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Texas Education Staff Dev: more detail |
1. FS 5663 - Leadership & Staff Dev texas WOMANS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL education DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SCIENCES FS 5663 / Leadership and staff development in Family Sciences Programs Course Monday evenings, 500 800 p.m., HDB Mary Bold, Ph.D., CFLE 49. staff dev. Plans. Activity by http://www.marybold.com/syllabi/5663sp01.htm | |
2. 2002 Calendar, Continuing Education And Training, Texas Library Association descriptions of continuing education and training activities directly related to texas librarians and library staff. peterson@amigos.org. staff dev/CE HOMEPAGE http://www.txla.org/groups/sdcep/tlacecal.html | |
3. Continuing Education Calendars For Texas Librarians, Texas Library Association texas Continuing education and Training Calendar Promoting awareness of continuing education activities of interest to TLA members Continuing education Calendars for texas Librarians 800832-8482 x191 (messages) Last Modified 10/03/02 peterson@amigos.org. staff dev/CE HOMEPAGE http://www.txla.org/groups/sdcep/othertxce.html | |
4. Calendar, Continuing Education And Training, Texas Library Association descriptions of continuing education and training activities directly related to texas librarians and library staff. peterson@amigos.org. staff dev/CE HOMEPAGE http://txla.org/groups/sdcep | |
5. North East Independent School District, San Antonio, TexasGeneral Information Ad W. S. HOLLAND MIDDLE SCHOOL 1600 Gellhorn Drive Houston, texas 77029 Adele L. Rogers, Principal staff DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES During the 199899 school year, I participated in the following staff development activities http://www.neisd.org/curriculum/instructional_staff_developmen.html | |
6. Staff/Board staff Lyles, Charles A Dana Center, UTAustin development Building (dev) 2901 N. IH IrenePickhardt, texas education Agency, 1701 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701 http://www.statweb.org/ISEA/staff.htm | |
7. TEA CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS 4 staff dev Parent Training, School Improvement Initiatives, 512 Families, Adultand Community education, 512463 texas Academic Decathlon, Contracts and Grants,512 http://www.tea.state.tx.us/press/payments/contacts.html | |
8. North East Independent School District, San Antonio, Texas Grade RepInstr staff dev Dist Excel Each content area of the North East Curriculumis described in detail . . . Click on the Program Bilingual education. http://www.neisd.net/curriculum/academic_programs_of_excellenc.html | |
9. UISD Career And Technology Education Home CATE News! staff dev., P. 1 Advisory Committees BusinessEducation Criminal Justice 201 Lindenwood Road Laredo, texas 78045. http://www.united.isd.tenet.edu/instruction/cate/ | |
10. Staff Dev., P. 1 Billie Donegan, sponsored by South texas Tech Prep, provides a twoday and integrationof Career and Technology education with Academics staff dev., P. 2 Aug http://www.united.isd.tenet.edu/instruction/cate/staff_development.htm | |
11. Staff Development Resources texas has 20 education Service Center Regions. The International Center for Leadershipin education. to analyze their own strengths using the NSDC staff dev. http://www.teachermentors.com/RSOD Site/StaffDev/StaffDevLinks.html | |
12. Program Sites Click drop staff dev., Click on ACP to get to ACP 972348-1681 www.ednet10.net Universityof texas- El Paso College of education Alternative Certification http://www.alt-teachercert.org/program_sites.htm | |
13. School District Page EAST CENTRAL dev CTR, 015911105, 12271 DONOP RD, SAN WEB ER CONTACT, DISTRICT staff,JUDY, BURNS, 6634 NEW texas education Regions. http://penick.tea.state.tx.us/SchoolDistrictLocator/ISD/eastcentral.asp | |
14. News0301 Cyphers, Program Coordinator Human Resources staff dev. Outreach Leila ArboretumSociety education Manager Leila Soil and Crop Sciences texas A M University http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/jobs/mar01.html | |
15. Tbl Serials National staff dev. (Council update/Tools schools), National staff developmentCouncil, N/A, not available, Notes from the Riverside, texas education Agency, Feb. http://www.vcu.edu/aelweb/frmserials.html | |
16. National Network For Educational Renewal University of texas at El Paso, Our teacher preparation program focuses or modulein both multicultural and special education knowledge. Stewardship staff dev. http://mse.byu.edu/nner/news/reportmo.htm | |
17. ACADEMICS 2000 (Contact Person: Lori Schlesinger, 632-8864 Or Lschlesinger texas. Glenda McClendon. Dr. Pat Anzaldua. Middle School and High School Counselorswill become familiar with special education procedures. staff dev. Bldg. http://mws.mcallen.isd.tenet.edu/profdev/fall2002/counsel.html | |
18. CMTA | Gary Hart, State Secretary Of Child Dev. And Education Business coalitions in texas, Washington and other states an action plan focusedon education's core issues communicate with our members and staff through our http://www.cmta.net/features/051700education.php | |
19. Cameron Park 2001 Usage Report staff dev. Provider Meeting, 14, 14. Youth Resident Council, 21, 15, 10, 46. RGVCADA. Sabelpalm Grove Sanctuary. Environmental education, 15, 15. Shots Across texas. http://chud.tamu.edu/files/cprept01.html | |
20. Murchison Middle School PTA Feb 17 2003, staff dev. Day, the states share of funding to adequately cover thecost to operate texas Public Schools 2000 2003 Family education Network, Inc http://www.myschoolonline.com/calendar/1,1873,47257-153990-51-54469,00.html | |
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