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Pende Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | ||||
1. YDCFA Store - Books About Africa - Arts, Culture & Photography only the better known South african indigenous peoples, but also months travelingfrom Capetown, South africa, to Cairo in the Art of the Central pende, by ZS http://www.marekinc.com/StoreBooksArtsPhoto.html | |
2. The Institute Of African Studies: Faculty Biographies IWGIA (International Work Group for indigenous Affairs) 15 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ias/bios.html | |
3. PRECOLONIAL METALWORKING IN AFRICA : A BIBLIOGRAPHY. indigenous African metallurgy nature and culture. H. Forgerons et fondeurs de ferchez les Bapende et leurs voisins. The Iron Age peoples of Zambia and Malawi http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/age/material/metbib.htm | |
4. German Anthropology-Online P. passage rites 40 pende 25 performance 19 photography and pilgrimage 40 traditionin africa 23 traditional Uduk 25 UN and indigenous peoples 3 unconscious and http://www.anthropology-online.de/Aga/IndexK.html | |
5. Africa (tw6)(afr1Page1) magnificent photographs of the indigenous peoples) (Keywords Culture history Ethnology,Central africa, Zaire, Yombe, Vili, Teke, pende, Tshokwe, Kuba, Luba http://www.tribalworldbooks.com.au/afr1Page1.html | |
6. ArtLex On African Art An annotated guide to internet resources on education in and about africa. stories from africa. peoples Database which includes the Ashanti, Bamana, Baule, Bwa, Dogon, Fang, Hemba, Ibibio, Kongo, Kota, Kuba, Lobi, Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, pende, the indigenous Selected http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/african.html | |
7. VADA - Volkeren En Stammen Peoples Tribes O - Q PENAN (Maleisië Malaysia); pende (Democratische Republiek Congo PYGMEE PYGMIE PYGMY(Afrika - africa); PUYUMA (Taiwan) See also indigenous peoples in Brazil. http://www.vada.nl/volkenoq.htm |
8. Africa Architect Exposition "Ulwazi Lwemvelo indigenous Knowledge in South africa". Cape Yaka, Suku, Holo, Mbala, pende, Mbuun, Dinga, Lele, Kuba, Tshwa, Aquarelles de Joy Adamson "peoples of Kenya" http://www.africa-architect.com/architect/galerie.htm | |
9. Musées Afrique indigenous Knowledge in South africa Nkanu, Yaka, Suku,Holo, Mbala, pende, Mbuun, Dinga Aquarelles de Joy Adamson peoples of Kenya http://www.unil.ch/gybn/Arts_Peuples/Ex_Africa/ex_Af_musaf.html | |
10. Africa South Of The Sahara - Culture And Society An annotated guide to internet resources on african culture and society.Category Regional africa Society and Culture...... Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, pende, Suku, Tabwa twostory architecture, Islamand indigenous african cultures site for her course peoples and Cultures of http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/culture.html | |
11. Democratic Republic Of The Congo / DRC (Kinshasa) An annotated guide to internet resources on africa.Category Regional africa Congo, Democratic Republic of the...... were made in Zaire (Kuba, pende, Salampasu, Songye lang.html L1 Ituri Forest peoplesFund/Cultural based in Cambridge, MA, helps indigenous peoples and ethnic http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/zaire.html | |
12. Index00 Cloth, Dress, and Art Patronage in africa. Oxford 1999. indigenous peoples and theLegacy of Perestroika. Agency and History in the Art of the Central pende. http://www.anthropos-journal.de/index00/body_index00.htm | |
13. History 247-20th Century Africa both to European colonial force and African indigenous reactions. Britain wonthe region and its peoples in 1806 as a n pende Rising (Belgium Congo) 1931. http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/hist247/Schedule/module1/lecture2outline.htm | |
14. Adam Hochschild. The Treaties Must Grant Us Everything. And traditional warfare in this part of africa, where a Like many indigenous peoples,inhabitants of the Congo basin had some of them from the pende and Songye http://www.cooper.edu/humanities/core/hss3/hochschild_a.html | |
15. AFRICAN FILMS AND AUDIO CDs from the Ouhampende The Ouham-pende, a region Garifuna culture and language amongthe indigenous Arawaks. Ashanti, Ga, Fanti, Ewe and Dagomba peoples of africa http://www.nevada.edu/~gbp/media-africa.html | |
16. Www.anc.org.za/anc/newsbrief/2002/news0826.txt m KuduWestern Cape and the $600m pende/Temane-Gauteng changed under the new politicaldispensation for the indigenous peoples of South africa, who still http://www.anc.org.za/anc/newsbrief/2002/news0826.txt |
17. BELGIAN CONGO Among the different indigenous peoples who opposed a major resistance to Dhanis 1862 1909 (5) Other peoples who opposed revolt was that of the pende in 1933. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Rotunda/2209/Belgian_Congo.html | |
18. 1Up Info > Zaire > Peoples Between The Kwango And The Kasai | Zaire Information only in 1885 by a coalition of Mbun, Njembe, and pende, the first two The Kongo peoples;The Significance of Ethnic Identification. indigenous SOCIAL SYSTEMS; http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/zaire/zaire67.html | |
19. FAMSI - The Kerr Articles - Applying Experimental Archaeology To Ethnomusicology One, the tigrero, is a nonindigenous implement, probably akin to the in central Africasuch as the Chokwe and pende of Zaire, and other peoples of Zaire http://www.famsi.org/research/kerr/articles/friction_drum/ | |
20. HOME TEST PAGE There is a peoples Database which includes the Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi,pende, Suku, Tabwa story architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures http://www.msu.edu/~metzler/matrix/dream/humanities.html | |
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