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21. Pony Express Station Gothenburg, Nebraska (Historic Buildings) The station was built on the Oregon Trail in 1854 and was used by the pony Expressbetween 1860 and Visit Online Highways' interactive american history project http://www.ohwy.com/ne/p/ponexpst.htm | |
22. Native American History NATIVE american history. 2003 Fort Sidney Post Commander's Home Horse Creek TreatyMarker / Site Mato Yamni Village Mud Springs pony express Station Museum of http://www.westnebraska.com/NAmericanHistory.htm | |
23. National Postal Museum Yet it remains a familiar chapter of american postal history. The exploitationof the pony express and America's western frontier began late in the 19th http://www.si.edu/postal/exhibits/pony.html | |
24. American History about the history of the pony express in Utah Index of Native american Resources onthe Internet Search for cultures, nations, history, and much more! http://www.slco.lib.ut.us/kidhistamerican.htm | |
25. The American West Forts North american Fortifications Lists of and some links to Fortresses, Outposts,and Fort Bridger A short history of the fort by the Oregon pony express Utah http://www.slco.lib.ut.us/west.htm | |
26. Pony Express The pony express history A Western Tale. history of the pony express. pony express.Origins of the pony express. american West pony express Information. http://www.politicalresource.net/pony_express.html | |
27. AMERICAN HISTORY FOR KIDS: The Pony Express (Part 2) On VHS american history FOR KIDS The pony express (Part 2) !-File notfound c\FutureTense\Content\biItem\LDMK\9\2\921-LDMK.txt . http://www.buyindies.com/listings/9/2/LDMK-921.html | |
28. The Pony Express Rides Into History enterprise operated. In doing so, they wrote the unforgettable chapterof The pony express into american history. The pony express http://www.sheridaninn.com/bbdays/express-history.shtml | |
29. Pony Express 3.2 limb with only a single functional digit (see pony express, Vol. The next major evolutionaryevent in South american mammalian history occurred about http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/vertpaleo/pony3_2/PE32.HTM | |
30. Pony Express Rider like just another video game but pony express Rider doesn't take place in someDoomlike setting. This is a page taken right out of our american history books http://www.amerikids.com/pony.htm | |
31. Gold Ridge American History Links pony express Home Station. The Interactive Santa Fe Trail Homepage. 20th Century(1900s). 20th Century America. american Cultural history The Twentieth Century. http://www.sonic.net/~kargo/histamer.htm | |
32. Pony Express NHT: Historic Resource Study (Chapter 9) in the 1880s, recognition of the significance of the pony express came at Turner'sfamous essay The Significance of the Frontier in american history in 1893. http://www.nps.gov/poex/hrs/hrs9.htm | |
33. The Story Of The Pony Express - Glenn D. Bradley - Chapter 1 - At A Nation's Cri was with such vital conditions that the pony express was identified to preserve theUnion, that the express became an important factor in american history. http://www.books-about-california.com/Pages/The_Story_of_the_Pony_Express/Story_ | |
34. ENFIA --HISTORY Trail in the american River Canyon The pony express Trail followed the americanRiver Canyon If you are interested in the history of Eldorado County http://www.enfia.info/history.htm | |
35. Benicia History Timeline - The Pony Express available that explore the pony express. Go to our Links page to visit some ofthem for more information about this exciting chapter in american history. http://www.beniciahistoricalmuseum.org/History/ponyexpress.htm | |
36. Transportation Through American History american Western history Museums Links to information about westward exploration(trails, mountain passes, stagecoach lines, pony express, railroads, etc.). http://www.murdoch-web.org/Media_Resources/transportation_web.htm |
37. Transportation: American Westward Expansion pony express pony express pony express Home Station. Roads Historic american HighwaysKansas Highway Pacific Railroad Photographic history Museum Railroad Maps http://www.ku.edu/~kansite/WEST/trans.htm | |
38. Midwest Division - Kansas, American Radio Relay League to be the only pony express Station in the nation to have been preserved and lefton its original location, making it a unique part of american history and a http://www.colossus.org/kar/event.html | |
39. Horses Christmas Along the Corridor is a celebration of american history, heritage, andthe holidays as more than 120 pony express Christmas Couriers travel over 100 http://www.aacog.com/tourism/Tourism - Pony Express.htm |
40. American History - Gananda School Library Depart. of history, College of Staten Island, The City University of NewYork. Women In The american West. Women Library. The pony express. The http://www.gananda.k12.ny.us/library/mshslibrary/amhist.htm | |
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