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61. ReliefWeb: Slovak Republic - Floods OCHA Situation Report No. 2 depth assessment of the damage caused by severe floods which affected the countryin two consecutive waves, the government of the slovak republic has provided http://www.reliefweb.int/w/rwb.nsf/6686f45896f15dbc852567ae00530132/f4f5a770e780 |
62. REC: Emerging Environmental Market 1: Slovak Republic: Current Situation 49,000 sq km Population 5.4 million Population density 108 persons/sq km Officiallanguage slovak Type of government Parliamentary Democracy, slovak republic. http://www.rec.org/REC/Publications/EmEnvMarket1/SlovSituation.html | |
63. REC: Competing In The New Environmental Marketplace: Slovak Republic: Paper 1 The government Regulation on charges in water management (13) was yet anotheramong three statutes inherited by the slovak republic from the former http://www.rec.org/REC/Publications/BISWorkshops/Nov1995/FeeBased/Slk-paper1.htm | |
64. IFC --> Central & Eastern Europe Department - Slovak Republic -> Fact Sheet IFC in the slovak republic. Concentration on this sector can be partially attributedto the government's commitment to privatizing the banking sector, the need http://www.ifc.org/ceu/htm_factsheets/slov_fact.htm | |
65. Slovakija-Slovakia keliais International road transport agreement between the government of the republicof Lithuania and the government of the slovak republic Varuva, 1999.05 http://www.urm.lt/data/30/e_slovak.htm | |
66. Department Of Trade And Industry - [SECTION TITLE] The slovak government has recently introduced investment incentives through SNAZIR/SARIO(see below). Useful Contacts. slovak republic Unit, Trade Partners UK e http://www.dti.gov.uk/europe/enlarge/23.htm | |
67. Slovak Republic/Current Projects design of new environmental management systems within slovakian government agencies,and judicial reform in the Czech republic, the slovak republic and Hungary http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/webcountry.nsf/VLUDocEn/SlovakRepublic-Curren | |
68. UCO MV SR 2. Hungarian republic, Agreement between the government of the slovak republicand the government of the republic of Hungary on cooperation and mutual http://www.uco.sk/eng/agreements.htm | |
69. PR07: OPCW And Slovak Government Host Chemical Weapons Defence Course The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in conjunctionwith the government of the slovak republic, is hosting a Chemical Weapons (CW http://www.opcw.org/html/global/press_releases/2k/pr07_2000.html | |
70. JURIST - Slovakia: Slovak Law, Legal Research, Human Rights courtesy CIA World Factbook; click for enlargement Constitution, government Legislation isthe 150seat unicameral National Council of the slovak republic. http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/world/slovakia.htm | |
71. Slovak Mission To NATO Mission to NATO also represents the slovak republic at WEU 2707.27.42 E-mail slovak.mission@hq government/ Prime Minister; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry http://www.nato.int/pfp/sk/slovakia1.htm | |
72. Government And Regulatory Bodies . slovak republic. Ministry of Health. UK. Association of the British PharmaceuticalIndustry (ABPI). CCTA The government Centre for Information Systems Service. http://www.pharmweb.net/pwmirror/pwk/pharmwebk.html | |
73. WTO | Trade Policy Review Conclusions Remarks - Slovak Republic 2001 are prepared respectively by the WTO Secretariat and the government under review duecourse at the complete trade policy review of the slovak republic and will http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/tpr_e/tp179_e.htm | |
74. Newsletter - Social Science In Eastern Europe 2001/1 of government Activities, Bratislava 1999; Family Circle Privatization, Bratislava1996; Privatization of Strategic Firms in the slovak republic, Bratislava http://www.gesis.org/en/publications/magazines/newsletter_eastern_europe/nl011/n |
75. Legislative Framework 7/1998 of the Ministry of Education of the slovak republic of December 10, 1997on Affairs No 21/1977 of Legal Code on Protocol between the government of the http://www.skvc.lt/Sk/Legislative.htm | |
76. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Accreditation Commission, Advisory Body of the government of the SlovakRepublic (AkreditaÄna komisia, poradn½ org¡n vl¡dy SR). http://www.euroeducation.net/prof1/slovakco.htm | |
77. STRUCTURE OF EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Accreditation Commission, Advisory Body of the government of the SlovakRepublic (Akreditacna komisia, poradný orgán vlády SR). http://www.euroeducation.net/prof/slovakco.htm | |
78. Unions Protest Against New Government's Social Policy than a month after the appointment of a new centreright government in slovakia,the Confederation of Trade Unions of the slovak republic started organising http://www.eiro.eurofound.ie/2002/12/InBrief/SK0212101N.html | |
79. Slovak Republic By Slovakia Network Documents slovak Calendar government of slovak republic Constitution of slovak republicslovak National Anthem New Area Codes in slovakia slovakia Slovenia. http://slovak.org/ | |
80. NC SR Characteristics government. The government of the slovak republic, in this dividedsystem, represents the supreme executive body. The government http://www.nrsr.sk/english/body.htm | |
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