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101. ATTRA - Appropriate Technology Transfer For Rural Areas A sustainable agriculture information center that provides technical assistance to farmers, market gardeners and extension agents on farming topics sustainable, organic, alternative, crops, livestock, and pest control. http://www.attra.org/index.html |
102. Agriculture And Horticulture Resources sustainable agriculture and Permaculture bibliography; SUSAG Abstracts.Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). sustainable agriculture. http://csf.colorado.edu/sustainability/plants.html |
103. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems In Rice The objectives of the BIFS in Rice project are to demonstrate alternative rice production methods, promote sustainable agriculture, and monitor pesticide use and make information available. http://www.buttecounty.net/BIFSinRice |
104. From The Future Is Abundant A guide to sustainable agriculture on the farm and in the home garden. Many excerpts from the book Category Home Gardens Organic Cultural Information...... Native People; Native Plants; Public Gardens; Garden in the Desert. Chapter2 sustainable agriculture. Chapter 5 - Fruits of sustainable agriculture. http://csf.colorado.edu/perma/tilth/ |
105. Land Stewardship Project A private, nonprofit organization to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities. Provides current project news, program descriptions and online resources. http://www.landstewardshipproject.org/ |
106. Spanish Language Sustainable Agriculture Library Spanish Language sustainable agriculture Library. Materiales en EspaƱol.The Small Farm Center has a collection of books, papers, manuals http://www.sfc.ucdavis.edu/docs/spanish/spanish_pubs2.html |
107. GRACE Factory Farm Project - Homepage Information, ideas, and strategies for activists opposed to factory farming. Topics cover the environment Category Society Issues Environment Food and Drink Farming...... livestock factories and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), as well astrends toward sustainable farming, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable http://www.factoryfarm.org/ |
108. Sustainable Agriculture And Organic Farming Organic farming and sustainable agriculture are better not onlyfor the animals, but also for the soil and the environment. http://www.hsus.org/ace/11527 |
109. Small Farmer's Journal - Practical Horse Farming A journal in support of independent family farmers. Offering information on the use of animalpower, organics and sustainable agriculture. Lynn Miller is editor and publisher http://www.smallfarmersjournal.com |
110. The World Wide Web Virtual Library Sustainable Development List of internet sites dealing with sustainable development, including organisations, projects and Category Society Issues Environment Sustainable Development...... Foundations, Institutions, Societies, Products, Services, Recycling, Waste, ToxicMaterials, Pollution, sustainable agriculture, Permaculture, Unusual, Games http://www.ulb.ac.be/ceese/meta/sustvl.html |
111. ThreeCords FreeAmerican MarketPlace Focuses on concerns about food production and marketing, sustainable agriculture, food safety, and the beef industry. http://www.angelfire.com/sd/ThreeCords/ |
112. Asian Rural Life Development Foundation A training center for sustainable agriculture in the uplands, located in the southern part of the Philippines. http://www2.mozcom.com/~arldf/ |
113. Nat'l Acad Press Catalog Sustainable Agriculture And The sustainable agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics Recommendationsfor developing technologies needed for sustainable agriculture. http://www.nap.edu/catalog/1985.html |
114. The Bean Files A science teaching resource for upper primary students, emphasizing sustainable agriculture. Focus is on Downsanup Downs, a farm in the grain belt of Western Australia. From the Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture. http://www.clima.uwa.edu.au/beanfiles |
115. Agenda 21 - Promoting Sustainable Agriculture And Rural Chapter 14 Promoting sustainable agriculture and Rural Development This is a final,advanced version of a chapter of Agenda 21, as adopted by the Plenary in http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=52&ArticleID=62 |
116. Earthwise Resources Development Australasia A demonstration site for sustainable agriculture. Details of the site, courses in permaculture, location. http://www.earthwise.org.au/ |
117. May 2003 Sustainable Agriculture Delegation To Cuba A Food First program since 1995, we act in collaboration with the Organic AgricultureGroup (GAO) and the Center for the Study of sustainable agriculture (CEAS http://www.foodfirst.org/cuba/cubatripinfo/may2003/ |
118. The Health Of Our Soils toward sustainable agriculture in Canada / D.F. Acton and L. J. Gregorich, editors. Publication by CanSiS dealing with soil degradation in Canada. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/health/intro.html |
119. ConservationEconomy.net Pattern Browser sustainable agriculture. sustainable agriculture is extremely ResourceEfficient, and avoids any water withdrawals which impair habitat. http://www.conservationeconomy.net/content.cfm?PatternID=24 |
120. Center For Integrated Agricultural Systems A sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin. Details of research, local involement http://www.wisc.edu/cias/index.html |
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