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61. Alternative Relativitätstheorie, Einie Emissionstheorie. Alternative To Relativ Extinction Shift Principle, the Most Recent Emission Theory; Alternative to both general and Special Relativity in the Electrodynamics of Galilean Transformations for the first time formulated in the intuitive framework of Euclidean Space Geometry alone. http://www.extinctionshift.com | |
62. USB SCIENCE LIBRARIES Access to the seven branch science libraries (biology, chemistry, computer science, geoscience, marine and atmospheric sciences, engineering, and math/physics/astronomy) and to general databases and Internet resources. http://www.sunysb.edu/sciencelibs/ | |
63. Georgetown Physics : General Information About the physics Department. The physics Department at GeorgetownUniversity has strong commitments to both education and research. http://www.physics.georgetown.edu/info.htm | |
64. Centre For Chemical Physics Interests can be broadly classified into five general areas energy deposition, surface science, biological applications, properties of condensed matter and properties of isolated atoms and molecules. http://www.uwo.ca/ccp | |
65. Georgetown Physics : General Information What is physics? physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. TheAmerican Institute of physics has summarized these success stories. http://www.physics.georgetown.edu/faq.htm | |
66. Physics Of Sound Rigorous derivation of sound wave equations from a molecular model of an ideal diatomic gas. general solution of the wave equations. Point source radiating in a moving medium. http://www.physicsofsound.com |
67. LPC Physics Home Includes administrative information, syllabi, course forums and assignments for these general physics courses. http://lpc1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/lpc/physics/ | |
68. Visit The SLAC Virtual Visitor Center Information provided by SLAC for informing the general public about particle physics. http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/home.html | |
69. Department Of Physics - General Information Index www.physics.pdx.edu, Department of physics Portland State University, www.pdx.edu.Home general Information People Course Information Undergraduate http://physics.pdx.edu/gen_index.htm | |
70. GCSE HELP Tutorials, tips, and advice for meeting general Certificate of Secondary Education requirements in math, English, physics, and French. http://www.gcse.com/ | |
71. Ajd-ndx-02 Collection of class notes from the past three decades at a small CT high school. Also, some general interest articles on local education. http://ajDubre.tripod.com/ | |
72. General Physics Corporation (GP) - Global Workplace Training And Performance Imp A performance improvement company providing training, engineering, and technical services. http://www.gpworldwide.com/main.asp | |
73. CyberStacks(sm) Physics (General Screen) physics (general) (QC180). Q-Science, R-Medicine, S-Agriculture, T-Technology,U-Military, V-Naval. QC 1 Periodicals, Societies, Congresses http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hyb_qc_1.htm | |
74. Russian Center Of Laser Physics - General Information The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://home.rclph.spbu.ru/ | |
75. Being And Becoming In Modern Physics Discusses implications of general relativity for the philosophy of time; by Steven Savitt. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spacetime-bebecome/ | |
76. Plasma Physics Laboratory Laboratory devoted to general plasma research. http://fizik.um.edu.my/plasma/ | |
77. ISI: Computational Physics Resources A general Computational physics resource website primarily intended for upperyear University students. Includes links to University Computational physics groups, computational physics journals. http://www.isi.loyola.edu/library/cp.html | |
78. Department Of Chemistry And Physics - General Information Department of Chemistry and physics.Category Science Chemistry United States Texas...... Physical Chemistry II. MATH 2014. Introductory Calculus I, MATH 2024. IntroductoryCalculus II. PHYS 2151, 2153. general physics, PHYS 2161, 2163. general physics. http://www.twu.edu/as/chemphy/ | |
79. Making Of America Books Facsimile edition of the 7th edition (1852) from the Making of America Books archive. http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa&idno=AJN1317.0001.001& |
80. The Department Of Chemistry And Physics At Texas Woman’s University Offers Department of Chemistry and physics general Information, Department of Chemistryand physics. PHYS 2151, 2153. general physics, PHYS 2161, 2163. general physics. http://www.twu.edu/AS/CHEMPHY/DEFAULT.HTM?printerfriendly=on |
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