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41. Timisoara Condensed Matter Research Institute crystal growth, fundamental research, nanoparticles, LMA xray and IR spectrometry, ferrofluids, plasma physics, electronic microscopy, thin layer deposition, quartz, sensors http://icmct.uvt.ro |
42. Mullard Space Science Laboratory - MSSL Mullard Space Science Laboratory of the University College London. Research and postgraduate teaching in astrophysics, solar physics, plasma physics, climate physics, and detector physics. http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk | |
43. School Of Computing, Mathematical And Information Sciences Computational Mathematics Group. Interests include Acoustics, Bubble dynamics, Diffusion in gels and plasma physics. http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/Research/cmg/ | |
44. Space Plasma Physics - Alfvén Laboratory Science projects Investigations of the auroral phenomenon, magnetic fields and electrodynamics of Category Science Physics Plasma Space Plasmas......Space plasma physics. Group leader Prof. Göran Marklund. The researchprogramme is characterized by an intense international collaboration http://www.plasma.kth.se/space/ | |
45. Division Of Plasma Physics - Alfvén Laboratory Space Laboratory plasma physics at the Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Sweden. Division of plasma physics. Director Prof. http://www.plasma.kth.se/ | |
46. Center For Space Physics - Welcome Topics researched include space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics, atmospheric physics, and planetary and cometary atmospheric studies. http://www.bu.edu/csp/ | |
47. PLASMA PHYSICS PLASMA AND NONLINEAR PHYSICS. Theory. plasma physics utilizes classicalmechanics, electromagnetic theory and statistical physics. http://physics.wm.edu/Grad_Brochure/Plasma.html | |
48. UofS PPL 1 plasma physics Laboratory The plasma physics Laboratory at the University of Saskatchewanwas established in 1959 and early experimental work centred around http://plasma.usask.ca/ | |
49. Plasma Physics Group - Imperial College University group in plasma physics reseach engaged both experimentally and theoretically in a number of research programmes including fundamental plasma physics, acceleration of particles using plasma waves and thermonuclear fusion. London, UK. http://wotan.pp.ph.ic.ac.uk/index.html |
50. Plasma Physics Group Homepage National Institute of Physics, Univ of the Philippines. Homepage of the plasma physics Group. See Category Science Physics Plasma Groups......The homepage of the plasma physics Group. Learn about our research,facilities and members. plasma physics Group National Institute http://www.nip.upd.edu.ph/plasma/ | |
51. Technology Transfer Web Page Information about research partnerships and business relationships http://pst.pppl.gov/tt/ | |
52. SPP Homepage SPP Group conducts research in many areas of space and plasma physicsCategory Science Physics Plasma Space Plasmas......Welcome to the Space and plasma physics (SPP) Group at the Universityof Maryland, College Park WWW home page. SPP Group conducts http://www.spp.astro.umd.edu/ | |
53. V. STEFAN, D,Sc. SCIENCE,ARTS,SOCIETY Contains information on research in various areas of plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion. http://www.stefan-university.edu/V_STEFAN.htm | |
54. Reflection Nebulae Part of a site on plasma physics. http://fusedweb.pppl.gov/CPEP/Chart_Pages/5.Plasmas/Nebula/Reflection.html | |
55. National Spherical Torus Experiment NSTX is an experimental fusion device based on the spherical tokamak concept. Built at Princeton plasma physics Laboratory. http://www.pppl.gov/projects/pages/nstx.html | |
56. Physics At Warwick University The Department has an international reputation for its research activities in solid state physics, the physics of materials, and in solar system plasma physics. http://www.phys.warwick.ac.uk/2002/ |
57. Wiley-VCH - Contributions To Plasma Physics Publishes original papers and reviews on plasma physics and gas discharges. WileyVch Verlag Berlin.Category Science Physics Plasma Publications...... Contributions to plasma physics publishes original papers and reviews on plasmaphysics and gas discharges, including their diagnosis and applications. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2222 | |
58. RAL Planets And Space Plasmas Home Page Space plasma physics at RAL. Plasma, Research fields, People, Space missions with which the Rutherford Category Science Physics Plasma Space Plasmas...... http://sspg1.bnsc.rl.ac.uk/ | |
59. WWAPP: 1297 Entries Database from Plasma Laboratory at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/cgi-bin/wwapp | |
60. Plasma Physics, Atomic Physics, And Astrophysics One of Russia's largest institutions for research in physics and technology. It was founded in 1918 Category Science Physics Plasma Institutes...... motion of bodies; atomic collision processes and neutral particle plasma diagnostics; ofquasars, neutron stars, and interstellar medium; solar physics, comet and http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/pti_ppap.html | |
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