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Classroom Project Ideas Teach: more detail |
1. Project Ideas Here are some ways in which educators have used AppleWorks to help them integrate technology into their curriculum. This is an interdisciplinary project that incorporates art, science and and area of a square.1. teach the Rain Forest classroom ideas are posted to this web site by their http://scilnet.fortlewis.edu/edtech/project_ideas.htm | |
2. Technology Curriculum Integration Ideas! an idea for a project, a parent or teacher looking BS in Physics. I teach at a private University (See Looking for More Great project ideas? Scientific American's The http://www.remc11.k12.mi.us/bcisd/classres/intideas.htm | |
3. Keys To Successful Telecomputing activities can encompass a wide variety of project ideas, especially projects in accessibleto both teachers and students, classroom telecomputing technologies http://www.gsn.org/teach/articles/keys.2.success.html | |
4. How To Design A Successful Project How to Design a Successful project (c) Yvonne Andres is based on TelecommunicationsIn The classroom Keys to list and projects Registry for some great ideas. http://www.gsn.org/teach/articles/design.project.html | |
5. Project Ideas For Teachers I do a followup project where students set up the same project for students I findusing postcards to be a vital part to my classroom. Next 5 projects ideas. http://www.teach-nology.com/ideas/projects/ | |
6. Math Lesson Plans Suzanne's Mathematics Lessons Web and classroom lessons ideas (Math) - fun and easyideas for elementary The Ultimate Math Lesson Plan- A project-based activity http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/math/ | |
7. EspanOle! Pagina De Los Profesores classroom exchanges at Intercultural EMail classroom Connections; Give Internationalstudent environmental project ideas from I-EARN; teach Spanish through http://www.espanole.org/profes | |
8. Education World® : School Issues : Using Art To Reach And Teach Using Art to Reach and teach. moment in the classroom in the Education World Voiceof Included Modenbach shares sample art project ideas plus a message board http://www.education-world.com/a_issues/issues294.shtml | |
9. ALPS: The Thinking Classroom: Information And Resources Articles published articles written by project Zero associates and inform and activateyour own ideas about how you'll teach thinking in your classroom. http://learnweb.harvard.edu/alps/thinking/info.cfm | |
10. How To Teach Poetry - Online Poetry Classroom Favorite Poem project. Also offers teaching ideas from instructors who have incorporatedthe program high school teachers bring poetry to the classroom, as well http://www.onlinepoetryclassroom.org/how/index.cfm?prmPageID=39 |
11. How To Teach Poetry - Online Poetry Classroom Inspired by Pinsky's Favorite Poem project, students read aloud a On Poetry Night a classroom is converted into a coffee house ideas for methods were supplied http://www.onlinepoetryclassroom.org/how/index.cfm?prmPageID=7 |
12. Izaak Walton League: Hands On Save Our Streams - Teacher's Manual a team of interested teachers and discuss these ideas. By spreading the project outover several classes and that learning does not end outside the classroom. http://www.iwla.org/SOS/catalog/teach.html | |
13. Project Description who carefully observe the world and teach themselves how investigating places andpeople and ideas that are of how the Traveling classroom project is presented http://www.gogreece.com/classroom/projdesc.htm | |
14. Tech4Learning - Resources - Home classroom Tools. Snacks Short tutorials designed to teach specific application skills,justin-time project ideas Now that you've got your Kit or Blender software http://www.tech4learning.com/services/ | |
15. Using The Internet For Language Teaching And Learning Using the Internet for Language teaching and Learning.Category Arts Education teacher Resources teaching Online...... links for using the web to teach aimed at ESL to the web, website evaluation info,student project ideas, good links Internet in the One-Computer classroom. http://languagecenter.cla.umn.edu/lc/surfing/InetTandL | |
16. TeacherNet Subscribe I teach Kinderarten; I teach First; I teach Second; teaching ideas From Each issueof the teachernet Newsletter includes classroom project ideas, and links to http://www.teachernet.com/lists/subscribe.tpl | |
17. Character Education Lesson Ideas Lesson Plan ideas and classroom Activities. ServiceLearning project ideas. CharacterEducation helps ensure that schools teach students what First Lady Laura http://www.pitt.edu/~pace/PROGRAMS/LessonPlans.htm | |
18. USA WEEKEND Magazine a unique opportunity to motivate, inspire and teach. Plus, download classroom guidesfor Teens Music survey help students come up with project ideas, how to http://www.usaweekend.com/classroom/ | |
19. The W.E.B. Du Bois Virtual University classroom. Rereading a World Classic The Souls of Black Folk By WEB Du BoisSYLLABUS. Organize a teachin; Hold a debate. Feedback on Final project ideas. http://members.tripod.com/~DuBois/syll.html | |
20. Tips For Using Songs To Teach Content Area Subjects Students to Write Their Own Chants ideas For Writing the Mozart Effect, and settinga classroom mood. Fulton in the National Writing project Songs, Verse and http://www.songsforteaching.com/TeacherTips.html | |
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