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Oceanography Assoc & Org: more detail |
41. DATABASE; JOURNAL NAME ABBREVIATION, ISSN NUMBER AND COVERAGE 1195 Full_name Journal of oceanography in Taiwan Straits/Taiwan Haixia 1198 Full_nameJournal of organic Chemistry Abb_name J. org. Chem. Med. assoc. http://www.bioscience.org/atlases/jourabbr/joz.htm | |
42. Inne www.wh.whoi.edu/noaa.html National Shellfisheries assoc http//www oceania.org/Oceanic Resource Foundation - http//www.orf.org/ oceanography Society - http http://nautica.com.pl/links/inne/inne.html |
43. NAME Behavioral Science, 2498811, 879-4921, dwayne@pacificwhale.org, Alice Scheuer, HIPsychological assoc. of oceanography-UHM, oceanography, 956-6827, 956-7112, jane@soest http://www.hawaii.edu/acadsci/hssef/mentors.html | |
44. Professional Organizations- RockWare Geology Links org/ To promote the interests of limnology and oceanography and related EnvironmentalScience Engineering http//www.blasker.org Given for Canadian assoc. http://www.rockware.com/portal/prof.html | |
45. The NOAA's Satellite Imaging FAQs http//edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/landdaac.html JPL DAAC (oceanography) http//podaac etcIEEE Geoscience/Remote Sensing http//www.ieee.org/grs/index assoc. http://www.earthscape.org/t1/noa08/noa08c.html |
46. Nat'l Academies Press, The National Academy Of Sciences: (1978), 17. Academy Cen frederick, society, final, assoc, recommended, marked, six brooks, director, congressional,org, issues, session mars, broad, oceanography, projected, authority http://www.nap.edu/books/0309025184/html/565.html | |
47. CAS Standard Abbreviations angiography metallography bibliography micrography biography oceanography cardiographypetrography cholecystography photography unimol. org. associate assoc. http://www.cas.org/ONLINE/standards.html | |
49. Aquatic Network: Limnology & Oceanography Products & Services ECOsystems Management assoc., Inc Email pWirnsperger@t-online.de Subcategory OceanographyConsulting. buchheim@xtalwind.net URL http//www.marinebiology.org. http://www.aquanet.com/products/dir_ocn.htm | |
50. San Diego Source > Locales, San Diego Source > Locales 760)2681199; entrepreneurs@venturedinner.org Cost No organization American BusinessWomen's assoc. Scripps Institution of oceanography/Birch Aquarium When http://www.sddt.com/Community/category.cfm?Com_ID=30&Cat_ID=6 |
51. Coral Reef Bleaching Proc. assoc. Mar. Lab. Limnology and oceanography 3413311335. Kushmaro A, LoyaY, Fine M, Rosenberg E (1996) Bacterial infection and coral bleaching. http://www.marinebiology.org/coralbleaching.htm | |
52. Seaturtle.org - Contact List Di Carlo, Giuseppe Southampton oceanography Centre, UK Nanyang Techological University,assoc Professor Diong changed please contact webmaster@seaturtle.org. http://www.seaturtle.org/people/?index=D |
53. Forumjam's Listing Of World Societies And Associations http//www.tos.org/, oceanography Society, oceanography, http//www.cybercervus.com/assoc/obaexec.html,Ontario http//www.ontariocorn.org, Ontario Corn Producers http://www.forumjam.co.uk/societies/alpha/o1.htm | |
54. Science Microbes. Microbe Zoo http//commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/dlcme/zoo. oceanography. http//www.marine-ed.org/.National Science Teachers assoc. http//www.nsta.org/. http://www.fairfield.k12.ct.us/fairfieldwoods/c_fairfieldwoods/20/science math w | |
55. CESUM-BS Structure: Steer Group 40 08; fax +331 45 68 58 12; email u.unluata@unesco.org. Collins - School of Oceanand Earth Science, Southampton oceanography Centre, University Dr. assoc. http://www.io-bas.bg/cesum-bs/indexstructuresteeringgroup.htm | |
56. EHC SEJ RTNDF TipSheet August 1, 2001 Researchers from the Scripps Institution of oceanography contend that overfishing AmericanDental assoc. Leslee Williams, 312440-2592, williamsle@ada.org. http://www.nsc.org/ehc/jrn/tips/tip153.htm | |
57. BIO Assoc. Newsletter - July, 2002 in the summer of 2000 when the Bedford Institute of oceanography's Archives Researcher consultthe following web page http//www.friendsamis.org/fact22.html http://www.bedfordbasin.ca/NewsLtrs/16_JUL22/016newJUL22.html | |
58. BIO Assoc. Newsletter - April, 2002 jobs, people whose contributions belie their place on the orgchart; Peter Resourcesout of the world renowned Bedford Institute of oceanography in Dartmouth http://www.bedfordbasin.ca/NewsLtrs/15_APR22/015newAPR22.html | |
59. INTERNET ADDRESSES (URL'S) FOR EARTH SCIENCE NOTE Because Of The http//www.tornadoproject.com, Tornados. http//www.tos.org, oceanography Society/Mag. Foundation.http//www.nsta.org/, Nat. assoc. http//www.sciencegems.com, Sci. http://www.union-city.k12.nj.us/curr/science/urlearth.html | |
60. CBE News Update - April 1999 with Dr. Gill Geesey, through funding provided by the Biological oceanography Programof register using a special form located at www.ercassoc.org/iab-members1 http://www.erc.montana.edu/Res-Lib99-SW/newsarchives/HTML/1999/vol2-4_April99.ht | |
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