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41. Section 170-G:16 Juvenile Probation And Parole Officers; Powers And Duties. CHAPTER 170G SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES. juvenile Services. Section170-G16. 170-G16 juvenile probation and parole Officers; Powers and Duties. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XII/170-G/170-G-16.htm | |
42. Probation, Aftercare And Parole Programs: TJPC/TYC Coordinated Strategic Plan 20 according to a recent survey completed by Texas juvenile probation departments operatingan Not only do TYC youth released on parole need aftercare supervision http://www.tyc.state.tx.us/about/joint_intensiv.html | |
43. Itasca County juvenile Services Supervised probation Community Work Service Program Monetary Restitution Program Diversion Program juvenile Alcohol http://www.co.itasca.mn.us/Probat/Gov_pro.htm | |
44. National Probation And Parole Officers' Week I would like to congratulate the Adult and juvenile probation and parole Officersfor being recognized for the valuable work they do to keep Connecticuts http://www.jud.state.ct.us/external/news/press28.html | |
45. Corrections / Custody programs, probation and parole organizations and operations, officer roles, theoriesof offender treatment, supervision, juvenile probation and parole, and the http://www.copbiz.com/Products/Books/Corrections.htm | |
46. Clatsop Community College The average wage for parole and probation officers and juvenile workers is $3,300per month. updated 9/2002. First Year Course Number, Course Title. Credits F W S. http://www.clatsopcollege.com/Programs/a_science/crimjust.html | |
47. Jail Expert Witness And Corrections Trial Consultant Including Probation, Parole Veteran sheriffs captain and author, offering research, training services, and technical and legal Category Society Law Services Expert Witnesses Law Enforcement...... Core for Correctional Officers, Deputy Sheriffs, Police Staff and InService TrainingStandards for Jails, juvenile Detention, probation and Community parole. http://members.aol.com/nteusa2/expwithmpg.html | |
48. Contact Us - Probation Department - County Of Sonoma Detention Facility. Work Furlough/parole, (707) 5786042, FAX - SEC/WorkFurlough/parole, (707) 542-8214, juvenile probation Services. http://www.sonoma-county.org/probation/contact.htm | |
49. FAQs by a parole officer either state or federal, depending on the type of prison. Whatdoes probation do to prevent delinquent juveniles from entering the juvenile http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/cnty/cntydepts/safety/probation/faq.htm | |
50. Juvenile Probation Officers To Be Armed over the last 18 years, between 16 and 20 parole and probation officers have 10 years,Frank Carmen of the state Supreme Court's juvenile Justice Services http://www.azpoa.com/juvenileofficerarmed.htm |
51. Class Specification CLASSIFICATION juvenile probation AND parole SUPERVISOR. Ability totrain and supervise other juvenile probation parole Officers. http://admin.state.nh.us/personnel/classspec_j/5464.htm | |
52. Interstate Compact On The Placement Of Children (For practical purposes of the compact, a juvenile on probation or parole who hasabsented himself or run away from the placement mandated by the supervising http://www.state.vt.us/srs/manual/casework/180.html | |
53. PAROLE AND PROBATION COMPACT ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION Council of State Governments. American probation and parole Association(APPA). Association of juvenile Compact Administrators (AJCA). http://www.ppcaa.net/links/main.html | |
54. Cumberland County, PA Geographical Information Systems) Human Resources Information Management TechnologyOffice juvenile probation Library System Adult probation and parole. http://www.ccpa.net/adultprobation/default.html | |
55. JUVENILE CRIME INTERVENTION SERVICES called Trackers, monitor the youth's compliance with the parole or probation agreement school Referrals are through the Office of juvenile Services. http://www.familyserviceomaha.org/whatwedo/JuvenileCrime.htm | |
56. Jackson County Online - Adult Supervision Field parole and probation Officers supervise and newly formed Integration Unit,looking at ways to combine services of Adult and juvenile officers to http://www.co.jackson.or.us/SectionIndex.asp?SectionID=72 |
57. Title 34 - Chapter 121, STATE PROBATION AND PAROLE BOARD from parole (REPEALED) §1678. Certificate of discharge (REPEALED) §1679. Recordsforwarded to State Police (REPEALED) Subchapter 5A juvenile probation http://janus.state.me.us/legis/statutes/34/title34ch121sec0.html | |
58. Www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles1/ojjdp/fs200012.txt Promoting education about the Compact and probation and parole practicesand providing training to juvenile justice professionals. http://www.ncjrs.org/txtfiles1/ojjdp/fs200012.txt | |
59. MyFlorida.com Taxonomy Florida Crime; Highway Driver; parole; Prison; probation, Adult;probation, juvenile; Prosecution; Traffic Crash Facts; Uniform Crime http://taxonomy.myflorida.com/Taxonomy/Floridian/Law Enforcement & Crime Prevent | |
60. Adult Probation And Parole Training Training The Center for Public Administration and Public Policy is offering accreditedtraining for Adult and juvenile probation and parole Officer under the http://dept.kent.edu/cpapp/adultprob.htm | |
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