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41. ADF&G's Wildlife Notebook Series: Sea Otter In 1867, when Russian exploitation had greatly reduced the numbers of sea otters,Alaska was sold to the United States. sea otters became alarmingly scarce. http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/FISH.GAME/notebook/marine/seaotter.htm | |
42. Sea Otter Home Biology. sea otter floating in a bed of kelp. History. Group of sea otters. CurrentResearch. Available Literature. Remnant population of sea otters. Map of Range. http://www.r7.fws.gov/mmm/seaotter.html | |
43. Sea Otter Biology sea otter floating.sea otters are a member of the weasel family (Mustelidae)and live in the nearshore waters along the North Pacific ocean. http://www.r7.fws.gov/mmm/otter/biology.html | |
44. Pictures Of Sea Otters, Sea Life Pictures, Sea Animal Pictures, Sea Life Photogr And they give my zoo animals a place to live. If you like the pictures .helpkeep it going . SIGN UP TODAY. TGR SOLUTION ZOO. sea LIFE. http://www.theglobalroad.com/zoo/marine1/marine0035.shtml | |
45. OceanInfo: Sea Otters, Enhydra Lutris Based on morphological differences in color, body and skull sizes, three subspeciesof sea otters have been proposed historically El lutris Linn., the http://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/otterpage/otter.html | |
46. OceanLink Answers To Seal, Sea Otter And Manatee Questions ASK A SCIENTIST ANSWERS TO seals, sea Lions, sea otters,Walrus,. Manatees DugongsQUESTIONS. Index to Questions. BACK TO seaL INDEX OR ANSWER FILE. sea otters. http://oceanlink.island.net/ask/seals.html | |
47. The Marine Mammal Center of The Marine Mammal Center is to rescue and humanely treat ill, injured, or orphanedmarine mammals including seals, sea lions, sea otters, dolphins and whales http://www.tmmc.org/learning/education/mammalinfo/seaotter.asp | |
48. California Sea Otters California sea otters. Counts made since 1983 have increased at about 5%6%per year. In spring 1993, 2,239 California sea otters were counted. Fig. http://biology.usgs.gov/s t/noframe/c262.htm |
49. Sea Otters In The North Pacific Ocean sea otters in the North Pacific Ocean. Today more than 100,000 sea ottersoccur throughout about 75% of their original range (Fig. 1b). http://biology.usgs.gov/s t/noframe/s043.htm |
50. Vancouver Aquarium - AquaFacts Sea Otters I Enhydra Lutris /i AquaFacts sea otters Enhydra lutris. Where do sea otters live? How manysea otters are there? British Columbia 2,500 to 3,000 sea otters. http://www.vanaqua.org/Visitor_Information/AquaFacts/Sea_Otters.htm |
51. Sea Otter Campaign For The Los Cerritos Wetlands MPA Wetlands are favorite places for sea otters to hang out. sea otters canfind abundant food sources, especially clams, in cleanedup wetlands. http://www.sea-otters.org/ | |
52. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries http://library.thinkquest.org/J0111704/ | |
53. Sea Otters! sea otters. Southern sea Otter Facts. Scientific Name Enhydra lutris, or Enhydralutris nereis. In the year 1920 sea otters were believed to be extinct. Senses http://www.monterey.k12.ca.us/~drey/ptlobos/otters.html | |
54. Defenders Of Wildlife - Wildlife - Sea Otters CONSERVING sea OTTER POPULATIONS WORLDWIDE. sea otters. Only three lutris).Southern sea otters are found only in California. Northern http://www.defenders.org/wildlife/new/seaotters.html | |
55. Defenders Of Wildlife - Wildlife - Sea Otters - California This area is referred to as the parent range. Because these sea otters livedso close to oil tanker traffic, a major goal of the recovery plan was to http://www.defenders.org/wildlife/new/marine/otters/ca/overview.html | |
56. Where Have All The Sea Otters Gone? Sketch an Aleutian coastal ecosystem food web showing the relationships amongorcas, sea lions, harbor seals, sea otters, sea urchins, and kelp. http://www.riverdeep.net/current/2000/06/front.150600.otter.jhtml | |
57. Stuffed Otters : Sea Otter : Sea Life : All Plush : Stuffed Plush Animals All Plush carries several types of otters. sea Otter is one item thatcan be found under sea Life. Made by Purrfection. Home Stuffed http://www.allplush.com/storefront/242.html | |
58. More About Sea Otters Without sea otters, sea urchins can become so numerous that they mow downkelp forests where fish and shellfish live, leaving a barren sea floor. http://www.dolphinlog.org/creatures/otter2.htm | |
59. AGPix.com Photographers Specializing in otters, sea The following photographershave listed this term in their stocklist as a specialty. Click http://www.agpix.com/search_index.php?index_id=9293 |
60. CM Magazine: Sea Otters. sea otters. Bobbie Kalman. Niagaraon-the Lake, ON Crabtree Publishing Company,l997. *** /4. excerpt What are sea otters? sea otters are mammals. http://www.umanitoba.ca/cm/vol6/no12/seaotters.html | |
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