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21. What's New With Salmon And The Endangered Species Act Return to Pacific salmon ESA Page WHAT'S NEW APRIL 1, 1999 PRESS RELEASES Endangeredand threatened species; threatened Status for Southwestern Washington http://www.nwr.noaa.gov/1salmon/salmesa/whatsnw2.htm | |
22. FARM BUREAU URGES STATE NOT TO LIST COHO SALMON - CFBF.com Evidence indicates that populations of coho salmon are recovering along California Commissionnot to list the fish as an endangered or threatened species. http://www.cfbf.com/release/2002/pr-072502.html | |
23. Wave Buttons commissions National Marine Fisheries Service 4d Rule endangered and threatenedspecies; Final Rule Governing Take of 14 threatened salmon and Steelhead http://www.fish.ci.portland.or.us/links.htm | |
24. Threatened And Endangered Species In Idaho. E=endangered T=threatened PE=Proposed endangered. E, Gray Wolf, Canis lupus (endangerednorth of I90 Fish. E, Sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Snake River runs). http://www2.state.id.us/fishgame/info/cdc/t&E.htm | |
25. Endangerd Species Resources For DHS Students information on over a dozen threatened large mammal of ways to access informationabout the endangered species. salmon Conflict Issues Positions on goals for http://www.open.org/~dallashs/species.htm | |
26. Policy And Regulation - Endangered Species Act endangered and threatened species Proposed endangered Status for Two Chinook salmonESUs and Proposed threatened Status for Five Chinook salmon ESUs; Proposed http://www.krisweb.com/policy/esa.htm |
27. SPACE.com -- Something Amazing Every Day decided last week that two California chinook salmon populations should be listedas threatened for protection under the endangered species Act, while http://explorezone.space.com/archives/99_09/13_salmon.htm | |
28. Department Of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric, OGC-99-38, April 7, 19 The rules are entitled endangered and threatened species; threatened Status forThree Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) in Washington http://www.gao.gov/decisions/majrule/og99038.htm | |
29. Endangered Species Act Status Of Washington Salmon, Trout, And Steelhead Populat AS OF September 22, 2000. salmon Recovery Region. Steelhead listed as endangeredAugust 18, 1997. Bull Trout listed as threatened June 10, 1998. http://www.governor.wa.gov/gsro/regions/listings.htm | |
30. Eugene Salmon Web - Recommended Links National Marine Fisheries Service 4d Rule endangered and threatened species;Final Rule Governing Take of 14 threatened salmon and Steelhead Evolutionarily http://www.ci.eugene.or.us/Salmon/rec_links.htm | |
31. ECO-PROS - Endangered Species from a list of some of the many endangered and threatened animals in the salmon (NationalWildlife Federation) Saving Snake River salmon Columbia And Snake http://www.eco-pros.com/endangeredspecies.htm | |
32. ESA There are numerous species of salmon in the Puget Sound, two of which are considered threatenedis a term used by the endangered species Act of 1973 http://www.kitsapgov.com/nr/endangeredspeciesact.htm | |
33. Article - Endangered Species Act Salmon Listings and private activities in the areas where salmon populations are listed as threatened.However, because it is listed as an endangered species, any accidental http://www.fishwithus.net/article399esa.html | |
34. Endangered Species Field Trip Teacher's Resources symbols for extinction, endangered and threatened animals. will find an index of endangeredspecies by category salmon Without Rivers A History of the Pacific http://www.field-trips.org/sci/endanger/tr.htm | |
35. EShome A threatened species is one that is likely to become endangered in the AnadromousColumbia River chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) T** Coho salmon (S http://oregonfwo.fws.gov/EndSpp/Ore_Spp.html | |
36. Threatened Species In An Urban Environment: Chinook Salmon And The 4(d) Rule. Chinook salmon Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) was listed by the National MarineFisheries Service (NMFS) as threatened under the endangered species Act http://www.djc.com/special/environment2000/scb.html | |
37. Clark County, WA - Endangered Species Act Information In the case of salmon and steelhead, NMFS is accountable under the ESA to for anyoneto take (ie, kill or harm) endangered or threatened species and their http://www.co.clark.wa.us/site/esa4/esaact.htm | |
38. Wild Atlantic Salmon In Maine Protected As Endangered Species The wild population of Atlantic salmon found in the eight rivers in Maine are ifit is discrete and significant, and found to be endangered or threatened. http://northeast.fws.gov/newsrel/asalmon2.html | |
39. FEMA: Region X - Threatened And Endangered Species by the National Marine Fisheries Service as being threatened or endangered in /near salmon, chinook (Snake R. fall run)(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha); salmon http://www.fema.gov/regions/x/env_species.shtm | |
40. Idaho List threatened, salmon, Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, endangered threatened,Sculpin, Bear Lake, Cottus extensus, species of Concern. Sculpin http://www.pacificbio.org/ESIN/Infopages/Idaholist.html | |
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