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41. NOAA/ETL/Meteorology/SCOS97 Regional Weather and Climate Applications Division. Southern California ozone StudyNorth America Research Strategy for Tropospheric ozone. (JuneOctober 1997). http://www.etl.noaa.gov/programs/1997/scos97/ | |
42. Meteorology Of Ozone Depletion First Previous Next Last Index Text. Slide 18 of 31. http://www.colby.edu/sts/st215/8.2view/sld018.htm |
43. Meteorology Of Ozone Depletion meteorology of ozone Depletion. The polar winter leads to the formationof the polar vortex which isolates the air within it. Cold http://www.colby.edu/sts/st215/8.2view/tsld018.htm | |
44. AWI: Meteorology Measurements At Koldewey meteorology Measurements at Koldewey. The routine programme consists mainly out of3 parts Upper air soundings including ozone profiles Surface radiation and http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/MET/NyAlesund/ | |
45. AWI: Meteorology Observatory Of Neumayer Station meteorology Observatory of Neumayer Station. The programme was extended to incorporatetwo new main parts upper air ozone soundings were included and the http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/MET/Neumayer/met.html | |
46. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Meteorology United Nations Subjects air quality, atmospheric science, climatology, earth observation,global change, hydrology, meteorology, ozone, weather DeweyClass http://bubl.ac.uk/link/m/meteorology.htm | |
47. Evaluation Of 1995, '96 & '97 Ozone Seasons ozone and meteorology. Ambient ozone concentrations can fluctuate greatly fromyear to year due to changing weather. ozone trends adjusting for meteorology. http://www.baaqmd.gov/planning/resmod/oz96.htm | |
48. Meteorology : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology Research The ozone Hole Tour Illustrated essay documenting the discovery of thehole, recent research and the science of the hole. meteorology Frequently http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/met.html | |
49. Environmental Change : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology depletion, information on Methyl Bromide and an informative ozone depletion glossary. updated08/10/99 © CTI Geography, Geology meteorology, University of http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/envch.html | |
50. Meteorology, Energy, And Air Quality between energy and air quality with a focus on the role of urban meteorology. Impactsof increased urban surface albedo in Sacramento, CA, on ozone air quality http://eetd.lbl.gov/newsletter/nl8/Meteorology.html | |
51. Meteorology Seminars Joint Seminar of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Department of ChemistryChanges in Stratospheric ozone An Update on the Current Status. http://www.met.tamu.edu/seminar_info/ravishankara.html | |
52. CRC For Southern Hemisphere Meteorology of modelling is also an important activity of the meteorology CRC. New methodsare presently being developed for the retrieval of ozone concentrations from http://www.environmentdirectory.com.au/research/crcshm.html | |
53. IOC Ocean Portal : Top > RESEARCH TOPICS > Meteorology A list of NOAA representatives, recent ozonerelated press releases and frequently sitesand online guides to technical subjects in meteorology and remote http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanportal/browse.php3?pg_which=2&cat=574 |
54. Andinia.com - Ozone Depletion. Andinia.com ozone hole, meteorology, the environment and related topics - specialtyportal and search engine dealing with outdoor, travel and adventure http://www.andinia.com/medio_clima_agujero_ozonoen.shtml | |
55. Nat'l Academies Press, Rethinking The Ozone Problem In Urban And Regional Air Po ozone formation, directly determine, formation discussed, discusses aspects, chemicalpollutants, mathematical models, meteorology ozone, includes discussion http://www.nap.edu/books/0309046319/html/93.html | |
56. I S A S / Rockets meteorology. ozone Observations in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere.A series of MT135 type rockets were launched to measure vertical http://www.isas.ac.jp/e/enterp/rockets/sounding/achieve/01.html | |
57. Samoa Meteorology Division - Home Page Talofa lava and welcome to the Samoa meteorology Division's online home. get intothe stratosphere, very rapid reactions that destroy ozone (especially in high http://www.meteorology.gov.ws/ | |
58. Question Of The Week - Samoa Meteorology Division making most of the harmful CFCs we expect the ozone hole will Website designed,developed and maintained by Samoa meteorology Division Copyright © Samoa http://www.meteorology.gov.ws/Education/Q&A/Q1.htm | |
59. Storming Media ozone meteorology relationships were examined using scatterplotsand correlation coefficients. Most of the meteorology variables http://www.stormingmedia.us/cgi-bin/08/0836/A083653-150-3t.php | |
60. Climatology And Meteorology meteorology Federal Meteorological Handbook 1 Table of Contents October 1995. HeatIndex Chart. ozone Depletion ozone Depletion issue and NOAA. Severe Weather http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/internet/climate.html | |
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