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41. ND Endangered And Threatened Species Species Act they declared that species of fish, wildlife, and plants are of SpeciesAct is not to just list species as endangered or threatened, but rather http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/others/nddanger/nddanger.htm | |
42. Threatened And Endangered Plants Of Texas List of Texas plants and their state and federal threatened or endangeredstatus. endangered index. Texas threatened and endangered plants. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/plants/ | |
43. Threatened And Endangered Species History of Iowa's threatened endangered Species List. Iowa's first list ofendangered and threatened plants and animals became effective in 1977. http://www.state.ia.us/dnr/organiza/ppd/t&e.htm | |
44. Notes On Florida's Endangered And Threatened Plants / Coile, N.C. Back to whats new page. Notes on Florida's endangered and threatenedplants / Coile, NC, Based on the Regulated Plant Index, this http://nature.ac.uk/whatsnew/detail/4018823.html | |
45. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To Rare plants; endangered plants ; endangered species; Rare animals;Animals; endangered and threatened plants species / Wisconsin. http://nature.ac.uk/browse/581.68.html | |
46. HCPB-California's Plants And Animals Listing of California's Rare, threatened or endangered plants with listingdates and links to species accounts. threatened AND endangered plants. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/species/t_e_spp/teplant/teplanta.shtml | |
47. Wildlife And Heritage Service Endangered Animals Of Maryland Rare, threatened and endangered plants of Maryland (Adobe Acrobat file);Rare, threatened and endangered plants of Maryland Listed by County http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/rtes.html |
48. Endangered Species: Plants And Animals Wildlife and Heritage Home Rare threatened and endangered plants Rare threatenedand endangered Animals Environmental Revies Research, Inventory and http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/espaa.html | |
49. Plants & Habitat At Risk , Michigan's Special plants This list presents the endangered, threatened, andProbably Extirpated plant species of Michigan, in addition to plant species of http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-10370_12142---,00.html | |
50. Threatened Australian Plants Lists of the engangered, vulnerable and extinct species of Australian plants.Category Society Issues Regional Oceania Australia......ANBG logo Australian National Botanic Gardens Home ANBG endangered.threatened Australian plants June 1993. Contents. http://www.anbg.gov.au/endangered/ | |
51. Endangered And Threatened Plants At Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawai'i Volume 11 Number 4 (October 2000). endangered and threatened plants at PohakuloaTraining Area, Hawai'i. endangered. Fragile Fern Asplenium fragile K. Presl var. http://www.environment-hawaii.org/1000endangered.htm | |
52. Endangered/Threatened Plants/Animals Of The US Virgin Islands endangered AND threatened plants AND ANIMALS OF THE US VIRGIN ISLANDS plants.Federal List 1, Family. Species, Common Name, Comments 2. Buxaceae. http://rps.uvi.edu/CES/endangered.html | |
53. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; Notice Of Reclassification Of Nin Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act) (16 USC 1531 et seq.), requires that we identifytaxa of wildlife and plants that are endangered or threatened, based on http://www.wminteractive.org/Articles/fr10-20(2).htm | |
54. Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants; 90-Day Finding For A Petition To and Wildlife Service 50 CFR Part 17 endangered and threatened Wildlife and plants;90Day Finding for a Petition To Delist the Woodland Caribou AGENCY Fish http://www.wminteractive.org/Articles/fr11-6(2).htm | |
55. Nebraska's Nongame And Endangered Species Programs Listing of endangered and threatened species identifies those animalsand plants whose continued existence in Nebraska is in jeopardy. http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/ngthreat.html | |
56. An Illustrated Guide To Endangered Or Threatened Species In Kansas to the famousfrom the inconspicuous, planktonsucking Elktoe Mussel to the majestic,soaring Bald Eagleendangered or threatened plants and animals of http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/colill.html | |
57. Links To State Web Lists Of Endangered And Threatened Fishes Ohio endangered Species List Adobe PDF. Oklahoma Oklahoma's endangered Species.Oregon Rare, threatened endangered plants and Animals of Oregon Adobe PDF. http://www.nanfa.org/StatusLinks.htm | |
58. BIOSIS | Resource Guide | Endangered Species including species profiles endangered Species Act (ESA) US federal policy to conserveendangered and threatened species of animals and plants, administered by http://www.biosis.org/zrdocs/zoolinfo/end_spp.htm | |
59. South Florida Plants And Environments botanic gardens and arboreta, Fairchild Tropical Garden maintains a collection ofmore than 4,000 plants of about 100 species of endangered, threatened or rare http://www.ftg.org/research/n_southflorida.html | |
60. Endangered, Threatened And Special Status Plants And Animals (Candidate species are plants and animals has concluded that they should be proposedfor addition to the Federal endangered and threatened species list). http://www.id.blm.gov/whatwedo/spec_status.htm | |
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