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Paleontology Activities Teach: more detail | |||||
81. Mammals Mammals at the Museum of Vertebrate paleontology, Berkeley. Bats in the ClassroomActivities Across the Curriculum bats into the curriculum, to teach about some http://www.theteachersguide.com/Mammals.html |
83. Dinosaur Expedition 2000 of education activity kits that teach science through Science Standards Matrix, classroomactivities, and links about using webbased paleontology in schools. http://www.projectexploration.org/niger2000/links.htm | |
84. Science Netlinks: Science Updates the following vocabulary, and may find paleontology The Big For more activitiesthat engage users in the natural and using gardens to help teach about plants http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/sci_update.cfm?DocID=36 |
85. Lesson Plans Lessons focus on on natural science, geology, history, paleontology, music and art. AlphaBitesActivities to teach the alphabet, including ideas for cooking http://www.cobbk12.org/~instructionaltech/zlesson_plans.htm | |
86. WILLIAM SLATTERY A collaborative Learning Exercise to teach Abstract Concepts teaching Paleontologyby Analogy. Internet to Disseminate Earth Science activities Correlated with http://geology.wright.edu/People/faculty/slattery/slattery.html | |
87. Field Trips & Workshops paleontology of the Virginia Coastal Plain Field Trip elementary schools with handsonactivities to improve a graduate-level course to teach physical science http://www.vast.org/VAST2002/Field_trips.html | |
88. Teacher Page - Activities - CampSilos: The History Center Excursion do you think he enjoyed those activities as an web activity can be used to teachor supplement paleontology The study of ancient life, including plants and http://www.campsilos.org/excursions/hc/one/t2.htm | |
89. Science Resources For Parents Interactive site to teach and experiment Earth a suite of interactive learning activitieson ecology. some of these resources; also on paleontology and fossils http://www.reachoutmichigan.org/parentlinks.html | |
90. Participants every course in the geology curriculum excepting paleontology. like to bring handsonactivities to my I teach English, Oral Communication, Spanish, and Speech http://www.scsc.k12.ar.us/2000TexNatHist/Participants/Default.htm | |
91. Evolution_application_inservice the average class size that you teach? courses specifically titled Evolution, Paleontologyor Historical relevant professional development activities that you http://www.cas.astate.edu/evolution/teach_application.htm | |
92. SEDL - SCRTEC: Database Of K-12 Resources - Science Among other activities students can select questions to receive in real world science activities that go far beyond searching and surfing activities. All projects focus http://www.southcentralrtec.org/talon/subjects/science.html | |
93. Science Lessons For Teachers EBP Rainforest/Curriculum, Rainforest Unit K2 Rainforest activities teachyounger students the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells of rainforests. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Education/Lessons/Science/index1.htm |
94. Dig: New York Archaeology Events Museum organizes inschool and library programs and fields schools designed to teachchildren about Long Island native and colonial life. activities in these http://www.digonsite.com/guide/newyork.html | |
95. Dino Finder Review http://www.gslis.utexas.edu/~kidnet/reviews/dinofind.html | |
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