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1. 6634 - JUVENILE PAROLE AND PROBATION OFFICER involved with probation, parole and communitybased corrections, in both adult and juvenile sectors including all http://www.hr.das.state.or.us/hrsd/class/6634.HTM | |
2. Probation Officers And Parole Agents and values. parole and probation Officers work with people in all age groups, despite assignment to juvenile or adult http://www.calmis.cahwnet.gov/file/occguide/PROBOFF.HTM | |
3. Correctional Training Calendar For Correctional Staff, Parole, Jail, Probation, are all practicing corrections professionals in their justice training subjectmatter specialties for probation, community parole, juvenile detention, jails http://nteusa.org/calendar/4thquarter.html | |
4. AJCA ACJA is the governing body of the Interstate Compact on juveniles, which provides statutory authority for regulating the transfer of juvenile probation and parole supervision across state boundaries, provides for the return of nonadjudicated runaway youth to their home states, and for the return of non-adjudicated allegedly delinquent youth. http://www.ajca.org/index.htm | |
5. Correctional Officer, Parole, Jail, Probation, Juvenile Corrections Detention Co Correctional Officer, parole, Jail, probation, juvenile Corrections DetentionCoaching as a Tool of Positive Supervision correctional law enforcement and http://nteusa.org/flyers/09S.html | |
6. Solution Specialties, Inc. - TRACKER Tracker (R) is a collection of comprehensive case management software modules for tracking adult and juvenile offenders including probation, parole, drug court, public defender, state's attorney, parole, community service, victim assistance, financial case management, intake and courtroom. http://www.solutionspec.com | |
7. NY Correction History Society Articles about history of NY City and State correctional services, including probation, parole, juvenile justice, incarceration alternatives, community correction, restorative justice. http://www.correctionhistory.org | |
8. Probation Parole Suicide Prevention Update Correctional Training Corrections Sta probation parole Suicide Prevention Update Correctional Training Corrections Staff, parole, probation, juvenile Correctional Detention http://www.nteusa.org/flyers/184probation.html | |
9. Jefferson County Pennsylvania Court Of Common Pleas Includes civil, criminal, orphan's courts, arbitration, probation, juvenile probation and parole, abuse protection, and child custody information. http://jeffersoncopacourt.org | |
10. What Does Someone Have To Do On Parole Or Probation? Q As in Criminal Law / parole probation Related Topics Arrests And Searches Drug Crimes Drunk Driving juvenile Law parole probation Violent Crimes http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/parole_probation.htm | |
11. BILLS BY SUBJECT: PAROLEP - 1999 REGULAR SESSION Entitled, Crimes and Punishments parole Eligibility. Entitled, juvenile Law - DelinquentActs and probation Violations - Suspension of Driving Privileges. http://mlis.state.md.us/1999rs/subjects/parolep.htm | |
12. Probation Parole Training Calendar For, Adult Probation Parole, Juvenile Probati probation parole correctional training for adult probation juvenile probation staff, juvenile detention corrections officers, probation law enforcement and parole corrections agencies. subject matter specialties for probation, community parole, juvenile detention, jails, corrections supervisors and http://www.nteusa.org/calendar/3rdquarter.html | |
13. Citizens Probation Officer Parole Junenile Information - Probation And Parole Se probation attourney legal parole juvenile treatment the difference is between probation and parole? I see why Not only do probation and parole both start with procedural difference between probation and parole. probation is part and http://www.citizenprobation.com/parole.htm | |
14. Category: Juvenile Probation And Parole - Criminal Justice Resource Directory Category juvenile probation and parole. Location Top juvenile JusticeServices Children, Youth and Families Department juvenile http://www.cjjcc.org/directory/category.php?category_id=107 |
15. Citizens Probation Officer Parole Juvenile Information - The Real Facts About Pr probation attourney legal parole juvenile treatment Ordinarily, the amount of time spent on parole or probation depends on the crime and your The probation Department operates the juvenile hall, which is a temporary detention http://www.citizenprobation.com/ | |
16. Listing Details: Juvenile Probation And Parole, District Nine - Criminal Justice Listing Details juvenile probation and parole, District Nine. ListingID, 877. Listing Name, juvenile probation and parole, District Nine. http://www.cjjcc.org/directory/program.php?program_id=877 |
17. Brookings Review now favor abolishing parole, sharply curtailing probation, imprisoning every adultfelon for his or her entire term, and warehousing juvenile offenders in http://www.brook.edu/press/REVIEW/SPRING97/PAROLE.HTM | |
18. Juvenile Probation And Parole Department Of Jefferson County Pennsylvania juvenile probation and parole Department and the services offered to delinquentchildren and their families in Jefferson County Pennsylvania. http://jeffersoncopacourt.org/juv/ | |
19. Services Of Juvenile Probation And Parole Department Of Jefferson County Pennsyl Public services provided to juveniles and their families by the JuvenileProbation and parole Department of Jefferson County Pennsylvania. http://jeffersoncopacourt.org/juv/services.html | |
20. Information Clearing House local, stateprovincial and federal agencies, For information on american probationand parole association, probation, parole, juvenile crime, youthcourts http://www.appa-net.org/information clearing house/firearmssurvey01/firearmssurv | |
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