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South Carolina Seniors Programs: more detail | ||||
61. USCS - University Of South Carolina Spartanburg | Academics | School Of Educatio TEACHER CADETS (Ms. Carol Smith) The south carolina Center for Teacher with theopportunity to showcase its programs to high schools seniors and recruit http://www.uscs.edu/academics/se/h&s_initiatives.html | |
62. ENCORE: Center For Lifelong Enrichment Resources Health and Age FirstGov for seniors US Department J Area Agency on AgingRetire south Back to Other Learning in Retirement programs in North carolina http://www.ncsu.edu/encore/other.html | |
63. ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Food And Nutrition Assistance Programs: Recommended Rea How Do Food Assistance programs Improve the Well seniors' Views of the Food StampProgram and and Food Stamp Participation in Mississippi and south carolina? http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/FoodNutritionAssistance/readings/BySeries.asp?W |
64. South Carolina Seniors Links south carolina seniors Information. MidNet Homepage What's New SearchInstitute of Psychiatry Geriatric Services. SC Aging Sites Index. http://www.midnet.sc.edu/seniors/scarolina.htm | |
65. 2002.07.30:HHS Approves Expanding Pharmacy Benefits To South Carolina Seniors progress toward providing prescription drug coverage for those south carolina seniorsmost in drug benefit for all Medicare beneficiaries, programs like this http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2002pres/20020730.html | |
66. In 1999, The SC General Assembly, Recognizing The Shortage Of through the continuous evaluation of education programs Teaching Fellows High schoolseniors who are legal residents of south carolina, enrolled in any http://www.scctr.org/fellows.asp | |
67. The President's Budget And South Carolina - Meeting The Goals Of Our Time charitable giving; and increases funds for programs to mentor in grants to help lowincomeseniors all across America and south carolina find affordable http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/usbudget/states2002/sc.html | |
68. Department Of Social Services - Family Nutrition Programs south carolina is one of 36 states that received from USDA to operate the SeniorsFarmers' Market prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities http://www.healthyhelpings.org/farmers.html | |
69. Asbury Hills: Camps & Programs For Grownups For Christmas programs for grownups, check out the Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon AsburyHills is owned and operated by the south carolina Board of Camps and http://www.asburyhills.org/grownups.html | |
70. South Carolina's Teacher Cadet Program the opportunities for high school seniors to pursue and $300 for the summer enrichmentprograms administered by agrees to teach in a south carolina school one http://www.nasbe.org/Educational_Issues/New_Information/SII/7_1.html | |
71. Family Medicine Journal-September 1999, Vol. 31, No. 8 30 more positions (40 more US seniors) were filled have filled better and rural programsless well. Training in Mental Health A south carolina Family Practice http://www.stfm.org/fm1999/sept99/abstrac8.html | |
72. USC News - USC Arnold School Of Public Health Study Examines Healthcare For Mino Like many other states in the southeast, south carolina has a Health services programsserving poor and minority populations Lowincome rural seniors are less http://uscnews.sc.edu/hlth049.html | |
73. South Carolina Phytoplankton Monitoring Network sampling Colonial Lake for the south carolina Phytoplankton Monitoring There are 9seniors in this class financial aid, athletic or other programs and activities http://www.chbr.noaa.gov/CoastalResearch/SCPMN/activeGroups.htm | |
74. Discover South Carolina south carolina Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places®, HOURS Office Hours SuM 830am-5pm;Admissions $5 per adult/youth age 16-64 and out-of state seniors; $3per http://www.discoversouthcarolina.com/stateparks/parkdetail.asp?PID=1575 |
75. Discover South Carolina south carolina Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places®, HOURS Office Hours 9am430pm;Admissions $5 per adult/youth age 16-64 and out-of state seniors; $3 per youth http://www.discoversouthcarolina.com/stateparks/parkdetail.asp?PID=1020 |
76. Eligibility south carolina residents/US citizen attending a state approved teacher educationprogram limited to college juniors, seniors, and post baccalaureate candidates http://www.scsu.edu/FinancialAid/State_Programs.htm | |
77. Kaisernetwork.org: Daily Reports The waiver would give south carolina an additional $72 program to cover lowincomeseniors' drug costs the state's budget for social services programs, the Ft. http://www.kaisernetwork.org/daily_reports/rep_index.cfm?DR_ID=9305 |
78. Save The Children: Communities Strengthened By Intergenerational Programs In Jasper County, south carolina, the Jasper County High oneto-one instruction toseniors eager to The Childrens Intergenerational programs, Navajo youth http://www.savethechildren.org/afc/americasforgottenyouthsenior8.shtml | |
79. SC House Of Representatives Endangers Our Senior Citizens - Elderlaw-SC But if the south carolina House Ways and Means Committee has its way, these new southCarolinians not thousands of seniors and future seniors already living http://www.elderlaw-sc.com/articles/1551/ | |
80. Sen. Fritz Hollings' Online Office: Issues: Healthcare create a comprehensive benefit available to all seniors. SPECIAL HELP FOR south CAROLINAWOMEN AND CHILDREN. successful and cost effective health care programs. http://hollings.senate.gov/issues_healthcare.html | |
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