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101. The Government Of Norway Provides Its Citizens With Internet- The government of norway Provides Its Citizens with Internetbased Public AdministrationServices. norway Streamlines government Processes by Going Online. http://www.opengroup.org/comm/case-studies/norway.htm |
102. PKI Government Forum 5 / 18 norway. PKI in government Status in norway. Katarina de Brisis. TheNorwegian law on electronic signatures was passed by parliament http://www.cio-dpi.gc.ca/pki-icp/wrk-w-othrs/othr-countr/forum/forum05_e.asp |
103. Political Resources On The Net - Norway 23 Official Documentation and Information from norway ODIN is the central webserverfor the Norwegian government, the Office of the Prime Minister and the http://www.politicalresources.net/norway3.htm |
104. World Travel Guide - Norway - History Government World Travel Guide norway - History government - includes informationon the constitution and politics. WORLDTRAVELGUIDE.NET, http://www.travel-guide.com/data/nor/nor580.asp |
105. Government Website Results Linkspider UK international issues in norway. ODIN norway The official information website of the Norwegian government. norway Post - Information about http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Regional/Europe/Norway/Government/ |
106. Untitled Document norway has adopted a multifaceted strategy for allocating its assistance Ms. Johnsonadministers, which has no analogue in the American federal government. http://www.internationalspecialreports.com/europe/99/norway/government/ |
107. CCINFO/AIJ GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY NATIONAL PROGRAMME ON UNDER THE PILOT PHASE. The government of norway. Oslo, 10 June 1997.1. Designated national authority for activities implemented jointly. http://unfccc.int/program/coop/aij/aijprog/aij_pnor.html |
108. Tagish's Directory Of UK Central Government Web Sites Telematics and the Information Society World government bullet Worldwide EmbassiesTechnical Links Directory of Embassies Worldwide Embassies of norway http://www2.tagish.co.uk/Links/WesternEurope/Norway/Embof.htm |
109. Traveljournals.net - Government Of Norway long form Kingdom of norway conventional short form norway local long form KongeriketNorge local short form Norge. government type constitutional monarchy. http://www.traveljournals.net/countries/government.asp?c=no |
110. IMFDissemination Standards Bulletin BoardNorway General norway General government or public sector operations (General governmentrevenue and expenditure/Offentlig forvaltnings inntekter og utgifter). http://dsbb.imf.org/country/nor/ggobase.htm |
111. MapZones.com Economy Accordingly, norway has been saving its oilboosted budget surpluses in a GovernmentPetroleum Fund, which is invested abroad and now is valued at more than http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/norway/economyindex.php |
112. North Atlantic University Alliance Alliance of universities, the private sector and governments from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom on the North Atlantic Rim. http://www.tradepost-chat.com/co/naua/ |
113. Nordic Institute Of Asian Studies An international research institute funded by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, norway and Sweden. Features current research, publications, links to related sites, and contact details. http://nias.ku.dk |
114. Informasjon Fra Regjeringen Og Departementene Dette er en alvorlig og trist dag, sier statsministeren etter angrepetpå Irak - Krig har brutt ut i Irak, men Norge er ikke i krig. http://odin.dep.no/odin/norsk/index-b-n-a.html |
115. Norge.no - Startsiden Veiviser for offentlige tjenester og informasjon.Category World Norsk Regionalt Europa Norge Myndigheter......norge.no, Tekstversjon. Avansert søk. Stat og kommune. Kongehuset. Stortinget.Sametinget. Regjeringen. Departementene. Direktorat og tilsyn. Fylkesmennene. http://www.norge.no/ |
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