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61. Rothschilds And Palestine, History And The Bible Are Two Different Things - Davi Rothschilds and palestine, history and the Bible are two differentthings. By Tony O'Clery. (First of all let me rebutt last months http://www.davidicke.net/emagazine/vol18/articles/roth-palestine.html | |
62. History Of Palestine The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.eastedge.com/palestine/history.html | |
63. CyberSpace Search! SEARCH THE WEB. Results 1 through 4 of 4 for history of palestine. http://www.cyberspace.com/cgi-bin/cs_search.cgi?Terms=history of palestine |
64. [Upstream] David Horowitz On Palestine's History Upstream David Horowitz on palestine's history. Jim biographer';Next message Upstream David Horowitz on palestine's history; http://www.mugu.com/pipermail/upstream-list/2002-January/004037.html |
65. [Upstream] David Horowitz On Palestine's History Upstream David Horowitz on palestine's history. Albert Himoe ahimoe@soltec.netTue, 15 Jan 2002 232933 0600 Previous message http://www.mugu.com/pipermail/upstream-list/2002-January/004047.html |
66. History Of The State Of Israel printing, downloading, or using you agree to our full terms. Review thefull terms by clicking here. palestine islam history where find. http://ms.essortment.com/palestineislam_rkev.htm | |
67. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = History Of Palestine Jewish, Palestinian, Middle East, middle east peace, peace process, oslo accords,maps, history israel, history palestine, history, geography, refugees http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=History Of Palestine |
68. Forum Discusses Palestine's History Forum discusses palestine's history. BY PAM CURRIE. BRISBANE A November7 forum here heard a member of the local Palestinian community http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/2000/428/428p6c.htm | |
69. Live From Palestine History Repeats Itself history repeats itself. Posted by Arjan El Fassed. (Ram, occupied palestine,25 April 2002) I cannot avoid reading history over and over again. http://electronicintifada.net/diaries/archives/00000161.shtml |
70. PSE Main Page Quotes and summaries, statistics, history, structure. http://www.p-s-e.com/ | |
71. ARIJ - Dryland Farming In Palestine - Table Of Contents Online book describing the crops, practices and history of cultivation in the area, with statistics. http://www.arij.org/pub/dryland/ | |
72. The People Of Palestine tools . Ashhab, Hamzeh 3 Cities, tourism, photos, palestine, history,documents, articles, facts, java stuff, links . Ashi, Mohammad http://www.geocities.com/shabah_88/palestinians.html |
73. Dove Booksellers New Books Brown, John P Ancient Israel and Ancient Greece Religion, Politics, and CultureFrom Subject Category Israel / Syria-palestine - history - Greece - Ancient http://www.dovebook.com/new/product.asp?code=like'443' |
74. Dove Booksellers New Books Ahlstrom, Gosta W history of Ancient palestine From Subject Category PublisherAugsburg Fortress ISBN 0800627709 Binding Paperback List Price $35.00 http://www.dovebook.com/new/product.asp?code=like'440' |
75. British Mandate In Palestine palestine history - 1917-1948. palestine - history - 1917-1948. palestine- history - 1929-1948. palestine - history - Sources - Catalogs. http://www.lib.washington.edu/NearEast/brmanpal.html | |
76. MidEast Web - Brief History Of The Israel-Palestine Conflict A Brief history of the palestineIsrael Conflict from ancient times tothe current events of the peace process and Intifada. http://www.mideastweb.org/briefhistory.htm | |
77. The History And Meaning Of Palestine And Palestinians There is no such thing as palestine in history, absolutely not Professor PhilipHitti, Arab historian to AngloAmerican Committee of Inquiry, 1946 It is http://www.eretzyisroel.org/~jkatz/meaning.html | |
78. The Jerusalem Post - 54th Independence Day Most Crowded Hours in palestine's history. Jewish forces engage the enemyfrom a secure position (photo David Rubringer). (May 16) Between http://info.jpost.com/C002/Supplements/IndependenceDay/crowded_hours.html | |
79. The Palestine Post Internet Edition Sunday May 16, 1948. Jewish forces engage the enemy from a secure position(photo David Rubringer). Most Crowded Hours in palestine's history http://info.jpost.com/1998/Supplements/1948/lead3.html | |
80. History An Introduction to the Palestinian Question. Brief history of palestine. Whoare the Palestinians? Archeology deny the Jewish Claims. Israeli Myths. http://www.ummah.net/unity/palestine/history.htm |
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