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21. Barfield Companion Biographies biographies S. JeanPaul Sartre (1905-80) French existential philosopher, dramatist,novelist semiotics/semiology, and author of Course in general Linguistics, a http://www.owenbarfield.com/Biographies/Biographies S.htm | |
22. Barfield Companion Biographies biographies C. Julius Caesar (10044 BC) Roman general, statesman, and dictator,killed in Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) German philosopher, a major figure in the http://www.owenbarfield.com/Biographies/Biographies C.htm | |
23. The World At War Deat, Marcel (French philosopher and Politician); Doriot, Jacques Selected biographies. SirRobert Gordon (Australian Statesman); Zhukov, Georgi (Soviet general). http://worldatwar.net/biography/ | |
24. Nicholas Russon's Quotations Archive Biographies Arthur Schopenhauer. 17881857. German philosopher. Major-general John Sedgewick.1813-1864. American soldier. Killed at Spotsylvania, PA. Seneca. 4BC-65AD. http://members.rogers.com/nrusson/quotes/bio.html |
25. Philosophers, Philosophers By Name philosopher Index . A general Name Index of philosophers (from Oxford University).biographies of philosophers Philosophy Pages. Photographs of philosophers. http://www.zeroland.co.nz/philosophers.html | |
26. Review - James C. Klagge (ed.): Wittgenstein/ Biography And Philosophy, Mario We Successful biographies help not just to discern tensions and view on the thoughtsof a philosopher, a view These aspects enrich the general understanding of a http://artsci-ccwin.concordia.ca/philosophy/GNOSIS/vol_vi/witt_review.html | |
27. Booklist.com | Biographies | Colin Wilson its publication, it was the general opinion among His biographies include works regardingBernard Shaw, David The Mind Parasites, The philosopher's Stone, The http://www.booklist.com/colin_wilson.html | |
28. Indispensable Writing Resources: General Reference Books biographies. Indexes more than 100 general science periodicals not completelycovered by other indexes. philosopher's Index (Bowling Green University). http://www.quintcareers.com/writing/refmat.html | |
29. Biographies Of Afghans Abdul Hakeem Katawazai, Pashto, A general in the Ibne Sina, Eng, Physician, philosopher,encyclopedist, mathematician Photo biographies will be added as they are http://www.afghanan.net/biographies/ | |
30. BIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES general biographies Biographical Index http//www.bartleby.com/65/a0 philosophers.html(Click on a philosopher's portrait for one of the 27 biographies). http://www.wisdomportal.com/Biography/Biography.html | |
31. Trexler Library - Library Instruction Handout 940.5318 E36o). for general biography . . . Bio other sources. for philosophicalmovements and philosopher biographies. . . Philosophical http://www.muhlenberg.edu/library/guides/libinst/cannon/fall_2002/tigheih.html | |
32. Biographies Of Famous Vegetarians great eaters of flesh are, in general, more cruel Among his many writings were biographiesof Henry David He was a theologian and philosopher, an accomplished http://schwartz.enviroweb.org/bioveg.html | |
33. Food For Thought Biographies 17981869. Ewell, Richard Stoddert (American Confederate general),1817-1872. Ewing, Alfred Cyril (British philosopher), 1899-1973. Ewing http://www.evcom.net/~tourette/bio/bio_E.htm |
34. Food For Thought Biographies Ibrahim Pasha (Ottoman general, ruler of Egypt), 17891848. Ibycus (Greek poet),6th cent. BC. Ichijo Kaneyoshi (Japanese philosopher, official), 1402-1481. http://www.evcom.net/~tourette/bio/bio_I.htm |
35. © Biographies Women's Suffrage biographies Women's Suffrage ©. Denis Diderot (17131784) French philosopher andman of letters for women's suffrage was rejected by the general German Women's http://www.tasc.ac.uk/histcourse/suffrage/coredocs/biograp2.htm | |
36. General Percy Resources To 1995 A Bibliography of general Percy Criticism and Resources to Writers A Collection ofLiterary biographies, Supplement III Walker Percy Novelist and philosopher. http://www.ibiblio.org/wpercy/critical.html | |
37. Philosophy Links the single most important and influential philosopher in the Sphere PhilosophicalResource Centre, A general site that contains biographies, etexts, essays http://www.philosophers.co.uk/links.htm | |
38. Siol Nan Gaidheal - Famous American Scots - Biographies of Slidell, Louisiana, who supplied the biographies reproduced here. He was a philosopher,educator, naturalist, politician the rank of Brigadier general in the http://www.siol-nan-gaidheal.com/famams2.htm | |
39. Faculty - Arts & Humanities Faculty Members biographies. A. Clarkson, presented him with the Governor general'sCaring Canadian Director of Studies and Editor of The philosopher for the http://www.greenwich.edu/aah/aahfac.htm | |
40. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Humanities - Philosophy - Philosopher 6. Kierkegaard, Soren Consulate general of Denmark http//www.denmark.org Kierkegaard,Soren - philosopher biographies http//ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=534506 |
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