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101. Public Affairs And Government Relations Jobs - Scotland A respected and growing public affairs consultancy in scotland is seeking public affairsconsultancy or inhouse public affairs/government relations experience http://www.publicaffairsjobs.com/scotland.htm |
102. The Impact Of Devolution On Local Government In Scotland scotland and local public service delivery. July 2002 Ref 722 Theimpact of devolution on local government in scotland http://www.jrf.org.uk/knowledge/findings/government/722.asp |
103. UNISON Scotland Local Government revitaliseLocal government is UNISONscotland's biggest service group. Its remitcovers a range of employees including those of all of scotland's councils http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/localgovt/ |
104. The Government Of Scotland Lord Steel, who prefers to be known as Sir David in scotland, intends to attend theHouse of Lords on Monday to ask a question on the government's plans for an http://www.alba.org.uk/scottish/presiding.html |
105. General Register Office For Scotland '21st Century Government' General Register Office for scotland '21st Century government' ActionPlan. This action plan was updated on 14 January 2003. It will http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/grosweb/grosweb.nsf/pages/actplan |
106. The Scottish Parliamentary Commissioner For Administration Administration Parliamentary scotland About the Scottish Commissioner How to complainto the Scottish Commissioner Complaint form Asking the government for http://www.ombudsman.org.uk/pca/scotland/asking.html |
107. Government And Politics In The UK, Scotland, USA, US, Worldwide, government and Politics in scotland, the UK, US and Worldwide. Includes ScottishLocal governments and a listing of every country in the world's government. http://www.scottishlaw.org.uk/scotlaw/gov.html |
108. Government And Political System, Scotland - Governance - The government and political system, scotland. Home Governance governmentand political system, scotland. © British Council. The http://www.britishcouncil.cl/english/governance/chlbrit3.htm |
109. Guardian Unlimited Sport Special Reports Scotland Team Needs March 20, 2003 The Guardian It is now 20 years since scotland won at Cup prospectswill remain bleak unless the national team receives urgent government support http://sport.guardian.co.uk/sixnations2003/story/0,12862,918017,00.html |
110. UK Government Site Provides a starting point to search for UK government information. Not always well laid out, but with plenty of information. http://www.open.gov.uk/ |
111. Ayrshire Film Focus scotland based film location scouting services offers contacts, research, and liaison with local organizations, governments and suppliers. http://www.ayrshirefilm.org |
112. Guardian Unlimited Politics Beyond Westminster Scotland Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive A scrappy front page from scotland'sgovernment filled mainly with news releases and publications. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/beyondwestminster/page/0,11520,637488,00.html |
113. Scotland Office Home Page Welcome to the website of the scotland Office.The scotland Office is the Governmentdepartment charged with ensuring that Scottish interests are represented http://www.scottishsecretary.gov.uk/ |
114. Institution Of Civil Engineers Government government. our quality of life. Please click to find out more aboutthe area of government you are interested in. You will be able http://www.ice.org.uk/news/government.asp?loc=3 |
115. Scottish Council Foundation - Holistic Government - Options For A Scottish Council Foundation Holistic government - Options for a devolvedScotland. Holistic government is about potential changes http://www.scottishpolicynet.org.uk/scf/publications/paper_5/frameset.shtml |
116. SCOTTISH PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN SCOTTISH PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN HOME, This Ombudsman has now beenamalgamated into the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. You http://www.ombudslgscot.org.uk/ |
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