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Primates Endangered & Threatened: more detail |
1. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Endangered Species Lists EELink. endangered and threatened primates. endangered and threatened species Gaia. endangered molluscs Gaia http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/end_spp.htm | |
2. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, And Rece List of References on endangered, threatened, and Recently Extinct Mammals This section focuses on a specific vertebrate group MAMMALS. The publications listed below are not available from the Smithsonian Institution. Bennett. 1988 threatened primates of Africa The IUCN Red Data Book. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp6.htm | |
3. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: GENERAL List Of References On Endangered, Threatened, of any of the 195 species threatened with extinction.". 25 MOST endangered primates http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/endsp1.htm | |
4. Scientific Alliance - One In Every Three Primates Now Threatened One in Every Three primates Now threatened with Extinction. apes, monkeys, lemursand other primates, with one in every three now endangered with extinction http://www.scientific-alliance.com/News/biodiversity/one_in_three_primates9.10.h |
5. World Species List - Endangered Species, Not US Databases Seeds from AZ. animals endangered threatened by country WORLD 1994 IUCN Red animals mammals, primates, whales, marsupials, ungulates, endangered checklist Argentia, AR UICN, IUCN http://species.enviroweb.org/oesnus.html | |
6. One In Every Three Primates Now Threatened With Extinction in every three primates now threatened with extinction. New report on 25 Most endangered primates documents increased http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-10/ci-oie100702.php | |
7. Endangered Primates Confiscated The shop owner claimed to have bought the primates at the Appendix I lists speciesthat are both critically endangered and threatened with extinction http://veederandld.20m.com/primnews/12902.html |
8. 2000 IUCN Red List Of Threatened Species - Confirming The Global Extinction Cris Since the last assessment in 1996, Critically endangered primates increased from13 to 19, and the number of threatened albatross species has increased from http://www.iucn.org/redlist/2000/news.html | |
9. World Species List - Endangered, Expanded Index Databases Seeds from AZ. animals endangered threatened by country WORLD 1994 IUCN Red animals mammals, primates, whales, marsupials, ungulates, endangered checklist Argentia, AR UICN, IUCN http://www.envirolink.org/species/oes.html | |
10. IUCN RED LIST INDONESIAN PRIMATES Indonesian primates IUCN Red List. Scientific Name, IUCN 2002 Category. Macacahecki, Lower risk near threatened. Macaca maura, endangered. http://www.nature-conservation.or.id/primates/primates_IUCN.html | |
11. Augusta Georgia: Technology@ugusta: All But One Species Of Primates Endangered 8 One In Every Three primates Now threatened With Extinction a new report The World's Top 25 Most endangered primates 2002 released today by Conservation International (CI) http://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/082997/tech_endangered.html | |
12. PRIMATES CITES Appendix I; US ESA - endangered; IUCN - Lower risk CITES - Appendix II;IUCN - Lower risk near threatened as T Total number of primates listed 32. http://www.nature-conservation.or.id/primates.html | |
13. Awesome Library - Science awards and a journal to help improve the survival of endangered primates, such asthe chimpanzee. 500; primates, The 25 Most threatened (IUCN) Biodiversity http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Science/Ecology/Endangered_Species.html | |
14. Nat'l Academies Press, Animals For Research: (1979), 4 Nonhuman Primates In this section the following symbols have been used Source CR colony rearedWC wild caught Status E endangered T threatened primates are listed http://www.nap.edu/books/0309029201/html/56.html | |
15. Primates In Peril In January 2000, Conservation International released a report entitled The World'sTop 25 Most endangered primates, a list of threatened prosimians, monkeys http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/cons/inperil.html | |
16. Topics In Primate Conservation endangered. The following is a breakdown of threatened primates byregion (CR = Critically endangered, E = endangered). Neotropics http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/cons/mitter.html | |
17. [enviro-vlc] One In Every Three Primates Now Threatened With Extinction Indonesian Nature Conservation List 9. One in every three primates now threatenedwith extinction New report on 25 most endangered primates documents increased http://www.undp.org.vn/mlist/envirovlc/092002/post9.htm | |
18. One In Three Primates Now Threatened With Extinction are now threatened with extinction, according to a new report from ConservationInternational. In The Worlds Top 25 Most endangered primates 2002 http://www.sustdev.org/industry.news/2002/09.10.02-3.shtml | |
19. Conservation Status Of Primates This is the present conservation status of all of the extant primates, ie whetherthey are critically endangered, endangered, threatened, vulnerable, rare, or http://members.tripod.com/cacajao/status_primates.html | |
20. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT UPON THE RESCUE OF ENDANGERED PRIMATES OF THE SOCIALIST established to maintain small captive populations of endangered primates whose wild studiesof remaining wild populations and their threatened tropical forest http://www.novexcn.com/viet_rescu_endang_primates.html | |
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