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Probation Pardons General: more detail | |||||
21. JUDICIARY & PUBLIC SAFETY of Corrections; Criminal Justice Academy (Dept. of Public Safety); Fire Academy(LLR); general Assembly (Judiciary Comts. of probation, pardons, Parole; Dept. http://www.state.sc.us/scdah/Judicial.htm | |
22. Alabama Attorney General: Victim Assistance: Info Snippets of the office of the Board of pardons and Paroles The probation officer shall considerthe economic, physical, and by the Office of the Attorney general or the http://www.ago.state.al.us/victim_master.cfm?Action=Rights |
23. Victim's Compensation Program I. general PROVISIONS. SEC. Board refers to the Board of pardons and Parole Administration refers to the Parole and probation Administration;; Administrator http://www.doj.gov.ph/revised/page1.html | |
24. Functions Of The Different DOJ Offices Office of the Solicitor general. Conserves and/or redeems human resources by grantingparole and recommending probation, pardon and Board of pardons and Parole. http://www.doj.gov.ph/about_functions.html | |
25. State Government Committee Corrections, Board of probation and Parole and the pardons Board to supply the countyof residence of persons supplied to the Auditor general, State Treasurer http://www.pasenate.com/Committee/%stategov.htm | |
26. Grajczyk V. State Bd. Of Pardons And Paroles, 1999 SD 149 As a general matter, formal conditions of probation suspended sentence, the Boardof pardons and Paroles any suspended sentence or probation, whether expressly http://www.sdbar.org/opinions/1999/November/1999_149.htm |
27. Coffey V. State Board Of Pardons Paroles, 1999 SD 164 general Ann C. Meyer, Assistant Attorney general, Pierre, SD appeared before the Boardof pardons and Paroles misunderstanding on the length of probation ordered http://www.sdbar.org/opinions/1999/December/1999_164.htm |
28. Thesarus P PRESENTMENTS SEE ALSO general ASSEMBLY; GRAND JURY; PUBLIC BUILDING. probation,PAROLE, AND PARDON BOARD SEE ALSO pardons, PAROLES, AND COMMUTATIONS. http://www.archivesindex.sc.gov/search/AuthorityTerms/Topics/P_List.htm |
29. Connecticut General Assembly - Subject Index To Bills A-Z (0) pardons. pardons, Board of. See also Juvenile probation officers. Process. See alsoGeneral Statutes of Connecticut; Legislation; Technical corrections bills. http://www.cga.state.ct.us/asp/cgasubjectsearch/default.asp?LeadingChar=P |
30. TCC Distance Learning, Web-Based CHM1045002, general Chemistry I, MAT0024C-015, College Prep Algebra. CJC2162-001,probation, pardons and Parole, MAT1033-024, Intermediate Algebra. CJC2300b-001, Corr. http://www.tallahassee.cc.fl.us/courses/websites.asp |
31. RULES OF THE BOARD OF PARDONS paid a fine, served jail time or probation) are included addressed to the Board ofPardons, Secretary of to each of the Board members and the Attorney general. http://www.state.de.us/sos/pardrule.htm | |
32. Untitled Article 1 general Provisions Section 1522-24 Board of pardons and Paroles Dutiesgenerally; annual report; badge and pistol of probation and parole http://www.legislature.state.al.us/CodeofAlabama/1975/143166.htm | |
33. Section 12-17-184 by the Governor or the Board of pardons and Paroles To, whenever requested by theAttorney general of the circuits on any application for probation and furnish http://www.legislature.state.al.us/CodeofAlabama/1975/12-17-184.htm | |
34. PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 98-849 of general Counsel and the Office of Attorney general for approval public hearingby the Board of pardons, that (name) has committed a probation or parole http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol28/28-22/849.html | |
35. Pardons Regulations will be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the upon public hearingby the Board of pardons, that (name) has committed a probation or parole http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/BOP/library/regs.htm | |
36. Fequently Asked Questions: Pardons orders, term of imprisonment or probation, the waiting the Criminal Records Act concerningpardons for sex can request the Solicitor general's authorization to http://www.npb-cnlc.gc.ca/infocntr/factsh/pardonfaq_e.htm | |
37. Sentencing Frequently Asked Questions There are four general categories of felonies in Utah However, probation is imposedat sentencing by a judge and is imposed by the Board of pardons and Parole http://www.sentencing.utah.gov/FAQ.htm | |
39. T - General Historical & Genealogical Interest - Microforms For Sale general Historical Genealogical Interest. TASMANIA probation Record Book (for12 convict ships Includes conditional pardons, convict ship assignment lists http://www.slnsw.gov.au/microform/general/t.cfm | |
40. APAI - Conference Information and Parole Officer, Missouri Board of probation and Parole Michael Sibbett, Chair,Utah Board of pardons and Parole 130 pm 245 pm, general Session - Resource http://www.apaintl.org/Conference.html | |
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