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Probation Pardons General: more detail | |||
1. TDCJ - Programs & Services - Interstate Compact For Probation & Parole Supervisi general Information. Offender Information. Services for Victims Chairman of the Board of pardons and Paroles, representative of the probation Advisory Committee, member of the http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/pgm&svcs/pgms&svcs-instatecom.htm | |
2. Colorado Attorney General Opinion 4/24/84 Department of Law Attorney general Opinion AG Alpha No. EX AD AGAMQ April 24, 1984 Honorable Richard D. Lamm 136 State Capitol Building Denver, CO 80203 (see Attorney general's Opinion of December 23, 1983). This obstacle is removed when pardons are conditioned upon jurisdiction over convict through probation did not affect power of http://www.ago.state.co.us/AGO/ago84/ago84-7.htm | |
3. South Carolina General Assembly-lis Bill S 0234 of a Commissioner of Paroles and pardons; to amend Director of the Department of probation,Parole and Pardon, for the Executive Director's general duties and http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/sess104_1981-1982/bills/1040234.html | |
4. South Carolina Dept. Of Probation, Parole And Pardon Services This page contains general information, current statistics on offenders, information on probation and Pardon procedures, current Parole Board Hearings members, Parole Board hearings, volunteer and victim information. probation by the Court, paroled by the State Board of Paroles and pardons, as http://www.state.sc.us/ppp | |
5. General Acts Enacted During 1995 Special Session 1 general Acts Enacted During 1995 Session Special Session 6 SS1 Pennsylvania Boardof probation and Parole and recommendations to Board of pardons (effective 60 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CL/ACT/19951.HTM | |
6. SOUTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY-LPITS Department Of Probation, Parole And Pardon placed on probation by the general Sessions Court, released from prison by the Board of Paroles and pardons, or released http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/reports/n08aar97.htm | |
7. TDCJ - Office Of Inspector General - Investigations Division general Information. Offender Information. Services for Victims Corrections, the Texas Board of pardons and Paroles, and the Texas Adult probation Commission into a single agency, http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/inspector.general/ins-gnrl-investigations.htm | |
8. Tennessee Board Of Probation And Parole: History The NinetyFirst general Assembly presented to Governor 1979, Governor Alexander signedthe pardons and Paroles into an officially blended probation and parole http://www2.state.tn.us/bopp/bopp_history.htm | |
9. CHAPTER 43. SENTENCING, PROBATION, PAROLE AND PARDONS Any distribution to probation and parole shall become the property of the title,the Board of Parole, the Board of pardons, the Attorney general and the http://www.delcode.state.de.us/title11/chapter43.htm | |
10. Title 11 - Crimes And Criminal Procedure ORGANIZED CRIME AND RACKETEERING; CHAPTER 17. general PROVISIONS; CHAPTER19. SENTENCING, probation, PAROLE AND pardons; CHAPTER 45. http://www.delcode.state.de.us/title11/ | |
11. PROBATION, PAROLE, AND PARDON SERVICES DEPT. ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 20002001 BOARD OF pardons AND PAROLES Total Expenditures $20 140 562 O1 Personnel Costs - $13 710 386 O2 Employee Benefits - $3 384 866 O3 Travel In-State - $180 855 04 Travel Out-of-State $22 268 http://www.state.sc.us/scdah/guide/rg0201.htm | |
12. History probation in Alabama. HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT. It also provided for the establishmentof a Board of pardons composed of the Attorney general, the State http://www.paroles.state.al.us/history.html | |
13. Tennessee Board Of Probation And Parole Brief History EightySecond Session of the general Assembly, placing a part-time Board of probation and Paroles as a Alexander legislation enacted as the "pardons and Paroles Reform Act of 1979". http://www2.state.tn.us/bopp/History.htm |
14. 12 Steps To A Federal Pardon An overview of the process of obtaining a Presidential Pardon in the United States.Category Society Law Criminal Law Commutation and pardons...... by a person who is on probation or parole. Applications for pardons shall relate onlyto violations of in the judgment of the Attorney general their disclosure http://www.silicon-valley.com/pardonme/index.shtml | |
15. General Conditions Danish Prison And Probation Service prepare proposals for preventive measures, general principles of The vast majorityof pardons are granted before Department of Prisons and probation Version 1 http://www.kriminalforsorgen.dk/uk_web/uk_info/prisons2001/danish_prison-4.htm | |
16. Probation Danish Prison And Probation Service in connection with suspended sentences and probation orders, or with releases onparole and conditional pardons. or retain them in the general community by http://www.kriminalforsorgen.dk/uk_web/uk_info/prisons2001/danish_prison-5.htm | |
17. Presidential Pardons: Legal Guidelines application for presidential clemency, including pardons, commutations of the formprescribed by the Attorney general. person who is on probation, parole, or http://usgovinfo.about.com/blprespardons.htm | |
18. TDCJ - Parole Division - History Of Parole In Texas Legislature in 1947 established the general framework for how community supervision(probation) and parole and were called conditional pardons or executive http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/parole/parole-history.htm | |
19. Recent Presidential Pardons, Roger Adams, Pardon Attorney, Before The Committee sentencing judge, the relevant United States probation Office, the had sent to DeputyAttorney general Holder seeking his support for pardons for the http://www.usdoj.gov/pardon/testimony/adams1.htm | |
20. NSLA - Archives & Records - Nevada Executive Branch Agencies The pardons Commission, consisting of the Governor, Justices of Supreme Court, andthe Attorneygeneral met semi of a chief parole and probation officer, who http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/nsla/archives/archival/exec/pardon.htm | |
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