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61. Indigenous Peoples' Rights Advocacy Organizations Action Network 450 sansome Street san Francisco, CA of indigenous Minorities in SouthernAfrica (WIMSA) PO World Council of indigenous peoples (WCIP) Suite C http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm |
62. Alkuperäiskansojen Filmifestivaalit 2002 Na peoples' shaman tries to revive and share old Tanago tells about the situationof san people and about the WIMSA (Working Group of indigenous Majorities in http://www.sunpoint.net/~uhanalaiset/engindex.html | |
63. ROUNDTABLE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Siddharaj SOORJIBHAI SOLANKI, Indian Confederation of indigenous and Tribal peoples(ICITP), Ahmedabad LA CRUZ, Instituto Qechwa Jujuymanta, san Salvador de http://www.wipo.org/eng/meetings/1998/indip/list.htm | |
64. Americas - National Councils For Sustainable Development Translate this page los Consejos de Desarrollo Sostenible san José, Costa Consultations took place throughoutAfrica in 1996 to Assure Voice of indigenous peoples in Sustainable http://www.ncsdnetwork.org/americas/ | |
65. Joint Project Works To Assure Voice Of Indigenous Peoples In Sustainable Develop The indigenous peoples, Mother Earth, and Spirituality Project, as it is called,met in san José, Costa Rica, in May and August 1996, where an action plan was http://www.ncsdnetwork.org/global/newsletter/9809/english/indigenous.htm | |
66. REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES VOICE HUMAN RIGHTS CONCERNS AT PERMANENT F Representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world as the Permanent Forumfor indigenous Issues continued Baja California to the san Andreas Islands http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/hr4599.doc.htm | |
67. Austral Ed Children's Books - The san of africa. the rainforests but this title concentrates on the indigenouspeoples who live Traditional stories from the orginal forest peoples of South http://www.australed.iinet.net.au/indigenous_peoples.html | |
68. Advisors peoples in Central America, based in san Jose. an advisor of the Gateway's indigenouspeoples Topic page News, a print publication covering indigenous issues in http://www.developmentgateway.org/node/140429/subpages/team-members?type=gdg_adv |
69. 1 Peoples Of South Africa the fact that by the time of the arrival of whites, the san and Khoikhoi remained NonindigenousPeoples in South africa White Europeansancestors of http://husky1.stmarys.ca/~wmills/course322/1Peoples_of_SA.html | |
70. AGPix.com indigenous/native peoples (Middle East); indigenous/native peoples (South America); ThomasIs. (US Virgin Is.); Salvador (Brazil); san Blas Is. http://www.agpix.com/photographer/stock/A0221380_complete.html | |
71. Eco-Portal: Forests/Forest Protection/Indigenous Peoples Native American (indigenous/ aboriginal) peoples throughout the of the Ogiek, an indigenouspeople living could double Sierra logging, san Francisco Chronicle http://www.eco-portal.com/Forests/Forest_Protection/Indigenous_Peoples/welcome.a | |
72. Defenders Of The Forests only in Spanish) Territorio Khoisan - Kimberley, Sudáfrica Briefing Number 1 writtenby Forest peoples Programme. Americas indigenous people at high risk of http://www.wrm.org.uy/peoples/articles.html | |
73. Pueblos Que Luchan Por Los Bosques Translate this page Desarrollo Sostenible Territorio Khoi-san - Kimberley, Sudáfrica en inglés) writtenby Forest peoples Programme. Americas indigenous people at high risk of http://www.wrm.org.uy/pueblos/articulos.html | |
74. Peoples Page the first Europeans appeared in southern africa there were already three groups ofindigenous peoples, the Bushmen The Bushmen, or san as they are now known http://users.zsd.co.za/~woodworm/peoples.html | |
75. IUCN WCPA-CEESP Theme Working Group On Indigenous Peoples, Local but not exclusively, tribal or indigenous peoples, have an Holly Dublin WWF InternationalAfrica Madagascar en Costa Rica Apartado 19192050 san José, Costa http://www.cenesta.org/ceesp/Wkg_grp/Theme/theme.htm |
76. The Khoisan - People From Ages Ago THE KHOIsan. Khoisan is the name by which the lighter skinned indigenous peoplesof southern africa,the Khoi (Hottentots) and the san (Bushmen) are known. http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~anthro/courses/306/kagga.html |
77. ZNet | Chiapas | Encuentro For Peace In San Cristobal the processes of autonomy and of resistance of the indigenous peoples, strengtheningtheir would end with a march through the streets of san Cristóbal, but http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=8&ItemID=2159 |
78. Africa Defies Licences For Life africa defies licences for life. Second, it requires signatories to protect andsupport the rights of communities, farmers and indigenous peoples over their http://mondediplo.com/2000/07/16patent |
79. Berkeley Geography Graduate Students A-C santa Cruz Research Interests indigenous peoples, Human Rights development theory,Latin American indigenous cultures. planner (five years in san Francisco and http://geography.berkeley.edu/PeopleHistory/grads/GradsA-C.html | |
80. Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples on the Gateway a community promoting knowledge exchanges among indigenous organizations, donors, governments and civil society to promote indigenous development and rights. the Rights of indigenous peoples has invited the representatives representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Population (182), indigenous peoples (67), Justice (12), http://www.developmentgateway.org/node/130649 | |
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