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21. Physics Links Page physics constants. http://webs.wichita.edu/physics/links.htm | |
22. Horner's Physics Files in physics, Horner's Practice Questions has some examples, both solved and unsolved,of physics test and examination questions, Horner's physics constants is a http://physicsweb.org/resources/follow/3344 |
23. Physics Web Reference Resources Fundamental Physical Constants This National Institute of Standards and TechnologyWeb site offers values for physics constants, conversion factors for energy http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/science/physics.htm | |
24. Links Physical Constants Particle physics constants Astrophysics constants Physics EquationsPeriodic Table HyperMaths Hyperphysics constants Equations Fundamental http://users.ox.ac.uk/~physsoc/links.html | |
25. Physics Research Links Physics. Fundamental physics constants International System of Units (from NIST)Dictionary of Units of Measure Dictionary of Measures, Units and Conversions http://homepage.mac.com/cbakken/physlinks.html | |
26. TeleScience Lecture Notes. Scientific Reference Works Science Reference Shelf Mathematicaland physics constants, Periodic Table, etc., by Alan Cairns. http://telescience.sci.kun.nl/physics/index-eng.shtml | |
27. Michelle's Links NASA page with a nice movie; Eclipsing Binary Stars Not X-ray binariesas such but they're related. Astronomical/physics constants. http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~buxton/links.html | |
28. World Wide Web Links & Utilities mathematical and statistical software (NIST). Physical Constants Fundamentalphysics constants The CODATA recommended values (NIST). http://www.mines.edu/Academic/physics/links/ | |
29. Physics Resources At TTU Libraries Interdisciplinary dictionary of science terms. Fundamental physics constants.NIST data on constants, units, and uncertainty. Searchable http://www.lib.ttu.edu/physics/phy.htm | |
30. Physics Internet Resources From TTU Libraries Goldratt. cite. Fundamental physics constants. NIST data on constants,units, and uncertainty. Searchable current constants database. The http://www.lib.ttu.edu/physics/internet.htm | |
31. Re: Constants 2002 220020 GMT, Dr. AP Tiwari aptiwari@apsara.barc.ernet.in wrote 1 Are the physics constants RATIONAL, IRRATIONAL or TRANSCENDENTAL numbers? http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2002-10/msg0044967.html | |
32. More Physics Resources 2 Fundamental physics constants; Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic and OrganometallicChemistry via Crossfire Limited to Stanford students, faculty, and staff. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/physics/databases/resourcephys2.html | |
33. P H Y 1 0 7 2001 PHY107 General Physics Dedication Useful physics constants. Quantity, Symbol, Value, Units. Avogadro'sNumber, N A, 6.0221367e23, mol 1. Boltzmann's Constant, k, 1.380658e-23,J/K. http://physics.gallaudet.edu/classes/P107UPC.HTM | |
34. Physics Class Mathematics, Physics Class. Some physics constants. For a list of all membersof this type, see Physics Members. System.Object Physics public class Physics. http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31115558/ndoc/Laj.Constants.Physics.html | |
35. Reference Sources: Nuclear Engineering: Subject Guides: MIT Libraries TK9202.U59c 1978; Reactor Handbook, 1961 Ref. TK9202.R281; Reactorphysics constants, Argonne National Laboratories, 1963 Ref. QC783 http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/subjects/nuclear/reference.html | |
36. RESOURCE CENTER The Website offers values for physics constants, conversion factors for energyequivalents, a serachable bibliography of physics constants, and background http://www.psrc-online.org/resource/general.html |
37. SelectSurf -- Science/Technology -- Physical Science and accelerator The Dynamic Structure of Space easy to understand answers to commonquestions in layman's terms Fundamental physics constants glossary of http://www.selectsurf.com/sci-tech/physics/ | |
38. TU Physics Department: LINKS American Association of Physics Teachers. Fundamental physics constants. ScienceReference Shelf. Periodic Table at Los Alamos. Physics Societies Institutes. http://www.tayloru.edu/upland/departments/physics/geninfo/links.html | |
39. TIPTOP: TIPTOP: Physics Around The World Scientists A dynamic forum for buying and selling instruments. You canedit and delete you entries. General physics constants Tables http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/physics-services/physics_services2.html | |
40. Renssearch: Resources For Scientific Data, Definitions, Constants And Laws spectra. MATHEMATICS PHYSICS, Use this resource for mathematicalformulae and tables, physics constants and data. COMPUTER SCIENCE http://www.lib.rpi.edu/dept/library/html/help/guides/properties/UMBRELLAF_PROPER | |
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