitation Enforcement, Domestic Violence, Fraud, Custody, Visitation enforcement, domestic violence, fraud, Unethicialattorney Posted by Judy Elmborg. Posting After many years http://www.consultwebs.com/clientbb.htmmesg/180.html | |
73. Crime Victims, Law Enforcement, Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Gender Issues A SPECIALTIES CRIME VICTIMS LAW enforcement TRAUMA RESOLUTION FORENSIC COUNSELING GENDERIDENTITY ISSUES domestic violence CRITICAL INCIDENT SEXUAL ABUSE GRIEF http://www.thecounselors.com/swr.html | |
74. Agencies Take Part In ‘Sweep’ To Serve Domestic Violence Warrants domestic violence continues to pose serious problems for Montana communities,McGrath said. Our aggressive enforcement efforts are designed to halt http://www.doj.state.mt.us/news/releases2003/02142003.asp | |
75. SafeState - Domestic Violence California law enforcement received 198,000 domestic violence calls in 2001, withweapons, including firearms and knives, involved in 136,366 of these cases. http://www.safestate.org/index.cfm?navID=9 |
76. HB 1260 Adopt The Uniform Interstate Enforcement Of... Whiting. FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to adopt the Uniform InterstateEnforcement of domestic violence Protection Orders Act. BE IT http://legis.state.sd.us/sessions/2001/bills/HB1260p.htm | |
77. Law Enforcement Response To Violence Against Women by the violence Against Women Grants Office, Office of Justice Programs, US Departmentof Justice and the Governor's Office for domestic violence Prevention. http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/dept/d52/ajs/vaw/ | |
78. The Sylva Herald And Ruralite - Domestic Violence Part Three The Jackson County Sheriff's Office has developed a domestic Violenceenforcement Unit. Law enforcement agencies participating in http://www.thesylvaherald.com/dom-violence3.htm | |
79. FBI Publications - Law Enforcement Bulletin - October 1997 Issue - Advocacy And Advocacy and Law enforcement Partners Against domestic violence. ByMarie P. Defina and Leonard Wetherbee. Law enforcement and social http://www.fbi.gov/publications/leb/1997/oct974.htm | |
80. 95-02: Domestic Violence Gun Prohibition--Effects Upon Law Enforcement Legal Bulletin. 9502 domestic violence Gun ProhibitionEffects UponLaw enforcement. March 7, 1995. The federal Violent Crime Control http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/OGC/Legal_Bulletins/lb9502_3-7.html | |
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