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         Pipelining Computer Science:     more books (16)
  1. A Code Mapping Scheme for Dataflow Software Pipelining (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) by Guang R. Gao, 1990-12-31
  2. Wave Pipelining: Theory and CMOS Implementation (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) by C. Thomas Gray, Wentai Liu, et all 1993-11-30
  3. Compiling for dataflow software pipelining (Technical report / McGill University. School of Computer Science) by Guang R Gao, 1989
  4. Pipelining peformance of structured networks (University of California, Irvine. Dept. of Information and Computer Science. Technical report) by Frederic M Tonge, 1978
  5. Specification and verification of pipelining in the ARM2 RISC microprocessor (Technical report / University of Michigan, Computer Science and Engineering ... Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) by James K Huggins, 1998
  6. Pipelining techniques for vector reduction arithmetic (Technical report) by Lionel M Ni, 1983
  7. Computer Organization by Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, et all 2001-08-02
  8. Perfect pipelining: A new loop parallelization technique (Technical report. Cornell University. Dept. of Computer Science) by Alexander Aiken, 1987
  9. Fault-tolerance and two-level pipelining in VLSI systolic arrays by H. T Kung, 1983
  10. A study of instruction prefetching and pipelining of 8088/286/386 microprocessors (DISCS publication) by K. T Lua, 1988
  11. A parallel pipelined renderer for the time-varying volume data (SuDoc NAS 1.26:206275) by Tzi-cker Chiueh, 1997
  12. Complexicty of Kronecker operations on sparse matrices with applications to the solution of Markov models (SuDoc NAS 1.26:206274) by NASA, 1997
  13. The force on the flex global parallelism and portability (SuDoc NAS 1.26:178161) by Harry F. Jordan, 1986
  14. Parallelization of the pipelined Thomas algorithm (SuDoc NAS 1.26:208736) by A. Povitsky, 1998

61. Computer Science Courses For Fall 2003
CPU design, RISC and CISC concepts, pipelining, superscalar processing ComputerScience Department, Swarthmore College For questions/comments about this page
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Computer Science Courses for Fall 2003
Charles Kelemen is absent on leave during the 2003-2004 academic year. At the present time, the CS program expects (but does not guarantee) to offer the following courses. Precisely what we offer and who teaches what courses will depend on hiring, student interest, and other staffing considerations. The "Req Preq" column lists the "required prerequisites" . The "Rec Preq" column lists the "recommended prerequisites" . In some cases, the prerequisite rules may be waived with the permission of the instructor. Course Name Req Prereqs Rec Prereqs WWW Notes CPSC-010 Great Ideas In Computer Science Portal PDC CPSC-021 The Imperitive Paradigm in C PDC CPSC-022 The Structure and Interpretation Of Computer_Programs CPSC-024 Digital System Design CPSC-021 Cross listed as ENGR-024 CPSC-027 Computer Vision CPSC-021 or ENGR-012 MATH-016 or MATH-018 Cross listed as ENGR-027 CPSC-035 Algorithms and Object-Oriented Computing CPSC-021 MATH-009 CPSC-044 Relational Database Systems CPSC-035 CPSC-045 Operating System Concepts CPSC-035 CPSC-025 CPSC-091 Special Topics in Computer Science : Networking CPSC-035 CPSC-091 Special Topics in Computer Science TBA TBA CPSC-010, Great Ideas In Computer Science

62. Course Descriptions--66 Computer Science--Rensselaer Catalog 97|98
including such topics as instruction sets, memory hierarchy, arithmetic, pipelining,vector processing 66494 Readings in computer science 1 to 3 credit hours.
Course Descriptions - 66 Computer Science
66110 Computer Science I
An introduction to algorithm design and analysis, programming, and use of the World Wide Web for information dissemination and retrieval. Additional topics include basic computer organization; internal representation of scalar and array data; use of top-down design and subprograms to tackle complex problems; abstract data types. Enrichment material as time allows. Interdisciplinary case studies, numerical and nonnumerical applications. Prerequisites: none. Fall and spring terms annually. 4 credit hours 66120 Computer Science II
Programming concepts: functions, parameter passing, pointers, arrays, strings, structs, classes, templates. Mathematical tools: sets, functions, and relations, O-notation, complexity of algorithms, proof by induction. Data structures and their representations: data abstraction and internal representation, sequences, trees, binary search trees, associative structures. Algorithms: searching and sorting, generic algorithms, iterative and recursive algorithms. Methods of testing correctness and measuring performance. Prerequisite: 66110 or permission of instructor. Fall and spring terms annually. 4 credit hours 66220 Programming in C++
Introduction to programming in the C++ language. C++ is a widely used, object-oriented programming language. Topics include class declarations and definitions, inheritance, operating overloading, templates, polymorphism, and object-oriented programming. Prerequisite: 66110 or equivalent. Fall and spring terms annually.

63. UTD Computer Science Course Descriptions
(30) S CS 5330 computer science II (3 semester hours) Basic concepts of computerorganization Numbering generation process, CPU datapath, pipelining, RISC vs
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Course Descriptions
CS 5301 (AH 5301, EE 5301) Advanced Professional and Technical Communication (3 semester hours) CS 5301 utilizes an integrated approach to writing and speaking for the technical professions. The advanced writing components of the course focus on writing professional quality technical documents such as proposals, memos, abstracts, reports, letters, emails, etc. The advanced oral communication components of the course focus on planning, developing, and delivering dynamic, informative and persuasive presentations. Advanced skills in effective teamwork, leadership, listening, multimedia and computer generated visual aids are also emphasized. Graduate students will have a successful communication experience working in a functional team environment using a real time, online learning environment. (3-0) Y
CS 5303 Computer Science I (3 semester hours ) Computer science problem solving. The structure and nature of algorithms and their corresponding computer program implementation. Programming in a high level block-structured language (e.g., PASCAL

64. Computer Science Graduate Courses
computer science Department Graduate Courses CS 525 Advanced computer Architecture(4 units). pipelining, instruction level parallelism and multiprocessors.

Computer Science Department

Graduate Courses
CS 510 Computer-Assisted Instruction (4 units)
General techniques for designing computer systems to provide individualized instruction. Program structure, instruction layout, scoring systems and data organization methods. Existing CAI packages and development of new packages. Hardware requirements for audio-visual effects. 4 lectures/problem-solving. Prerequisite: CS 420 or consent of instructor.
CS 515 Automated Reasoning (4 units)
Logical foundations, logical representation of knowledge, unification, theorem proving, deductive databases, logic programming, program verification and synthesis, nonstandard logics, epistemic logic, temporal logic. 4 lectures/problem-solving. Prerequisites: CS 420 or consent of instructor.
CS 517 Natural Language Processing (4 units)
Grammatical structure and parsing of natural language, representations of meanings (semantics), story understanding and generation, applications. 4 lectures/problem-solving. Prerequisites: CS 420 and PHL 202 or consent of instructor.

65. Notre Dame Computer Science And Engineering
parts of the undergraduate computer science, computer engineering, and ExploitingWireLevel pipelining in Emerging Symposium of computer Architecture, Sweden
Dr. Peter M. Kogge
McCourtney Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
IBM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
phone: (219) 631-6763
fax: (219) 631-9260
  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1973 B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1968
Dr. Kogge was with IBM, Federal Systems Division, from 1968 until 1994, and was appointed an IBM Fellow in 1993. In 1977 he was a Visiting Professor in the ECE Dept. at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and from 1977 through 1994, he was also an Adjunct Professor in the Computer Science Dept. of the State University of New York at Binghamton. In August, 1994 he joined the University of Notre Dame as first holder of the endowed McCourtney Chair in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Starting in the summer of 1997, he has been a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at the Center for Integrated Space Microsystems at JPL. He is also the Research Thrust Leader for Architecture in Notre Dame's Center for Nano Science and Technology . For the 2000-2001 academic year he was the Interim Schubmehl-Prein Chairman of the CSE Dept. at Notre Dame. Starting in August, 2001 he is the Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering.

66. Computer Science (CS)
Costperformance; instruction sets; pipelining; memory hierarchy; I/O.Prerequisite CS 366. Same as Mathematical computer science 411.
Computer Science (CS)
The information below lists undergraduate courses approved in this subject area effective Summer and Fall, 2003 . Not all courses will necessarily be offered these terms. Please consult the Timetable for a listing of courses offered for a specific term. Note: Courses under this rubric were previously listed under Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). Computer Literacy.
3 Hours.
Previously listed as EECS 102. No graduation credit for students enrolled in a major offered by the Departments of Computer Science or Electrical and Computer Engineering. Introduction to computing; the Internet; Web; file systems; electronic mail; basic tools (such as editors, databases); programming concepts; computer ethics; security and privacy. Computer lab. Introduction to Computing.
3 Hours.
Previously listed as EECS 101. Introduction to computing resources and tools. Computer access, security, and responsibility. Navigation and communication. Networks; Internet resources. Applications. Programming languages, concepts and practice. Programming exercises. Introduction to Programming.

67. UIC Graduate College -- Courses: Computer Science
Costperformance; instruction sets; pipelining; memory hierarchy; I/O. PrerequisiteCS 366. 469. No graduate credit for computer science majors.
Computer Science (CS)
Note: Courses under this rubric were previously listed under Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). The information below lists graduate courses approved in this subject area effective Spring 2003 term Not all courses will necessarily be offered this term. Please consult the Timetable for a listing of courses offered for a specific term 401. Computer Algorithms I. 4 Hours. Previously listed as EECS 460. Same as MCS 401. Design and analysis of computer algorithms. Divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, backtracking. Algorithms for sorting, searching, graph computations, pattern matching, NP-complete problems. Prerequisites: Grades of C or better in Stat 381 and MCS 360; or CS 202. 411. Artificial Intelligence I. 4 Hours. Previously listed as EECS 484. Problem representation; rule-based problem-solving methods; heuristic search techniques. Application to expert systems, theorem proving, language understanding. Individual projects. Prerequisite: CS 202. 415. Computer Vision I. 4 Hours.

68. Computer Science CMSC Courses - Graduate Catalog Spring 2002 - University Of Mar
Graduate Courses for CMSC computer science. CMSC 411 computer Systems Architecture(3 credits) Prerequisites a Microprogramming, parallelism, and pipelining.
Graduate School Application Financial Aid Registration ... Courses Courses by Code
Graduate Courses for CMSC
Computer Science
Schedule of Classes: Fall Winter Spring Summer
(Only current and next semester available) CMSC 411 Computer Systems Architecture (3 credits)
Prerequisites: a grade of C or better in CMSC 311 and CMSC 330; and permission of department; or CMSC graduate student.
Input/output processors and techniques. Intra-system communication, buses, caches. Addressing and memory hierarchies. Microprogramming, parallelism, and pipelining. CMSC 412 Operating Systems (4 credits)
Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in (CMSC 311 or ENEE 350) and a grade of C or better in CMSC 330; and permission of department; or CMSC graduate student.
An introduction to batch systems, spooling systems, and third-generation multiprogramming systems. Description of the parts of an operating system in terms of function, structure, and implementation. Basic resource allocation policies. CMSC 414 Computer and Network Security (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CMSC 311 with a grade of C or better and CMSC 330 with a grade of C or better and permission of department; or CMSC graduate student.

69. CSE 661 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Fall 2002
system design, memory hierarchies, cache memories, pipelining, vector processing,I Ercanli, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and computer science.

70. Welcome To Computer Science & Systems Analysis
reduced/complex instruction set computer concepts. pipelining concepts (1) concepts; Exams/Review(1). ©2002 Miami University computer science Systems
Home Search Contacts News UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS Computer Eng. Computer Science Systems Analysis GRADUATE PROGRAM Certificate Master's Degree ASSOCIATE DEGREE MAJOR Computer Technology MINORS Computer Eng. Computer Science Course Descriptions Academics ... Thematic Sequences
CSA 278 Computer Architecture (3 credits) Catalog description: Principles of Von Neumann computer architecture. Data representation and computer arithmetic. Memory hierarchy. CPU structure and instruction sets. Assembly language programming to better understand and illustrate computer architecture concepts. Performance considerations and alternative computer architectures.
Prerequisite: CSA 174 or equivalent
Course Objectives: Describe basic concepts of a computer system. Describe the organization and structuring the major hardware components of computers. Describe basic computer architecture. Describe the interrelationships between a computer's architecture and an assembly language executed on that computer. Describe the interrelationships between a machine-level language and higher-level languages. Describe the assembly process. Program effectively in an assembly language.
Required topics (approximate weeks allocated): Overview of computer architecture (1)
  • components of a computer
  • registers (instruction register, instruction pointer, memory address register, etc.) and their uses

71. COMPUTER SCIENCE  The Proliferation Of Computers And Computer Networks
arithmetic logic unit, datapath, control alternatives, pipelining; memory organizations WORKEXPERIENCE (4) Prereq 30 credits in computer science, including CS
The proliferation of computers and computer networks (the World Wide Web) is transforming the world rapidly and irreversibly. Developments in many fields such as medicine, genetic engineering, atomic physics, and telecommunications depend on computers to produce their work. The increasing use of and reliance on computers in our modern technological culture and society makes the study of computer science an exciting and challenging one.
A computer is a versatile tool, capable of everything from computing a companys payroll or processing insurance claims and premiums, to guiding an airplane or producing a complex movie animation. Its versatility is achieved by changing the instructions, called software or programs, that tell the computer what to do, which has the effect of transforming the computer into a different tool.
Computer science at Western is organized around the study of design and analysis techniques used to write software or programs in various application areas, along with details about the internal workings of computers (known as computer architecture and operating systems). The design and analysis techniques encompass many areas of study such as (1) algorithms and data structures (ways to organize instructions and information efficiently), (2) programming languages (specific methods of delivering instructions to computers), (3) software methodology and engineering (processes to develop software and ways to organize groups of instructions), (4) databases and information retrieval, and (5) artificial intelligence.

72. Computer Science Graduate Course Descriptions
computer ARCHITECTURE (3) Cache, pipelining, memory design, interconnection networks PROJECT(3) Research into a specific computer science problem, development

73. Computer Science 330 - Computer Systems And Networks
Who Should Take This Course. Required for Majors in the BS in computer Scienceprogram. Formalisms for computer design. 10%. Exceptions, and pipelining.
Computer Science 330 - Computer Systems and Networks
[Catalog Description] [Who Should Take This Course] [Expected Outcomes]
[Course Outline
Catalog Description
Introduction to the structure of computer systems. Various hardware/software configurations are explored and presented as integrated systems. Topics include basic computer organization, input/output organizations, interrupt processing and system software. Credits: Prerequisite: C or better in CP SC 215, 231 and ECE 201.
Who Should Take This Course
Required for: Majors in the B.S. in Computer Science program. Elective for: Any interested student who satisfies the prerequisites.
Expected Outcomes
The student who completes this course:
  • Will understand the hardware implementation of the decode-execute cycle. Will understand the principles by which main memory works at the hardware level. Will understand the hardware principles by which peripherals work. Will understand the basic hardware concepts of computer networks.
Topic Percent
Digital Logic and Circuit Design
Fundamental concepts of digital circuits for operations and memory.

74. Courses Offered In Computer Science
Fall semester; CSA240 computer science III (3 CS-A331 computer Architecture (3).computer organization and performance with memory hierarchy and pipelining.
Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences
Catalog Course Descriptions
Computer Science (CS-A)
Lower Division Courses
  • CS-A110 : Human-Computer Interaction (3). A SLU2000 freshman seminar. Prerequisite: none. Introduction to the design, implementation, and evaluation of software user interfaces. Development of web-based multimedia applications using HTML and JavaScript. Security and encryption issues. Internationalization and localization. Fall semesters. CS-A120 : Computer Science I (3). Prerequisite: Four years of high school mathematics or the equivalent. Introduction to computer science using the C programming language. Sequential, selection, and repetition control structures; structured programming concepts; subprograms and parameters; simple data structures and pointers. Credit will not be given for both CS-A120 and any of CS-P125, or CS-P210. Fall and Spring semesters. CS-A167 Statistics and Computers (3) Prerequisite: MT-A120 or the equivalent. Introduction to data analysis and hypothesis testing. Distributions, sampling, estimation, confidence intervals. T-test, analysis of variance, correlation and regression. Crosstables and Chi-square. Use of a statistical package such as SAS, the Statistical Analysis System. Spring semester. CS-A220 : Computer Science II (3). Prerequisite: CS-AP120 or CS-P210. Data structures and concepts of object-oriented programming. The C++ programming language. User defined data types, data abstraction and ADTs (abstract data types). Lists, stacks, queues, trees, and their implementation. Fall and Spring semesters.

75. Trinity College Dublin - ISA: Engineering: Computer Science: JS1
computer science Junior Sophister Page 1 Semester 1 Design Automation Semester2 computer Architecture Contact (2) RISC CPUs; pipelining; memory management

Computer Science
Junior Sophister Page 1
JS 3BA1 Statistics and Numerical Methods
Duration: Academic Year
Semester 1: Statistics
Semester 2: Numerical Methods Contact hours p/w: 2 lectures; 1 tutorial Assessment: 20% continuous and 80% examination Weighting: 15 units Description:
JS 3BA2 Symbolic Programming and Artificial Intelligence
Duration: Academic Year
Semester 1: Symbolic Programming with Scheme
Semester 2: Artificial Intelligence Contact hours p/w: 2 lectures; 1 tutorial; lab work Assessment: Course work; 1 x 3 hour exam Weighting: 15 units Description:
JS 3BA3 Systems Software
Duration: Academic Year
Semester 1: Operating Systems
Semester 2: Data Communications Contact hours p/w: 2 lectures; 1 tutorial; lab work Assessment: Course work; 1 x 3 hour exam Weighting: 15 units Description:
JS 3BA4 Computer Architecture II
Duration: Academic Year
Semester 1: Design Automation
Semester 2: Computer Architecture Contact hours p/w: 2 lectures; 1 tutorial Assessment: Course work; 1 x 3 hour exam Weighting: 15 units Description: (1) Hardware design life cycles; Models; basic VLSI design; representing layout, circuits; design hierarchies; operations to be supported; analysis; checking and synthesis algorithms; input and output; NP-completeness theory; sub-optimal algorithms. (2) RISC CPUs; pipelining; memory management; caches; multiprocessors; memory subsystems.

76. WPI 2003-2004 Undergraduate Catalog - Computer Science Course Descriptions
theoretical foundations, modern computer system components, pipelining of instructionsets Intended audience computer science and computer engineering majors.
Introduction to WPI Section 1: The WPI Plan Section 2: Department and Program Descriptions Section 3: Course Descriptions ... SUPPLEMENT
Computer Science Course Descriptions
Cat. II
This course introduces computer systems to students who may need to write or use computer programs in their undergraduate engineering, science, or management courses. Topics include problem-solving and algorithm development, the program development cycle, structured programming design, coding, debugging and documentation. Students will be expected to implement a variety of programs using the FORTRAN programming language. Intended audience: noncomputer science majors desiring a practical introduction to programming. This course is not sufficient background for MQPs or IQPs involving extensive programming or most advanced computer science or computer engineering courses. Such background may be obtained by taking CS 1005 or CS 1006 followed by CS 2005 Recommended background: none. This course will be offered in 2004-05 and in alternating years thereafter. CS 1005. INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING.

77. Computer Science Courses
dynamic issues, pipelining, control and data hazards, branch prediction and correlation,cache structure and policies, cost Current Topics in computer science.
Computer Science Courses
The number and title of each course is followed by the number of semester hours it carries, the semester(s) during which it is taught (F=fall, S=spring, U=summer), its prerequisites, its corequisites, and any courses with which it is cross-listed. Where a course has both a 5000- and 6000-level number, the 5000-level version is intended for undergraduate and the 6000-level version for honors and graduate students. The two versions of the class will meet together, but extra work will be expected of honors and graduate students. Current class schedules and registration information are available on line.
Engineering Computing (3,FS) Coreq: CP SC 1010, MATH 1210.
Introduction to programming principles and engineering problem solving via computational means using MATLAB (during the first half of the semester) and C (during the second half of the semester). Decomposition of programs into data representations, functions, and control structures. Clean programming practices are emphasized. The MATLAB portion of the course focuses on the implementation of physically-based models, data visualization via plotting, and selected numerical techniques. The C portion of the course introduces basic syntax and special features of the language for engineering implementations.
Engineering Computing using MATLAB (1.5,FS) Coreq: CP SC 1010, MATH 1210.

78. Institute Of Computer Science: Courses: Undergraduate
Mathematical Structures in computer science II (3 3). Advanced topics in computersystems organization of view multiprocessing, pipelining, array processors

OnSET Alumni Registry Directory ... HOME
Quick Link
IT 1 Information Technology Literacy CMSC 1 Introduction to Personal Computing
CMSC 2 Introduction to the Internet (3). Tools and services of the Internet. Internet protocols, search engines, file transfer protocols (FTP), e-mail, list servers, and hypertext markup languages programming. (1, 2) CMSC 11 Introduction to Computer Science (3). Introduction to the major areas of computer science; software systems and methodology; computer theory; computer organization and architecture. Students learn to write programs using high-level block-structured programming language. (1, 2, S), MATH 11 or MATH 17. CMSC 21 Fundamentals of Programming (3). Expansion and development of materials introduced in CMSC 11; processing of files and linked-lists; programing in the C language; recursion; systematic program development; top-down design and program verification. (1, 2), CMSC 11. CMSC 22 Object-Oriented Programming (3). Objects; design and implementation of object-oriented programs. (1, 2), CMSC 11.

79. Computer Science
to operating systems, including topics such as pipelining, memory systems 4010 TeachingIntroductory computer science (1) Prerequisite Permission of instructor
University of Utah
Computer Science
College of Engineering Web Server

Computer Science Department Web Server

CP SC Course Descriptions Home Feedback
University of Utah
General Catalog 2002-2003
Posted October 24, 2002 This Web document is updated twice a year, on or about the first day of registration for Fall and Spring semesters. Engineering Computing (3) Co-requisite: CP SC 1010 and MATH 1210.
Introduction to programming principles and engineering problem solving via computational means using MATLAB (during the first half of the semester) and C (during the second half of the semester). Decomposition of programs into data representation, functions, and control structures. Clean programming practices are emphasized. The MATLAB portion of the course focuses on the implementation of physically-based models, data visualization via plotting and selected numerical techniques. The C portion of the course introduces basic syntax and special features of the language for engineering implementations. Engineering Computing using MATLAB (1.5) Co-requisite: CP SC 1010 and MATH 1210.

80. Computer Science
Internet resources for computer science and computing.
[Algorithm Collections] [Bibliographies/Pre-Prints/Technical Reports] [Book Reviews] [Calculators] ... [Software] updated: March 19, 2003
Starting Points
  • The Ada Project (TAP) - Named in honor of Ada Lovelace, TAP is a clearinghouse for information and resources related to women in computing. It includes publications, conferences, employment resources, fellowships and grants, news, organizations, plus projects and programs.
  • AI Topics - AI Topics is a starting point for finding information on artificial intelligence. This AAAI site links to basic information along with news, education resources, reference materials (dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and journals), courses, forums, and career information.
  • Artificial Intelligence - A WWW Virtual Library site containing links to research sites and projects, newsgroups, programming languages, journals, bibliographies, interactive demonstrations, and commercial sites and products.
  • Artificial Intelligence Resources on the Web - An AI Internet resources listing containing links to information on agents, artificial life, case-based reasoning, conferences, constraint programming, data mining, expert systems, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, journals, knowledge engineering, neural networks, SIGs, and university research groups.
  • Cetus Links - Cetus Links is portal to several thousand Internet sites about about object-orientation and component-orientation. It is divided into seven main areas: general information; distributed objects and components; Internet and intranets; architecture and design; languages and development environments; databases and repositories; and related topics. There is an overview page for each of the main area pages and an introductory statement on the individual subject pages. The individual subject pages contain a variety of links to articles, bibliographies, books and publications, conferences and meetings, FAQs, forums, glossaries, libraries, newsgroups, organizations, people, software, standards, starting points, tools; tutorials, and utilities. Cetus Links is also fully searchable.

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