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81. Image Manipulation, Digital Photography And 3-d Virtual Tours - Xclaim Multimedi manipulation and 3d virtual tours / reality studio service for other professionalsworking in advertising, web page design, photography, digital photography http://www.xclaim.co.uk/home.htm | |
82. Image Manipulation And 3-d Virtual Tours - Xclaim Multimedia Offers web design, digital image manipulation, and virtual tour creation services.Category Computers Internet Designers Dynamic and Multimedia X...... manipulation, Panoramas, 3d virtual tours and photograph retouching services forprofessionals working in advertising, digital photography, virtual reality http://www.xclaim.co.uk/ | |
83. Lesson Exchange: Teach 3-D Stereo Photography. (all, Science) ad info, 1911. Teach 3d stereo photography. Science, level all PostedSun Aug 13 142844 PDT 2000 by Ron Keas (ron@3dviewmax.com). http://teachers.net/lessons/posts/1911.html | |
84. View-Master® Format Photography Requirements FORMAT REQUIREMENTS. Custom production of ViewMaster® reels requires usinga larger format 3-d image to be reduced to the View-Master® format. http://www.rollanet.org/~vbeydler/van/vmformat.htm | |
85. Frank Döring Photography 3-D B W landscape, portraiture, and 3d. Most images made with largeformat view cameras, printed with unsharp masks, and toned. http://www.doeringphoto.com/stereo/stereo.html |
86. Graphic Design, 3-D Models By Studio Yahalom, Ramat Gan, Israel. Diamonds, Hi-te Graphic design, photography and 3d models by Studio Yahalom, Ramat Gan, Israel.Diamonds, hi-tech, architecture, cartoons, cars, packaging, advertising. http://www.s-yahalom.co.il/ | |
87. Graphic Design, Photography And 3-D Models By Studio Yahalom, Best experienced with Netscape Explorer Last Update was 29/9/2000.Copyright ©2000 Studio Yahalom.All rights reserved. http://www.s-yahalom.co.il/html's/right_index.html |
88. A Technique For Studying 3-D Artifacts A Technique for Studying 3d Artifacts A Poor Man's Stereo-Micro-photography.by Philip L. Lord, Jr. Many of us, in the course of http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/microphotography.html | |
89. 3d Products, 3d, 3dp, 3_dp, 3d_products, Lenticular, Images, 3D, Moving, Stereo, 3d, 3dproducts, 3dp, 3dp, 3d products, stereoscopy, stereoscopic, euro, 3d, relief,reliefs, en relief, 3dtv, 3 dimensions, anaglyphic, anaglyphes, 3 dimesion http://www.3dp.be/index3d.htm | |
90. ARTS, 3-D ARTS & PHOTOGRAPHY ARTS, 3d ARTS photography. ART 1 Grades 9-12 Semester $30 Lab Fee.UC STATE UNIVERSITY Certified. A basic course in fundamentals http://www.chs.srvusd.k12.ca.us/CHSHOMEPAGE/Course_Descriptions/ARTS.html | |
91. Photography Courses equivalent. 01L231 Individual Instruction in photography, arr. Consentof instructor required. 01L235 Digital Worlds III 3d Worlds, 3 sh. http://www.uiowa.edu/~art/courses/photocourse.html | |
92. A Guide To Lenticular Photography From The Inventors Of Lenticular Technology In Professional Lenticular photography for Advertisers; Lenticular Lenses, OpticalCement and Lenticular Technology Book; DIDIK main stereo 3d menu; How to http://www.didik.com/vv_photo.htm | |
93. Dozens Of Muslins Home Page - 3-D Photographic Backdrops: Photography Background with palms, ferns, streamers and balloons, we have discovered the secret to highlysuccessfuldance photography with our unique 3-d muslin backgrounds. http://www.dozensofmuslins.com/homepage.html | |
94. 3DPhotography CSc 83020, Fall 2002 3D photography Ioannis Stamos Assistant Professor http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/cs/Faculty/Stamos/3D_f02.html | |
95. Stereo Photography- The World In 3D 3D photography has been around for a century and a half. It is simplya method of photographically recreating what you already do http://www.3dphoto.net/stereo/stereo.html | |
96. Erlys' 3-D Page 3d Photos by Erlys Jedlicka (If you need instructions on free viewing) Click HereRising Wave Parallel View Cross-eyed View New England Autumn Parallel View http://members.aol.com/erlys/first.htm | |
97. Istockphoto.com : Royalty-Free Stock Photography 3 D Art for Print Displaying 1 to 20 of 95 Items. http://www.istockphoto.com/galleries_view.php?galleryID=861 |
98. 3-D Computer Graphics Based On Integral Photography 8, No. 4, February 12, 2001, Page 255 262. 3-d computer graphics based on integralphotography. Takeshi Naemura, T. Yoshida, and H. Harashima, Univ. of Tokyo. http://www.opticsexpress.org/abstract.cfm?URI=OPEX-8-4-255 |
99. Untitled The page you requested has moved. Continue http://www.tisco.com/3d-web/ | |
100. 3D By Dan Shelley - Main Menu - Stereo 3D Info, 3D Images, 3D Glasses, Clip Art, 3D SITE CONTENTS, 3D IMAGE LIBRARY, 3D BOOK LIST UPDATED 01/13/2003, 3D CLIPART, OVER 600 3D LINKS UPDATED 01/15/2002, APEC III UPDATED 12/03/2002, http://www.dddesign.com/3dbydan/default.htm | |
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