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21. GNA - Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Information, This course was intended for students who want to learnmore about objectoriented programming. Concepts presented are http://www.gnacademy.org/text/cc/ | |
22. GNA OOP/C++ -- Material Introduction to objectoriented programming Using C++ COURSE MATERIALTutorial, The course is based on an online tutorial which is http://www.gnacademy.org/text/cc/material.html | |
23. Bibliographies On Object-Oriented Programming And Systems Bibliographies on objectoriented programming and Systems. 285, Proceedingsof the European Conference on object-oriented programming (ECOOP), (1999). http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Object/ | |
24. Journal Of Object-Oriented Programming - ADTmag.com Complimentary site to the magazine "Journal of object-oriented programming". Offers OOP-related Category Computers Programming Languages Object-Oriented Magazines...... Search ADT. JOOP, The Journal of objectoriented programming was foundedin 1987, and continued to publish through the fall of 2001. http://www.adtmag.com/joop/index.asp | |
25. Object-Oriented Programming OOP. http://www.adahome.com/9X/OOP-Ada9X.html | |
26. Ruby Home Page Interpreted, dynamically typed, pure object-oriented, scripting language for fast, easy programming, Category Computers Programming Languages Ruby......The objectoriented programming Language RubyRubyProgrammers' Best Friend. Language http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ | |
27. Addison-Wesley The book provides an introduction to and overview of component software. Covers MS (D)COM(+), OMG CORBA, IBM SOM as well as more theoretical programming language aspects. By Clemens Szyperski, AddisonWesley. http://cseng.aw.com/book/0,3828,0201178885,00.html | |
28. Blue - A System To Teach OO Programming Article by John Rosenberg and Michael K ouml;lling at OOPSLA97 Workshop. http://www.cs.arizona.edu/people/mercer/design/kolling.html | |
29. PEVE - Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Through SELF Describes Manchester University (UK) course gives broad knowledge of OO approach, major concepts in OO system development, differences between many OO languages. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/peve/Courses/oops-self.html | |
30. Reflection In Logic, Functional And Object-oriented Programming: A Short Compara From Department of Data Processing and Operations Research, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/106401.html | |
31. Ecoop 2002 Web Site 16th European Conference on objectoriented programmingUniversity of Málaga, Spain June 10-14, 2002. Welcome. http://www.ecoop2002.lcc.uma.es/ | |
32. ECOOP 2001 15th European Conference on objectoriented programming (supported by the Association Internationale Category Computers Computer Science Conferences 2001...... http://ecoop2001.inf.elte.hu/ | |
33. Object Oriented Programming In C Paul Field's fine, clear paper, published in C Vu 41 (November 1991), on how to use an object-like Category Computers Programming Languages Object-Oriented......objectoriented programming in C. by Paul Field. paul.field@dial.pipex.com. The firstthing to do is to learn some of the jargon of object-oriented programming. http://www.accu.org/acornsig/public/articles/oop_c.html | |
34. Evolutionary Delivery - The Road To Success In Object-Oriented Development A short article on the essential points of Evo and its application to objectoriented programming. http://web.ftech.net/~honeyg/articles/ed.htm |
35. Object-oriented Programming - Webopedia.com objectoriented programming Object orientation FAQ A table of contents provideslinks to many different aspects of object oriented programming. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/O/object_oriented_programming_OOP.html | |
36. A Logic-Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Language Article Rafael Ramirez. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Tools/Reports/Abstracts/1996-ramirez.html | |
37. How Object-Oriented Programming Started It gives a brief description of some key facts about the early history ofobjectoriented programming. How object-oriented programming Started. http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~kristen/FORSKNINGSDOK_MAPPE/F_OO_start.html | |
38. Building Object-Oriented Applications In Flash 5 In depth and entertaining tutorial on building Object-Oriented Applications in Flash 5.Category Computers Multimedia Flash and Shockwave Tutorials......This will be an attempt to explain what objectoriented programming is, why it isuseful, and how it may apply to programs you make in Flash 5. It assumes you http://www.debreuil.com/docs/ch01_Intro.htm | |
39. Welcome To The Ege Family's Activity Page Experimental objectoriented programming language; looks and feels much like the original Smalltalk, adds features to specify access to object detail. http://tools.fiu.edu/ | |
40. Contents - Object-Oriented Actionscript Chapter 1 Just What is objectoriented programming? Chapter 2 Building Something.Chapter 3 The Application Part. Chapter 4 Patterns to Live By. http://www.debreuil.com/docs/ | |
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