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Probation Pardons General: more detail | |||||
41. [PaSupreme] Rogers V. Pa. Board Of Probation And Parole 01/22/99 the seizure or forfeiture of property, paroles, pardons, or releases Therefore, becausethe general Assembly, in its wisdom, has of probation and Parole, 491 Pa http://dpg-law.com/opinions/pa-suprm/9901/0818-rogers.html | |
42. Board Of Prison Terms: How To Apply For A Pardon pardons for outof-state residents must specifically and released from custody orplaced on probation;; A brief, general statement of employment and activities http://www.bpt.ca.gov/pardon.html | |
43. Persons Who Are Inadmissible To Canada NATIONAL PAROLE BOARD, Clemency and pardons Division, 340 Laurier *NOTE In general,applications for offense, reports from parole or probation officers, the http://www.canadianembassy.org/immigration/inadmissible-en.asp | |
44. Title 34 - §1504. Pardons By Governor (REPEALED) CORRECTIONS Part 3 probation AND PAROLE Chapter 121 STATE probation AND PAROLEBOARD Subchapter 1 general PROVISIONS §1504. pardons by Governor (REPEALED). http://janus.state.me.us/legis/statutes/34/title34sec1504.html | |
45. LINKS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT-RELATED AGENCIS AND WEBSITES Justice Victim Services Department of probation, Parole and Health South DakotaAttorney general's Office Dept. Of Corrections Board of pardons and Paroles http://mova.missouri.org/lawenflk.htm | |
46. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Editorial However, the Office of the Attorney general, through its after discharge from paroleor probation supervision before Only 37 out of the 84 pardons were granted http://starbulletin.com/2000/08/25/editorial/viewpoint.html | |
47. Executive Clemency Executive Clemency pardons and Commutations. general Information Regarding ExecutiveClemency. In the meantime, the Division of probation and Parole of the http://www.state.me.us/sos/cec/rcn/boards/pardons.htm | |
48. Victim Rights Notification Page Attorney (felonies) at 478987-2450) (Solicitor-general (misdemeanors) at 478-953-5675the State Board of pardons and Paroles, and the probation office. http://www.houstonda.org/victimrights.html | |
49. Department Public Safety - Subtitle D3 Destination on Release, D-7 probation. be done, with a recommendation to the federalSolicitor general. may receive more information on pardons by contacting http://www.gnb.ca/0276/corrections/youthcentre/ycscd_e.asp | |
50. Criminal Justice These general education courses provide a solid foundation upon which students prepare CJC2350 Correctional Operations CJC 2162 probation, pardons, and Parole http://www.lakecity.cc.fl.us/departments/crimjustice/ | |
51. MD DPSCS Maryland Parole Commission Road, Towson, Maryland 212863020 general Information 410 the Division of Paroleand probation to conduct are made to the Governor on pardons, commutations of http://ns1.dpscs.state.md.us/pcn/ | |
52. Management Technology - Austin Peay State University Enforcement 3 COR 2060 Correctional Management - 3 COR 2070 probation, pardons,and Parole or MATH 1110 College Algebra - 3 PSY 1020 general Psychology or http://text.apsu.edu/programs/MANAGETECH.htm | |
53. Utah Legislature HB6001 Adult probation and Parole Programs (202,300) Adult probation and Parole AND PAROLEITEM 19 To Board of pardons and Parole From general Fund (107,000 http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2002S6/bills/hbillenr/hb6001.htm | |
54. Utah Legislature SB0001 nonlapsing funds from 307 the Divisions of Adult probation and Parole PAROLE 329 ITEM28 To Board of pardons and Parole 330 From general Fund 2,638,800 http://www.le.state.ut.us/~2002/bills/sbillint/sb0001.htm | |
55. OnlineAthens: News: Ongoing Probe Targets State Pardons And Paroles Leaders 05/0 criminal investigation by the attorney general's office,'' said administrator whoruns a private probation business. took them for,'' said pardons and Paroles http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/050402/new_20020504025.shtml | |
57. Alaska Board Of Parole a general term used to describe pardons, commutation, amnesty the Lieutenant Governor,the Attorney general or a person was discharged from probation or parole http://www.correct.state.ak.us/corrections/Parole/clembk/clembk8.htm | |
58. Division Of The Judicial Data Center information, local court costs, Attorney general's Opinions, Alabama Courts and theBoard of pardons and Paroles SJIS system with a probationmonitoring module http://www.alacourt.org/Departments/Systems/info2.htm | |
59. NEVADA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: PARDONS AND PAROLES; REMISSIONS OF FINES AND COMMUTA 3. If the decision is favorable, the division of parole and probation of the The hearingwill be general in nature so that the board is of pardons Commrs, No http://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-213.html | |
60. NLECTC JustNet-Agencies Links New York State Office of general Services Division of Parole. State of GeorgiaBoard of pardons and Paroles. Suffolk County probation Department - New York. http://www.nlectc.org/links/agencylinks.html | |
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