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41. Ulster-Scots & Irish Unionist Resource - Languages, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaeli Richard Archibalds`s Homepage, Learn Ulsterscots. Site in english, Ulster-scotsand Irish gaelic . scots Online, Comprehensive scots language website . http://www.ulster-scots.co.uk/docs/articles/language.htm | |
42. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Scots Of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or itsEnglish dialect or gaelic language. Examples scots gaelic ; The scots http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/S/Scots.shtml | |
43. Gaelic Words In English From the gaelicL Archives - various contributers english Irish gaelic scots gaelicMeaning of gaelic - airt http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ag371/Gaelic/faclan.htm | |
44. BBC - History - Wars And Conflicts - Plantation Of Ulster - Ulster Scots who came then and later in the century were Scottish settlers who with few exceptionsspoke neither gaelic nor english. Their language was scots, a Germanic http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/war/plantation/ulsterscots/index.shtml | |
45. BBC - History - Church And State a second front in the war against the english empire The scots would come, he saidnot as invader but What he was proposing, then was a gaelic alliance, across http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/state/nations/schama_ireland01.shtml | |
46. Untitled be bilingual in gaelic and english and that facilities for simultaneous translationfrom gaelic in the single MSP who is incapable of speaking scots-english. http://www.his.com/~rory/Natlang.html | |
47. Scots/Doric Language Learning Materials United Kingdom, and when the average Highlander ultimately abandoned his gaelic,he replaced it with Highland english. His ancestors had never spoken scots. http://www.his.com/~rory/dorintro.html | |
48. Scots Tongue There are dictionaries of Scottish words; for example, see the Concise scots Dictionary(Aberdeen University Dougal/Dugal, gaelic 'Dugall', english 'Dugald http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~kjt/general/scots.html | |
49. REVIEW: GAELIC-L@irlearn.ucd.ie capability, and this is mirrored to gaelicL. There now follows some info in english,Irish gaelic (IG), scots gaelic (SG) and Manx gaelic (MG) about the list. http://www.bauser.com/news.groups.reviews/MailingLists/Gaelic-l.html | |
50. The U Of MT -- Mansfield Library LangFing Index S Zoquean Scandinavian SEE North Germanic SCHEME (D) SEE LISP SchwyzerTutsch SEEGerman Scotch gaelic SEE scots gaelic scots SEE english scots english (D) SEE http://www.lib.umt.edu/guide/lang/xsx.htm | |
51. A Bheil Gàidhlig Agad? Up until the 16th Century, Irish and scots gaelic were the same language. They beganto deviate as english policy began to subdue the Irish and create barriers http://www.employees.org/~mcgregor/clan_gaelic/clan_gaelic_susa.html | |
52. Ethnologue United Kingdom IndoEuropean, Germanic, West, North Sea, english. gaelic, scots (gaelic) GLS 88,892including 477 monolinguals, 88,415 bilinguals in Scotland (1971 census |
53. Scotland Guide : Scottish FAQ : The History Of Language In Scotland As to gaelic and english in Scotland, The Highlands of The scots (gaelic speaking)extended their region of Dalriada into Argyllshire, between 500 and 550. http://www.siliconglen.com/scotfaq/2_5.html | |
54. Scotland Guide : Scottish FAQ : Scots Gaelic Products And Catalogue publishing have a bilingual gaelic/english Highland calendar http//www.scottishcalendars.co.uk/.Scottish FAQ FAQ Contents scots gaelic products and http://www.siliconglen.com/scotfaq/7_4.html | |
55. Scotland - Communicating With The Scots Lallans or Lowland scots is an english dialect that incorporates Norse,German and gaelic words. english, gaelic scots. Please, Mas e do thoil e. http://cwr.utoronto.ca/cultural/english/scotland/commun.html | |
56. Glossary (Scottish Gaelic Given Names) Normalized gaelic orthography had fairly fixed rules; accordingly, we can constructa spelling scots scots is a language closely related to english. http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/gaelicgiven/gloss.shtml | |
57. Bad Celtic Page Elizabeth J. Pyatt's examination of myths and misconceptions surrounding the ancient history of the Celts.Category Society Ethnicity Celtic History...... Star Trek reference, we know Scotty Chief O'Brien are speakers of scots (english)and Hibernoenglish, but we do not know if they spoke scots gaelic or Irish http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/e/j/ejp10/lingland/faqbadcelt.html |
58. Www-international@w3.org From January To March 1997: Re: Alba is preferred is Scottish gaelic a national matter? ;Scotch , originallyborrowed from english, has become the usual form in scots dialect (usually http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/1997JanMar/0083.html | |
59. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Scots Gaelic (M-S) Glossaries Multilingual Dictionaries Translators Dictionaries by Language MS scots gaelic. gaelic Dictionary; Scottishgaelic-english Dictionary. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Ref | |
60. Gaelic And Scots (b) in areas which remained gaelicspeaking much longer and in which english, ratherthan scots, tended to replace gaelic, the change from -a- to -o- occurs in http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/STELLA/STARN/lang/GAELIC/evident.htm | |
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