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Park Mungo African Explorer: more detail | ||||||
21. Schoonove | The Lexus & The Olive Tree Considered The first European to explore part of the Niger was mungo park, a Scottish park alsoreturned to the Niger, in 1805, as the first african explorer to be http://www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/archives_roll/2001_07-09/bullington_0801/bulli | |
22. Park, Mungo park, mungo 17711806, British explorer in Africa After serving as a surgeon withthe East India Company, he was employed by the african Association to http://www.slider.com/enc/40000/Park_Mungo.htm | |
23. Anecdote Mungo Park? Park Executions Civiliza a civilized society. park, mungo (17711806), Scottish explorer of Africa notedfor his african expeditions (the first of which he chronicled in Travels in http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=3777 |
24. Mungo Park Association TriCounty Surgical Society explorer's Club (New mungo park THE OPENINGOF THE NIGER THE of Slavery - as was another african Association founder http://www.redlandsfortnightly.org/mungo.htm | |
25. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Park" To "Parker, Gladys" park, mungo, 17711806 mungo park, african Pioneer 9 p. in It ReallyHappened, no. 2 (1944). About an explorer. Call no. PN6728 http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/prri/park.htm | |
26. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Afraid" To "African Adventures" of his daring exploits, wonderful models of african animals can 16) 1. park, mungo,17711806Comic books, strips An English explorer in Africa is captured and http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/arri/afr.htm | |
27. Mungo Park Translate this page Né en Ecosse, dans le Selkirkshire en 1771, mungo park devint chirurgien et rêvad Grâce à quoi, lafrican Association le chargea dexplorer le cours http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aldebarande/Texte_comp/mungo_park.html | |
28. Links & Other Stuff 1650 Rise in competition for african slaves between the South. Callie was influencedby mungo park. Kingsley, the first female explorer, traveled throughout http://www.fandm.edu/departments/Anthropology/Bastian/ANT269/link.html | |
29. SWAN /All Libraries Schiller Pk Juv 1955 Stanley, the making of an african explorer / Frank McLynn ForestJuv 1995 9 explorers Africa West Biography Black Nile mungo park and the http://swan.sls.lib.il.us:90/kids/0,11,403/search/dexplorers/dexplorers/1,205,17 | |
30. Joseph Kenny OP: THE SPREAD OF ISLAM..., Bibliography: PRE-COLONIAL EXPLORATION park, mungo Journal of a mission to the interior of Africa in the year 1805 Thomson,JB Joseph Thomson, african explorer London 1896 (a biography by his brother http://www.op.org/nigeriaop/kenny/nwafr/Bib19Explor.htm | |
31. Travel Writing suddenly everyone wanted to know about the famous explorer. He was a severe criticof the african slave trade Next week mungo park and Alexander von Humboldt. http://www.hku.hk/english/courses2000/2045/week7.htm | |
32. Frommers.com : Destinations : Selkirk : Introduction Selkirk was the hometown of the african explorer mungo park (17711806),whose exploits could have made a great Harrison Ford movie. http://www.frommers.com/destinations/selkirk/2027010001.html | |
33. Park, Mungo park, mungo. Scottish explorer who traced the course of the Niger River 179597.He disappeared and probably drowned during a second african expedition 180506. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0012179.html | |
34. PARK was at once drawn up for the african Association by go to the Niger to ascertain thefate of the explorer. J. Thomsons mungo park and the Niger (London, 1890 http://48.1911encyclopedia.org/P/PA/PARK.htm | |
35. Water Music of the book, entitled Soft White Underbelly, and it captures the intrepid explorer,mungo park, at a distinct disadvantage in the emirate of an african ruler http://www.tcboyle.com/public_htm/music.html | |
36. Travel Writing/Writing Travel The addition of the african subject at the end of the romantic image of the intrepidand singular explorer. I begin with the end of mungo parks Travels in http://www.uiowa.edu/~mmla/abstracts/61a.html | |
37. Mungo Park He was a great explorer, who first went upstream Gambia THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA byM. mungo park, Edinburgh 1797 be among the first object of african industry in http://www.sheabutter.com/USSheaolein/Mungo.htm | |
38. Kayaking To Timbuktu, Writer Sees Slave Trade, More as the lifeblood of the West african nation. Salak's July 2002 trip was inspiredby the journeys of mungo park, the 18thcentury Scottish explorer who is http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/12/1206_021205_salakkayak.html | |
39. Berwick Today Scott's statue overlooks Market Place and at the end of the High Street sits anotherstatue this time of West african explorer mungo park, who was born nearby. http://www.borderstoday.co.uk/Custom_Pages/CustomPage.asp?Page=357 |
40. African Specialist Features And Articles The Gambia At a Glance mungo park, the Scottish explorer who tried to Here, wegive you a glimpse of this West african country. Story by Philip Briggs. http://www.africaguide.com/features/ | |
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