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Polyhedra Fractals: more detail |
81. Mathartfun.com Shop for learning products that combine math and art. Includes puzzles, manipulatives, fractals, kaleidoscopes and paper folding and books. http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.looksmart.com/og/pr%3Dcdd%3B |
82. Favorisierte Links Von Andrea Und Friedrich Lohmueller - Raytracing, Fractals, A Translate this page George Hart's Pavilion of Polyhedreality von George W. Hart neu ! Virtual polyhedra- Die Enzyklopedie der Polyeder, auch viele Geometrie-Links! (en). http://www.f-lohmueller.de/links/index_sd.htm | |
83. Space Spacial Patterns fractals fractals From CoolMath4Kids. Pattern Blocks TessellatedPolyhedra Nets to print from Invesigating Patterns by Jill Britton. http://www.argotlibrary.com/maths_space.html | |
84. Books fractals. fractals The Patterns of Chaos A New by John Briggs. Chaosand fractals New Frontiers of by HeinzOtto Peitgen, Dietmar Saupe. http://geometricarts.freeyellow.com/books.htm | |
85. Links The Four Types of Symmetry in the Plane, fractals Popularized and immortalizedby a Dutch artist MC Escher, who died only recently. Books on fractals. http://geometricarts.freeyellow.com/link.htm | |
86. Polyhedra, Platonic Solids, Polytopes http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/polyhedra/ | |
87. Fractals http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/ | |
88. ENC: Curriculum Resources: Suzanne's Mathematic Lessons (ENC-011220, Full Record Also found at this site are interactive student lessons for investigating polyhedraand Mandelbrot fractals with Java Applets and four interactive games that http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,011220,00.shtm | |
89. ENC: Web Links: Digital Dozen: Archive: August 1996 links to other sites with fractals, how to make fractals, and teachers Virtual polyhedraGrades Kindergarten 12 Synopsis Welcome to this growing collection http://www.enc.org/weblinks/dd/archive/0,1577,8-1996,00.shtm | |
90. 3. The Five Platonic Fractals Transition probabilities 3. The Five Platonic fractals. As we notedabove, different values of give different fuzziness. To produce http://www.cassiopaea.org/quantum_future/papers/qfract/node10.html | |
91. Reference Links On Geometry And Fractals - Tech Observer Tech Observer Kenneth Hunt January 30, 2003 Reference Links On Geometryand fractals Paul Bourke Personal Pages Comprehensive http://kennethhunt.com/archives/000591.html | |
92. Grain Structures It was found out, that the stochastic net of Voronoi polyhedra satisfies the stereologicalprinciple of geometric model correspondence with the real object. http://siams.com/modeling/ngrgr/thdgr/default.htm | |
93. Efg's Mathematics Page solids polyhedra www.georgehart.com/virtualpolyhedra/vp.html. Math html.polyhedra Database www.netlib.org/polyhedra/index.html. Geometery http://plum.ia.polsl.gliwice.pl/~DIP/efg/Library/mathematics.htm |
94. AM I'm sorry, but I can't provide any Escherlinks. Math art gallery VirtualPolyhedra See also fractals. Associations. See Organisations. Awards. http://cage.rug.ac.be/~hvernaev/catA-M.html | |
95. Mathematics For The Non-Mathematician but dont be surprised if youll need to look elsewhere to find out what fractalsactually are. Peter R. Cromwell, polyhedra, Cambridge University http://math.bard.edu/bloch/biblionm.htm | |
96. Suzanne Alejandre - Fractal Links Basic fractal information for the math teacher or interested user, with Internet resources to expand your fractal knowledge. http://forum.swarthmore.edu/alejandre/workshops/fractal/fractal3.html | |
97. Saturday Morning Math Group: Previous Talks http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/smmg/PreviousTalks.html | |
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