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41. UBB - STEP has served as a basis for mobilisation among the indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorianhighlands, but not among the indigenous peoples of highland peru. http://www.ub.uib.no/elpub/2001/h/707004/ | |
42. New Page 1 Amazon Watch, environment, indigenous peoples, USA. AIDESEP, indigenous peoples,peru. Abya Yala Fund, Acción Ecológica, Ecuador. Amanaka'a Amazon Network, http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/redes/redes/rscen33.htm | |
43. Anglican Journal -- Canadian Natives Expertise Sought By Indigenous Groups Nisga'a, who live in British Columbia's Nass River Valley, have signed a partnershipagreement with indigenous peoples living near the Amazon River in peru. http://www.anglicanjournal.com/126/05/canada02.html | |
44. Indigenous Peoples: Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Mr. Tomas ALARCON EYZAGUIRRE, Av. Dos de Mayo, n°644 Tacna, peru Tel (51 54)722601. Tel (228) 22 35 67. CV provided. African indigenous peoples Forum http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/nominations.htm | |
45. Locate Indigenous Peoples - UNCyberschoolbus resources and is home to over 300 indigenous peoples. Many different groups haveinterests in the Amazon. The governments of Ecuador, Brazil and peru use the http://www0.un.org/cyberschoolbus/indigenous/locate_focus.asp | |
46. Indigenous Peoples Conference indigenous peoples and human rights. provide a platform for high profile indigenousleaders, who on Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, Ecuador, peru, Bolivia, and http://www.slas.org.uk/indigconf.html | |
47. Environment: Peru Support Group Web Site Convention 169 of the ILO, to which peru is signatory, states that government mustconsult with indigenous peoples before authorising prospecting rights or the http://www.perusupportgroup.co.uk/environment.htm | |
48. Indigenous Peoples Web Resources Saraguro homepage; Scholarly paper on indigenous rights in peru; South and MesoAmericaIndian Rights Center; Taino peoples; Tarahumara peoples; U'wa peoples; http://www.majbill.vt.edu/polisci/corntassel/add2984.html | |
49. South America - Rainforest Portal and expeditions in the Amazon rainforest of peru, exploring traditional Amazon Overviewfrom the Environmental Media Service on Amazonian indigenous peoples. http://www.rainforestweb.org/Rainforest_Information/Indigenous_Peoples/South_Ame | |
50. Indigenous Peoples Specific activities supported by the Program include a dialogue to promotethe recovery of cultural identity of indigenous peoples of peru; and an http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,contentMDK:20040947~menuPK:3448 | |
51. Stop Funding For Camisea Gas Pipeline, Peru It's a classic case of environmental racism indigenous peoples in peru and poorborder communities in Mexico will suffer environmental contamination and http://www.globalizaction.org/Camisea.htm | |
52. The E7 Observer peru), Chevron and HydroQuébec were the main speakers. At the workshops, participantsdrafted a suggested Mission Statement for the indigenous peoples http://www.e7.org/Pages/Observer/E7Obs21/E7Obs21.3.6.htm | |
53. Pachamama Events She authored a book titled We Only Want to Live in Peace, which explains theexperience of peru's indigenous peoples affected by oil exploration and http://www.pachamama.org/events/ | |
54. REPRESENTATIVES OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES VOICE HUMAN RIGHTS CONCERNS AT PERMANENT F the past centuries, treaties with indigenous peoples had been to all members of indigenouscommunities, including States, Norway, Sweden, and peru also spoke http://www.un.org/rights/indigenous/hr4599.doc.htm | |
55. STABLE FINANCING NEEDED FOR SMOOTH FUNCTIONING OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' FORUM, THI aimed to ensure all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all indigenous peoples. ALFREDOCHUQUIHUARA (peru) said that States in his region had recognized http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2001/gashc3649.doc.htm | |
56. Indigenous Karp de Toledo, stressing peru's commitment to defend its poor and to accord fullconstitutional recognition to the rights of its own indigenous peoples. http://www.oas.org/OASpage/press2002/en/Press2002/march2002/052--031102.htm | |
57. Native Peoples By The Numbers Countries with the largest proportion of indigenous peoples are Bolivia,Guatemala, peru and Ecuador. Estimates for Bolivia range http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/archive/stories/1999/eng/e1099s7.htm | |
58. Financing For Change peru A project to strengthen the governments indigenous Populations Program Whilenot exclusively targeted at indigenous peoples, more than 80 percent of http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/archive/stories/1999/eng/e1099s8.htm | |
59. Amazon Alliance - Amazon Update September 2000 The Organization of indigenous peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC) organizedthe peru indigenous LEADERS CONSULT WITH GOVERNMENT ON FOREST REGULATIONS The http://www.amazonalliance.org/update/2000/upd_sep00_en.htm | |
60. Red2 Translate this page organizations. - COPPIP (peru). Comision Permanente de Pueblos Indigenasdel peru./ peruvian Organization of indigenous peoples. Info http://www.geocities.com/alertanet/red2.html | |
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