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21. Binghamton Univ. Libraries: Virtual Reference Collection--Style And Grammar English usage, style composition (from Bartleby.com) A number of style and usageguides, including William Strunk's 1918 edition of the Elements of style http://library.lib.binghamton.edu/vrd/style.html | |
22. ONU: Legal Research & Writing Wired style principles of English usage in the Able Writer A Rhetoric and Handbook- describes an English composition handbook that treats pre-writing http://www.law.onu.edu/courses/lrw/ | |
23. Macquarie University Library Macquarie University Library Quick Elements of style By William Strunk. Originally published in 1918,this is still an excellent guide to usage, composition and form. http://www.lib.mq.edu.au/resources/subject/readyref/cites.html | |
24. WRITING, RESEARCH & COMPOSITION A Guide to Grammar and usage for Psychology and Writing Between the Lines Compositionin the Social Sciences, Scientific style and Format The CBE Manual for http://www.library.ucsb.edu/guides/writing.html | |
25. Grammar & Style For Classic Literature - Page 2 Of 2 Grammar Now Email a specific question about grammar, usage, composition, or editing,and Guide to Grammar and style Dig into this great site, with grammatical http://classiclit.about.com/cs/grammar/index_2.htm | |
26. Research Guides--Style Manuals William Strunk Jr.'s Elements of style (1918 ed.) The classic guideto usage, composition, and form for the English language. The http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/rex/instruction/guides/style.htm | |
27. Grammar, Usage Riverside. English usage, style, and composition Several contemporaryand classic usage guides are made available here by Bartleby.com. http://newman.baruch.cuny.edu/info_resources/subjects/literature/grammar.htm | |
28. Legal And General Writing Resources William Strunks The Elements of style, http//www.bartleby.com/141/. The classic1918 text for all writers; usage, composition, form, and words and phrases http://lib.law.washington.edu/ref/writing.htm | |
29. 001108 Research Elements Of Style To Improve Writing. principal requirements of plain English style and 061126 concentrates attentionon the rules of usage and principles of 061127 - composition most commonly http://www.welchco.com/sd/08/00101/02/00/11/08/103521.HTM | |
30. English Guides English composition Scoring Guide. Your writing skills will be evaluatedfor Content, Organization, Grammar, Punctuation, style, and usage. http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/Eng101/Guides.html | |
31. Style Manuals for the English language, and its use in literature, including the principal requirementsof plain English style and the rules of usage and composition more. http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/bysubject/general/style-manuals/ | |
32. LRC EResources composition. Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of style; style. The AmericanHeritage Book of English usage. 1996. usage and Word Choice, Rules of usage. http://www.cv.vccs.edu/lrc/LRC_Eresources.htm | |
33. OuterNotes Issue Archive The brief but effective Elementary Rules of usage and composition, style Elements,and his list of frequently misused and misspelled words are a mustread for http://www.trottamedia.com/outernotes/styleguides.cfm | |
34. Computers And Composition Style Manual comparing two similar objects/ideas such as two variables; common usage. firstyearcomposition, not 1st year composition nor freshman composition. style checker. http://www.hu.mtu.edu/~candc/style/glossary.htm | |
35. The Rhetoric Page At Kettering University from the US Government) GradeSaver Grammar and composition Guide at Technical WritingCourse Materials Jack Lynch's Grammar, style, and usage Page Job http://www.kettering.edu/~mgellis/GMI_Rhet.htm | |
36. Dictionary: Diction usage style relates both to language and thought; diction, to The style of Burkewas enriched with all the higher graces of composition; his diction was http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/Diction | |
37. Grammar, Usage, And Mechanics Resources in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style. a few essentials,the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/Specialist/franceslively/grammar.htm | |
38. Broadview Press: Maxham, Antioch University (formerly Associate Director of composition, WashingtonState offers solid advice on matters of style and usage without being http://www.broadviewpress.com/bvbooks.asp?bookid=257 |
39. Language Arts Advanced composition is taken by most juniors in preparation for taking the SAT essaysand complete a thorough review of English grammar, style, and usage. http://www.pattersonschool.org/Curriculum/language_arts.asp | |
40. Composition And TESOL Resources and composition REF PN172 .E53 1996; Writer's Essential Desk Reference - REFPN151 .W74 1991; New York Public Library Guide to style and usage - REF http://www.lib.iup.edu/depts/reference/composition.html | |
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