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Peer Mediation Teach: more detail |
21. New Course To Teach Mediation To Resolve Disputes - MASON WEST, Daily Texan Staf resolves disputes through mediation, and this fall, she will teach 15 UT juniorsand seniors how to do the same in the University's new peer mediation center. http://mason-west.com/Texan/MEDIATE.shtml |
22. News Tribune - Local Schools Teach Peer Mediation As Civil Means To Settle Kids' Sunday, January 20, 2002 Local schools teach peer mediation as civilmeans to settle kids' differences By CHRISTINA STUEVE News Tribune. http://newstribune.com/stories/012002/loc_0120020064.asp | |
23. Peer_Mediation (iii) Train Year 6 as peer Mediators at the beginning of each year. (iv) teachersto teach the lesson outlines in the peer mediation Kit with their classes to http://www.brookvaleps.nsw.edu.au/SCHOOL/PEERMED/Peer_Mediation.htm | |
24. School Programs Why peer mediation? Why teach Conflict Resolution Conflict resolution teaches valuablecommunication life mediation handled the problem before it got to an http://www.workitout.org/partneringwithschools.htm | |
25. Peer Mediation resolution, anger management and peer mediation for education and The mediation CenterOffers training, resources, and teach-nology - The Art and Science of http://www.teach-nology.com/edleadership/counseling/peer_mediation/ | |
26. CM Magazine: Peer Mediation. and skills they need to become responsible, fully participating citizens usingsuch innovative programs as peer mediation, to teach effective strategies so http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol9/no11/peermediation.html | |
27. House In The Wood Summer Camp And Retreat Center peer mediation Floater (1 opening) teach peer mediation skills and supervisepeer mediation program. Able to adapt to changing job responsibilities. http://www.houseinthewood.org/Jobs/Summaries.htm | |
28. Conflict Resolution And Mediation Services Program occur. peer mediation programs teach the same skills as conflict resolutioneducation, but through a more structured process. At http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DSSSE/SDFY/ConflictRes.htm | |
29. High School Students Teach Peer Mediation To Younger Release December 3, 1999. High School Students teach peer mediation toElementary Students During Special Training. District high school http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/news/1999/120399peermediation.htm | |
30. Conflict Management And Peer Mediation Programs For Schools framework for a schoolwide conflict management program; teach conflict management createa climate where cooperative discipline and peer mediation is supported. http://www.frognet.net/~apjn/conflict.htm | |
31. :: STUDENT SAFE :: A Website To Help EVALUATE And IMPROVE Your School Safety Pro peer mediation programs are designed to teach students personal responsibilityand problem resolution skills that can last a lifetime. http://www.studentsafe.com/peer-mediation.htm | |
32. Safety Issues For Middle Schools life long learners. The outcomes of peer mediation are to teach studentslessons they will need as life long learners. This is a http://www.mamleonline.org/resources/Safety/peerlinksandbooks.htm | |
33. CRSD - Books And Manuals peer mediation Student Workbook - Master Copy - $A275.00 A master copy of the ResolutionNetwork A practical easy-to-use manual to teach conflict resolution http://www.justaccord.com.au/booksmansforsale.htm | |
34. CRSD - 2002 1 Day Workshop skills package How to teach conflict resolution mediation training and practiceTraining students to be of Implementing a peer mediation program Resources, http://www.justaccord.com.au/2002dayprogram.htm | |
35. Peer Mediation mediation and peer mediation are programs designed to teach school staff and students,respectively, to effectively mediate disputes, when the emotions of the http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/SafeSchools/pages/training/peermediation.htm | |
36. Exeter News-Letter News: Peer Mediation Expands group of Cooperative Middle School students are trying to teach their peers Accordingto peer mediation coordinator Laurie Loosigian, the essence of the program http://www.seacoastonline.com/news/exeter/01212003/news/8797.htm | |
37. Character Makes A Comeback instituted programs that do two things provide students with a grounding in suchvalues as courage and caring, and teach them how to peer mediation Has Power. http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/todayschild/comeback.htm | |
38. Peer Mediation Workshop Description the 12 core skills of a peer helping training how to design a curriculum for mediationand conflict techniques that energize training;; when to teach and when http://www.mentors.ca/PMT.html | |
39. 911 Editorial we help train children and youth in public schools throughout Colorado in conflictresolution, anger management, and peer mediation. We teach children, as http://www.csmp.org/handouts/september 11/editorial 911.htm | |
40. Programs We offer trainings for students to become peer mediators. Students are trained inthe mediation process and staff are bring any of the classes we teach to your http://www.csmp.org/aboutus/programs.htm | |
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