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41. The Evolution Of IPM To ICM In Vegetable Crops IPM (Integrated pest management) programs for many vegetable crops have been developedand delivered to growers in different forms over that past few decades. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/resource/ipmtoicm.htm | |
42. UConn Integrated Pest Management:IPM-TREE FRUIT CROPS Articles on integrated pest management for apple and other fruit trees, including control of the boxelder Category Reference Education Integrated pest management...... pest management Guide for Home Plum Orchards INSECTS. phone toll free1877-486-6271 or email. FRUIT crops EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. menu. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmtrfr.htm | |
43. Integrated Pest Management For Greenhouse Crops Integrated pest management for Greenhouse crops. Water management Guidelinesfor Nursery/Floral Producers. Integrated pest management http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/greenhouse/environ/wmipm.html | |
44. IPM/CIIFAD Horticultural Crops Pest Management Global Crop pest Identification and Information Services in Integrated pest management(IPM) on units' for the major vegetable, fruit and field crops pests in http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/hortcrops/proposal.html | |
45. GE Crops And Pest Management In The U.S. * GE crops and pest management In the US *. An April 2000 report (releasedin May) from the US Dept. of Agriculture's Economic Research http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/Core4/ipm/GECrops.html | |
46. Ky Crop And Livestock Pest Management Recommendations Field crops. on the livestock for access to 2003 Livestock Insect management . recommendationsin the Ky Crop and Livestock pest management Recommendations are http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/PAT/recs/rechome.htm | |
47. High Plains Integrated Pest Management Guide Weed pest Information Links. Binder Section, Section Page, Insect and Disease pestmanagement Options for Specific. crops, Livestock. X, 1, Alfalfa Insects, Cattle. http://www.highplainsipm.org/ | |
48. ARS Project: Integrated Pest Management Components For Vegetable Crops (402247) Integrated pest management Components For Vegetable crops (402247)Several pestproblems of sweetpotato and peppers are common to the US and the Caribbean. http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/projects/projects.htm?accession=402247 |
49. ARS Project: Floral And Nursery Crops Initiative: Pest Management Research (4029 Floral And Nursery crops Initiative pest management Research (402913)The floraland nursery crop industry has identified thrips, rootrot diseases promoted by http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/projects/projects.htm?accn_no=402913 |
50. Integrated Pest Management p. 932. IN AR Leslie and GW Cuperus (ed.) Successful implementation of integratedpest management for agricultural crops. Lewis Publishers. 193 p. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/sustainable/peet/IPM/c04aipm.html | |
51. Integrated Pest Management In Cucurbit Crops In South-Central USA: Pest Status, Integrated pest management in Cucurbit crops in SouthCentral USApest Status, Attitudes toward IPM and a Plan for Implementation. http://www.joe.org/joe/1998august/a3.html | |
52. Pest Management & Identification - UC Pest Management Guidelines pest management and Identification. pests of Agricultural crops, Floriculture andOrnamental Nurseries, and Commercial Turfgrass UC pest management Guidelines. http://resolver.library.cornell.edu/misc/3932168 | |
53. IPM Index, IPM At University Of Missouri Horticultural crops. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a strategy that utilizesall appropriate control methods (both chemical and nonchemical) to keep pest http://ipm.missouri.edu/ | |
54. Integrated Pest Management I: Ecology, Crops, And Pests Integrated pest management I Ecology, crops, and pests Student activity guide with3 major activities looking at ecosystems, pest populations, and how pests http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/4DACTION/WEB_InventoryIndividualDisplay/621X | |
55. Field Crops VCE), a joint educational outreach program of Virgina Tech and Virginia State University,these three 2001 pest management Guides on Field crops, Home Grounds http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/detail/9c44dca2e8ae7fc641a19243ff3d942e.html | |
56. Pest Management published by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences ontopics regarding insect and pest management in horticultural crops and home http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/detail/a53b8df3d8ab298bea1e4b6e1a2f3f5d.html | |
57. California Crop Calendar, California Pest Management Center pest management Information. Related Sites. Home. California Crop Calendars. Region10. Central Valley and North Coast field and row crops AL field and row crops MZ http://www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu/Ca/CaCrops/calendar.html | |
58. California Commercial Crops, Region 6, California Pest Management Center News and Announcements. Crop Profiles and Other Data Sources. Funding Opportunities.pest management Information. Related Sites. Home. crops grown in this region http://www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu/Ca/CaCrops/region6.html | |
59. UConn Integrated Pest Management:IPM-TREE FRUIT CROPS INTEGRATED pest management PROGRAM. TREE FRUIT. 20002001 New EnglandApple pest management Guide Now Available. ARTICLES. APPLES. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/ipm/ipmtrfr.htm | |
60. 1996 Pest Management Research Report Oilseed crops, 115 129, 225 - 250. K. Ornamental, Greenhouse and Turf, 130 - 132 138 - 139, 251 - 259 267iii - v. L. Nematodes, 133, 260 - 261. pest management http://res2.agr.ca/london/pmrc/english/report/pmrr96.html |
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