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Polyhedra Fractals: more detail |
61. Références Thématiques Sur Internet Chris Fearnley's polyhedra Gallery. Fractales. software pour mac/ fractalshttp//archives.math.utk.edu/software/mac/fractals/.directory.html. http://www.bcr-caillaud.org/artcomputer/visite/v3.html |
62. POLYHEDRA Returning this series to an octohedron three times the edge lengthof the starting octohedron. Selfrepeating, like fractals. MPEG http://www.pandragon.com/polyhedra/tetraocto.html | |
63. Geometric Figures, Math And Chaos Links for its animations of Sierpinski's Triangle and clear descriptions of other fractals. polyhedraPastimes is a great links page about polyhedra and Tesselations http://ebeltz.net/niftylinks/mathlinks.html | |
64. Jim Blowers' Workshops At SUUSI 2002 2. The second Three Hats problem 3. Polytopes (I showed the class how to weave polyhedra,thus bringing part of that workshop into this one) 4. fractals 5. The http://jimvb.home.mindspring.com/MyShops2002.htm | |
65. Math Education Resources A good website for instructors who would like to introduce their students to fractals. polyhedrals Welcome to my personal pavilion of practical polyhedra! http://libweb.sonoma.edu/search/web/math.html | |
66. Mathematics Homework of circles spheres, fewest colors, combinatorial geometry, fractals, geometricmodels Paper Models http//www.georgehart.com/virtualpolyhedra/paper-models http://www.litch.com/library/HomeworkSites/MathHomework.htm | |
67. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Geometry Generalizations, Ford's touching circles, Isoperimetric Theorem and Inequality, fractals,Napoleon's Theorem, Ptolemy's Theorem, Regular polyhedra and Euler's http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/geometry.html | |
69. Math Forum Internet Collection - Mathgraphics (Outline) Origami and Mathematics; Pascal's fractals Ivars Peterson (MathLand); Pavilionof The Platonic Solids and polyhedra - Paul Flavin; Point Plots and Space Curves http://math.kongju.ac.kr/math/java/Java/mathgraphics.html | |
70. Internet Resources For Use In Mathematics Classes you to change the rules and make your own fractals. The Geometry Center offers activitiesin the following areas Triangle Tilings and polyhedra, Symmetry and http://www.internet4classrooms.com/math_topic.htm | |
71. Chaos And Fractals Mandelbrot and Julia sets, convex, stellated and polyhedra. Uses tiny Java1.1 appletsand VRML worlds. Category Science Math Chaos and fractals http//www http://www.ad.com/Science/F/__Fractals/ | |
72. Listings Of The World Science Math Chaos And Fractals Added Nov27-02; Interactive 3D fractals Post Review Shows how to create fractalmountains, 3D Mandelbrot and Julia sets, convex, stellated and polyhedra. http://listingsworld.com/Science/Math/Chaos_and_Fractals/ |
73. Mathematical Miscellany Centre For Research In Mathematics Education - Southampt Combinatorial Geometry, Covering and Packing, Dissection, fractals, Geometric Models NearestNeighbors and Voronoi Diagrams, Origami, polyhedra and Polytopes http://www.soton.ac.uk/~crime/miscellany/ | |
74. Changes Resources by Topic Space - Chaos and fractals fractals - MathWorld. Resourcesby Topic - Space - polyhedra polyhedra contructed by Fr. http://michaelshepperd.tripod.com/changes.html | |
75. Algorithmic Art BACK. References and links. Introducing fractals By Cynthia. Spiglettes fractals.Wallpaper Groups. Index Of polyhedra. Paper models Of polyhedra. Escher Gallery. http://www.pythagoras.org.uk/page76.html | |
76. Àú³Î ¼öÇлç¶û 19È£ ƯÁý Çлýµé°ú ÇÔ²²ÇÏ´Â CA¼ Java Plot3D http//www.frontiernet.net/~imaging/pythagorean.html; Self-Similarityhttp//math.rice.edu/~lanius/fractals/self.html; polyhedra http//www.nirim.go http://www.mathlove.org/doc/journal2/text/19-01.html | |
77. Tarquin Maths Making Three Dimensional Shapes This splendid book gives photographs and templates for all known polyhedra and isa Fractal Cuts Exploring the magic of fractals with popup designs 0 906212 http://www.tarquin-books.demon.co.uk/books/tarquinmathsmaki.html | |
78. Math Sites Web Gallery of Interactive Geometry. Interactive fractals; Interactivate GeometryActivities; PBS Teacher Source - High School Geometry; polyhedra; Probability http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/heal/siteslist.htm | |
79. Math activities and curriculum resources. Links include Calculators, fractals,polyhedra and Place Values. http//convertit.com. Convert It. http://www.bhsu.edu/education/edfaculty/lturner/Math.htm | |
80. Add A Maths Link Jump Maths General Schools University General Education fractals Homepages Other Worksheet Factory UK; Three puzzles with polyhedra and numbers; http://www.mathsisfun.com/links/links.htm | |
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