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41. Ocean Trust - Briefing Book - SALMON AND MORE SALMON NMFS listed two salmon ESUs, Central Valley Springrun Chinook and California CoastalChinook ESU, as threatened species under the endangered species Act. http://www.oceantrust.org/brief_book/salmon9_99.htm | |
42. Extinct, Endangered And Threatened Species There are 1,072 endangered and threatened species in the 126 species of fish, suchas coho salmon; 115 species of reptiles, such as the green sea turtle. http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0906937.html | |
43. Snake River Chinook Salmon Proposed For "Endangered" Reclassification the endangered species Act, a threatened species is likely to become endangered;an endangered species is in is known as spring/summer chinook salmon. http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pr94/dec94/chin.html | |
44. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT WORKS TO PROTECT COASTAL COHO IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, ORE Additionally, the fisheries service will list as threatened under the Endangeredspecies Act a dwindling population of coho salmon that straddles portions of http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pr97/apr97/noaa97-r128.html | |
45. Scientific Evaluations Of Biological Opinions On Endangered And Threatened Fishe to protect short nose and Lost River suckers, two fish species listed as endangeredin 1988, as well as coho salmon, which were designated as threatened in 1997 http://www4.nas.edu/news.nsf/isbn/0309083249?OpenDocument |
46. ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A. FEDERALLY LISTED AND PROPOSED endangered AND threatened species, CANDIDATEspecies Chum salmon (Lower Columbia River) 5/ Oncorhynchus keta **T. http://www.westmultconserv.org/SpeciesListMULT.htm | |
47. Group Urges Judge To Take Salmon Off Threatened List on the proper role of hatchery fish in listing species as threatened or endangered. bya federal judge last year in a case involving coho salmon, a close http://www.montanaforum.com/rednews/2002/11/26/build/wildlife/salmonlist.php?nnn |
48. Status Of Oregon's Pacific Salmon Under The Endagered Species Act A threatened species is any species that is likely to become an endangered specieswithin the means a distinctive group of Pacific salmon has been http://eesc.orst.edu/salmon/background/status.html | |
49. Threatened And Endangered Species threatenedfederal Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch Plover (Charadrius alexandrinusnivosus), threatened-federal American delisted from endangered-federal 8/25 http://www.nps.gov/redw/threatened.html | |
50. Watershed Stewards Project Bulletin; Endangered Species Act And The Coho Salmon be in trouble can be listed as threatened, defined as portion of its range, or endangered, which is In the coho salmon investigation, freshwater physical http://www.northcoast.com/~fishhelp/news_f/spr97/coho.html | |
51. Endangered Species Act Founders In 1999 - 12/28/1999 - ENN News - Environmental But the loss column numbered 46 other species, including 11 salmon and steelheadvarieties in the West, all of which are now endangered or threatened. http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1999/12/122899/esawrapup_8562.asp | |
52. Florida Forestry Information - Threatened And Endangered Species threatened or endangered species with narrow habitat requirements. species of economicimportance (eg, blue whale, sea turtle, ocelot, Atlantic salmon) species http://www.sfrc.ufl.edu/Extension/ffws/tes.htm | |
53. CNN - Feds List Coastal Coho As Endangered, Sparking Heated Debate - Oct. 25, 19 SAN FRANCISCO (CNN) With California's coastal coho salmon population on to protectthe fish as a threatened species under the endangered species Act. http://www.cnn.com/EARTH/9610/25/salmon/ | |
54. Endangered Species Act for the development of a recovery plan in response to the listing of Puget SoundChinook salmon as threatened under the endangered species Act of 1973. http://www.cityofmillcreek.com/endangered_species_act.htm | |
55. Fisheries Service To Update Candidate Species List Some species are now listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA (Saimaa seal,Delta Included in these fifteen species are six Pacific salmon species. http://swfsc.nmfs.noaa.gov/NewsRel/071497.htm | |
56. Endangered And Threatened Species; Proposed Endangered Status For A Distinct Pop and procedure, endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports Sec. 224.101 Enumerationof endangered marine and Common Name'' from ``salmon, Atlantic'' to http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/InNews/sawprop.htm | |
57. ESPN NBA.com NHL.com RPM ABC EXPN Insider Shop order in September after concluding that it made no sense for the government to declarewild coho salmon threatened under the endangered species Act while not http://espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing/news/2001/1218/1297572.html | |
58. ENDANGERED SPECIES MEDIA RELEASES One representative of the group of endangered and threatened species, which includesGrizzly bears, numerous salmon stocks, fox and Beluga whales, said that http://mypage.uniserve.ca/~robertc/animals.htm | |
59. Salmon Rule - Frequently Asked Questions passed the ESA in 1973 to protect an endangered species and the habitat it needsto survive. Puget Sound chinook salmon were listed as threatened on March 16 http://www.cityofbellevue.org/page.asp?view=1253 |
60. NESARC -- National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition -- Washington Total endangered = 14 Total threatened = 21. salmon, Upper Columbia River summerand fall-run chinook (ESU) - P, Southwestern Washington/ Columbia River http://www.nesarc.org/wast.htm | |
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