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61. Probation, Pardon And Parole - Online Information Page 7. Identify various detention and parole programs available for juveniles. 8. Highlightseveral important trends in juvenile probation and parole. Chapter 14. http://ptcwct.ptc.edu:8800/public/CRJ244OSM/ | |
62. Provider Profile American Probation And Parole Association Austin, TX, January 1618. Working With Substance Abusing Youths Knowledgeand Skills for juvenile probation and parole Professionals. http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/pubs/trngcatalg/appa-pp.html |
63. Corrections Related Index Of My Academic Only Home Page.com of individuals from the United States and Canada actively involved with probation,parole and communitybased corrections, in both adult and juvenile sectors. http://www.myacademiconlyhomepage.com/Criminology_Corrections.html | |
64. Probation, Parole, Corrections probation, parole, Corrections Finger Print Specialist new Mohave County probationDepartmentf Northern $38,230/Yr - juvenile probation - Maricopa County http://www.whohasjobs.com/field/010/0233/ | |
65. Minnesota Statutes 2002, 13.84 (b) A parole or probation authority, a correctional agency, or (c) The responsibleauthority or its designee of a juvenile correctional agency may release http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/13/84.html | |
66. CRIMINAL JUSTICE and functions of the legislature, law enforcement, prosecutor, courts, corrections,parole and probation are examined. CCJ 2500 juvenile DELINQUENCYAA. http://www.edison.edu/catalog2002_2003/course descriptions/criminal_justice.htm | |
67. NORTH DAKOTA PAROLE AND PROBATION HISTORY At that time, the ND parole/probation Office under the direction of the It also includedthe Division of juvenile Services which was administratively created http://discovernd.com/docr/Field_Services/History Parole.htm | |
68. Collin County Juvenile Probation Services Mission Statement The right to provide pertinent information to a juvenile court conducting a divisionof the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for parole, to participate in http://www.co.collin.tx.us/juvenile_probation/victim_rights.jsp |
69. Into The Abyss: Probation And Parole Solutions section. Next. Additional Resources You can read the State of Oregon'sjob description for a juvenile parole and probation officer. The http://courses.smsu.edu/mkc096f/gangbook/SOLUTIONS/INSTITUTIONS/pp.htm | |
70. Oregon Youth Authority (Parole And Probation) juvenile Community Justice. Oregon Youth Authority (parole and probation).Brad Mulvihill, Area Coordinator (541) 3886476 Bob Warsaw http://alternet.deschutes.org/juvenile/oregonyouth.htm | |
71. Probation & Parole System Jury Commissioners juvenile probation Maintenance Department Parks Planning and Development probation parole Prothonotary http://www.columbiapa.org/county/probation/ | |
72. Correctional & Juvenile Justice Links adoption of the juvenile Court Code in 1913. The Association gained its first writtenconstitution in 1947 as the Washington probation and parole Association. http://www.trc.eku.edu/links/cjjlinks.shtml | |
73. Juvenile Justice Software For Juvenile Justice And Probation Departments the company. Assessments.com offers motivational interviewing trainingfor adult and juvenile probation and parole departments. http://www.assessments.com/content/juvenile_justice_software.htm | |
74. JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL SERVICES Warren Hurlbut juvenile probation and parole works to rehabilitate youth in the community toensure public safety and full compliance with court orders and conditions of http://www.dcyf.state.ri.us/juvcorrectns.shtml | |
75. Parole/Probation Law: Free Legal Information Free Advice's parole/probation law legal information helps individuals to understandtheir legal rights. WHAT HAPPENS IF I VIOLATE MY probation OR parole? http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/ | |
76. Texas Juvenile Probation Commission Features state agency's mission and philosophy, programs and services, overview of juvenile justice system, probation directory, publications, training, events, and more. 341. Texas juvenile probation Commission. 342. Standards for Standards for Secure juvenile PreAdjudication Detention and Care Programs. 348. juvenile Justice Alternative Education http://www.tjpc.state.tx.us/ | |
77. BILLS BY SUBJECT: PAROLE AND PROBATION - 1999 REGULAR SESSION Crimes and Punishments parole Eligibility House House - Withdrawn Judiciary JuvenileLaw - Delinquent Acts and probation Violations - Suspension of http://mlis.state.md.us/1999rs/subjects/parolep$.htm | |
78. Greene County, Virginia - Court System Office of probation and parole District 26. probation parole District 26 PO Box159 Culpeper, VA 22701 Email District26@vadoc.state.va.us (540) 829-7369. http://www.gcva.us/dpts/cort/parole.htm | |
79. Greene County, Virginia - Court System Flag. Greene County Court System. juvenile probation and Intake. Thejuvenile probation Officer for Greene County is Jennifer Fowler. http://www.gcva.us/dpts/cort/jvprob.htm | |
80. DGS Facilities By Location Walker Ave, District Court of Maryland; General Services, Dept. of (DGS); JuvenileJustice, Dept. of (DJJ); parole probation; Public Defender System, The (PDS). http://www.dgs.state.md.us/Facilities/locations.html | |
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