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41. Press Kit: Issues - Racism Against Indigenous Peoples - World Conference Against The san, or Bushmen, of southern africa have in some cases disappeared, or The Imazighen(Berbers) are the indigenous peoples of northern africa and the http://www.un.org/WCAR/e-kit/indigenous.htm | |
42. AGPix.com Cabo san Lucas (Mexico); Cádiz (Spain); California (variety of native peoples (LatinAmerica); indigenous, native peoples (africa); indigenous, native http://www.agpix.com/photographer/stock/A0167750_complete.html | |
43. Indigenous Reference Site North and, Tract peoples, san. Pipile, Ufaina, Uros, Pathan, East africa, Tsembaga. SourceThe Health of indigenous peoples Compiled by Ethel (Wara) Alderete World http://www.ku.edu/~insp/referencesite.html | |
44. UNDP/CSOPP Documents: Conserving Indigenous Knowledge . . . Indian Ocean area and in africa, and may soon be brewed naturally in san Franciscoprocessing Intellectual Property Protection for indigenous peoples For at http://www.undp.org/csopp/CSO/NewFiles/dociknowledge4.html | |
45. Biowatch South Africa The indigenous peoples of the world have nurtured and maintained Use in KwaZuluNatal, The san/Hoodia case Food and drink including indigenous fare for the http://www.biowatch.org.za/spicelife.htm | |
46. Tim Knickerbocker's Website - Academic Resume theories and practices; indigenous peoples and cultural MA, University of California,san Diego Anthropology of Islamic Conversion Processes in East africa. . http://weber.ucsd.edu/~tknicker/cvres.htm | |
47. State Of The Environment : South Africa - Social Environment: Introduction research has established that South africa was populated as between the Khoikhoi andthe san (and to soon came into contact with the indigenous peoples of the http://www.ngo.grida.no/soesa/nsoer/issues/social/intro.htm | |
48. WWW-VL - Historical Index Of Religious Missions - Geographical dedicated to the Synod of Bishops for africa. Email Mission san Jose Community. Charitableorganization aimed at providing suport to indigenous peoples and to http://vlib.iue.it/hist-religious-missions/geographical.html | |
49. ENB: Ramsar COP7, 14 May PARTIES TO THE RAMSAR CONVENTION san José, Costa SC Representative for africa, presentedthe recommendations from the indigenous peoples Regional Workshop http://www.iisd.ca/ramsar/cop7/14may.html | |
50. Clarke's Bookshop Catalogue situation of san children in Southern africa, 176pp., 4to., paperback, no place,1999. R80. van Trijp (R.) et al eds. indigenous peoples' CONSULTATION, report http://www.clarkesbooks.co.za/105/archaeology.html | |
51. ICE MEDIA an important window and platform for the indigenous peoples of Southern africa totell the 2) The san Protecting KnowledgeAn indigenous people's age old http://www.icemedia.co.za/devprod/owwh.html | |
52. Southern African News Features of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa (WIMSA) and drew participants from Southafrica, Botswana and san are one of the few indigenous peoples of the http://www.sardc.net/editorial/sanf/2001/iss11/Nf2.html | |
53. Loudtruth:ethnosphere The Kuru Development Trust's san Art exhibition Phillip indigenous peoples - TheFang and Mitsogo of the Gabon. Art and Life in africa - Fang Information Page. http://www.dmtech.co.uk/cgi-bin/loudtruth.cgi?sphere=2§ion=2 |
54. A united kingdom) acquaviva acquaviva (san marino) acqui terme star of north africa(independentist movement america american indigenous peoples antigua and http://atlasgeo.span.ch/fotw/flags/keyworda.html | |
55. Links justice organisation supporting communities in africa with resources Via Mortola 15,I16030 san Rocco di indigenous peoples Abya Yala (Fund for indigenous Self http://www.tourismconcern.org.uk/links/links_related_organisations.htm | |
56. Beyond Tribalism: Seeking A New Cultural Identity For East Africa Those familiar with predominant indigenous groups throughout homogenizing depictionsof distinct peoples within the africa 1072 Geneva Avenue, san Francisco CA http://www.theartroom-sf.com/beyond tribalism.htm | |
57. NGO Indigenous People Vicente Guerrero 33, san Cristobal de las Casas America, in East and Southern africa,in South are assistance to empowerment of indigenous peoples and capacity http://www.nativeplanet.org/ngo/ngo1.htm | |
58. IPACC - Regional Information: Southern Africa Felicia SMITH, Khoi, South africa. View all Regional Representatives . Indigenouspeoples in southern africa include the many Khoe and san peoples. http://www.ipacc.org.za/regional/regional.asp?Region=Southern_Africa |
59. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : A historical, cultural, and artistic diversity of african peoples. scholars of IslamicHistory in Western africa. san Diego State University School of Music and http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4023 |
60. Konferansen 2001 Competence Building And Indigenous Peoples Competence Building and indigenous peoples Alle dokumenter er Le Roux, Working Groupfor indigenous Minorities, Botswana. Programme for san (Basarwa) Research http://www.uit.no/ssweb/forum/konferanse2001/rapport_2001.htm |
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